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Free resume and cover letter workshop to be facilitated by Mr. Mose Harris IV.

~Collaboration between SSSD and USM~

mosesharris10072021PHILIPSBURG:---The Student Support Services Division (SSSD) of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in collaboration with the University of St. Martin (USM) will be offering a free resume and cover letter writing workshop facilitated by Professional Development Consultant Mr. Mose Harris IV on Wednesday, July 14, 2021.
This workshop will be held at USM in rooms 202-203 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The general public is invited to this event.
Mr. Mose Harris IV has over 10 years of resume writing experience and has conducted over 300 workshops and over 400 resume write-ups. He is the owner of the United States based MH4 Professional Development Service which provides consultation services, outreach and recruitment efforts, career prep workshops, resume writing assistance and personal career coaching.
According to the organizers, this is the first time that Mr. Harris will be on the island and they are very happy that he can offer his services to persons on the island in this setting. They added that this is an opportunity for persons who are seeking employment or persons who are underemployed to upgrade their resumes and cover letters and get professional advice. Recent graduates who are seeking entry-level jobs can also benefit from this workshop.
Mr. Harris in his biography notes that he “prides himself on providing the best career advice possible and feels a strong foundational work ethic is the first step to getting noticed by employers. He believes the most incredible on-the-job accomplishments should be aligned with the employer’s mission thereby increasing the value of the employee. He has seen far too often eager professional’s skillsets being undervalued and overlooked by employers because they are not easily tied to the employer’s mission. He helps individuals effectively capture the knowledge and skills gained through employment, to showcase their potential for greatness in the eyes of company leadership.”
Persons interested should register in advance since space will be limited, the organizers noted, while indicating that due to the pandemic there is a social distancing requirement. Persons interested can call Mr. Michel Chance at SSSD at Tel 543-1235 to register for this free workshop. Participants are also advised to be on time and bring their own writing utensils when attending this event. Participants are also required to wear masks and to sanitize according to established protocols.

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