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French and Dutch Governments signed treaty to identify border lines.

~ Working committee will be established to work on better cooperation.~

damantinjacobs26052023PHILIPSBURG/MARIGOT:--- Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs Honorable Ms. Silveria Jacobs announces the successful conclusion of extensive discussions related to the border between Sint Maarten and Saint-Martin. The dialogues were aimed at fostering mutual understanding and cooperation and after diplomatic negotiations, an agreement was reached on a new treaty that will define the shared border on the island. The official signing ceremony took place today, Friday, May 26, 2023 at the border Monument in Belvedere/Belle Plaine.

Prime Minister Jacobs signed the treaty, on behalf of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Minister of Interior Gerard Darmanin signed on behalf of the French Republic. The official signing ceremony was attended by high-ranking officials from both governments, including the Governor. The former Governor, former Lieutenant Governors, as well as former Prime Ministers; and the French Overseas Minister Jean-François Carenco; President of the Collectivité of Saint-Martin, Mr. Louis Mussington; and Préfet of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin, Mr. Vincent Berton, was present at the signing. Representatives of the consular and diplomatic corps, residing on the island, were also present.

The event served as a testament to the positive and constructive dialogue that has taken place between the two nations, setting a precedent for future collaborations. In addition to the signing, the ceremony featured speeches highlighting the significance of this milestone and the potential it holds for the advancement of bilateral relations. In attendance were media representatives, witnessing this historic moment first-hand.

Following the signing of the treaty, both parties anticipate a smooth implementation of the agreed-upon measures, which will promote increased cooperation and facilitate more effective dialogue, thereby strengthening the bonds of friendship and understanding between the people of the island.

dignitariestreaty26052023“I am immensely pleased to announce the successful signing of this border treaty. The outcome fills me with satisfaction and optimism for the future. Through diplomatic dialogue and collaboration, we have achieved a mutually beneficial agreement that fosters peace, stability, and cooperation with Saint Martin. This treaty's signing is not a means of division or just a symbolic gesture; it is a testament to dialogue, compromise, and unity. It signals an era of cooperation, where map lines no longer divide us,” said Prime Minister Jacobs.

The Prime Minister continued, “I commend the dedication and hard work of the negotiating team, both from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Foreign Relations, who represented The Kingdom with professionalism and resolve. This agreement demonstrates our commitment to resolving differences through peaceful means and finding common ground for the collective prosperity of our citizens. Together, we embark on a new era of collaboration and shared progress, solidifying our position as a nation that values peace, diplomacy, and positive engagement with our family to the North.”

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