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Dear Editor,

We would like to know where the police unions are. What are they doing?
Is it because the Minister of Justice is intimidating them? Or is it because they are afraid of him?
Or is it because he promised the union leader, M., the position of head of our customs department and also promised the treasurer of the NAPB Union, Miss J. P., that he would give her a scale of 10 or 11?
When our Minister of Justice Ana Richardson was there, they always were quick to chant touch one, touch all.
However, this minister of Justice removed C.R. from his position at the already understaffed armed robbery department of the police force to have him transport prisoners, all because he said someone told him that C.R. said something about him being corrupt. Then we ask ourselves, who disrespects the Minister of Justice Ana Richardson more than Mr. Lewis himself openly? This is the same Minister who stated that he cannot be hearsay and that things are not factual, but how is the situation with C.R. factual?
What is the minister of justice using to measure with?
Then we have the case of Miss L.G. from the national detectives; the union again remained quiet. It became clearer from this that the union is not on the side of us, the members.
The Minister of Justice further weakens departments by placing his friends in places and giving them new scales. Crime is on the rise, and the Minister chose to remove someone from within the heavy crimes department within the police force, where it's very much needed now with all of these shootings, only to place her in a department where she was not needed. Still, because it's his best friend, he arranged it. He placed her in a department where she was exposed to a lot of information while she was on the board of the NOW party. So figure it out: if there is an investigation into anyone in that party, she will have that information firsthand.
Again, where is the Union in this matter? A sleep? If it were Minister A. Richardson, they would have already called for a strike, meeting, or even a go-slow.
Minister Lewis decided to bring some officers from KPSM back to work, which is good for some because it gives them a second chance. But what about Officer D., who admitted that he is a drug abuser, and yet the Minister brought him back? Now we understand that Union leader M received a voice note from D. indicating that he will come and shoot and kill high-ranking officers, who, at this moment, are now working from home for their own safety. Again, where is the Union in this matter?
Since the Minister took office, how many national decrees has he given out? He promised our unions that he would give out 50 per week, but we have not had any in months. All that was given was what Minister A. Richardson did. The promise was that everyone should have received their decree.
However, Minister Lewis ensured he received his decree and back pay without a national decree. He also made sure that his friends received their decrees.
What happened to the other civil servants that fall under his jurisdiction?

This Minister Lewis has not addressed our issues at the prison or the customs department. How is he the people's minister? He visited the prison, just too grandstand since his best friend returned to work after years of being out sick and is feeding him information about the prison's management team. Because she wants to be head of the prison.
Ask the minister of Justice what deal he made with O'Neil Arrindell, who just reported to prison, to sit out his 40-month prison sentence. Why did he promise 0? Arrindell that he would get him out of prison for his votes to get him elected again. Or is it because it's his family member?
Does the Minister of Justice know what he can or should not do?
What is going on with our function book? Is the police function book only important? What is going on at the customs department within the management team? Where is the acting head? When will these be heard? So many are out sick, and we are suffering silently.
I guess we will see the Minister of Justice come up with a next political stunt to try and save the day just to get votes. Be careful of the wolf in sheep's clothing; he is not who he pretends to be.

Signed, concerned prison guards/ customs officers/ CIVIL SERVANTS

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