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KPCN controls St. Eustatius.

In recent days, controls have been carried out on St. Eustatius in order to check compliance with the measure of agglomeration mentioned in the emergency ordinance. On Sunday, April 12th, a group of people who were BBQ-ing on the beach at the Orange Bay were asked to leave. Three people were also asked to leave Gallows Bay.
On Monday, April 13th, a number of people were asked to leave during the patrol along the Oranjebaai and Zeelandia beaches. On Thursday, April 16th, during a patrol, several people were checked and requested to leave in compliance with the emergency ordinance,
at a supermarket on the John E. Marsroad and at a minimarket at the Dr. H.A. Korthalsweg.

On Thursday, April 16th, theft out of a car parked on the Vincent A. Lopes Road, was reported. Unknown people have broken a side window consisting of a plastic flap and have, among other things, removed a sound system.

In recent days, controls have been carried out on Saba in order to check the compliance with the measure of agglomeration of the emergency ordinance. On Sunday, April 12th, 3 people were warned not to go outside the house. On Wednesday, April 15th, 3 people were warned about being illegally out on public roads.

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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x