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Residents of Guana Bay/ Dawn Beach Area on High Alert due to lone gunman targeting residents --- Residents said that police is hiding the cases of several armed robberies that were reported.

armedrobberyfillin13082012PHILIPSBURG: --- Residents of Guana Bay, Red Pond, Tamarind Hill, Dawn Beach, and Oyster Pond areas are now on high alert as they are preparing to catch a lone gunman who have been entering homes during the high daylight hours and attack residents. The residents of the area have been using WhatsApp, emails and other source of communication to keep residents aware of the amount of armed robberies that took place in that area in recent weeks. One resident told SMN News that on Monday a female resident was attacked and robbed in her home. “The gunman placed his gun on the victim’s forehead as he proceeded to rob her. Several other neighbors had to console the woman who was seen crying outside of her home after the robbery.”
On Friday afternoon residents of Tamarind Hill reported an armed robbery while there was a break-in on Mandara with similar incidents in the Oyster Pond area.
An email sent to the residents stated that there was an attempted break in by three people at the arches at 11pm the night before. This attempted break in took place while guests were inside the premises. The residents of the area said that the bandits cut the alarm system before the attempt and they attempted to break into the master bedroom where the guests were but they were unsuccessful.
“There was an actual armed robbery at the Lovisi (Oyster Pond) on Friday afternoon in broad day light while owners were present. The description is of a young dark skinned man with a backpack dressed normal. He does not speak French and has tape and rope with him. He targets occupied villas where the owners are present to rob them. Please be aware and put your neighbors on this distribution list. Make sure you have the number of the security gate at hand. Can someone circulate the current numbers of our security and let us know if there is something odd to report.”
One of the residents who spoke to SMN News said that while police are present on the scene when these robberies takes place they are not reported in the media so that the community can assist them in catching the person or persons responsible for these armed robberies. The resident said that based on the current trend there will be a killing in Guana Bay and other areas because its either residents will protect themselves or the intruder will kill someone while in the process of committing a robbery.”
It should be noted that while this has been going on for weeks and latest on Friday KPSM did not report these incidents.

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