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ILO to hold Technical Training Workshop on Cooperatives in Guyana.

The Government of Guyana recognizes the important role of cooperatives in the creation of jobs, especially as the country plans to accelerate its economic diversification. This was reiterated in the recently signed Decent Work Country Programme among tripartite constituents in Guyana. It is against this background that the International Labour Organization Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean (DWT/O-POS), in collaboration with the Department of Cooperatives, Ministry of Social Protection and other key stakeholders in the cooperative movement, will deliver a technical training programme in Guyana from 26-28 June 2018.
Over the period 1970-2000, cooperatives made a significant contribution to the country’s development. However, the focus then turned to sole trader businesses and cooperatives were somewhat neglected. The ILO views cooperatives as important in improving the living and working conditions of women and men globally as well as making essential infrastructure and services available. Moreover, cooperatives have the potential to advance the concept of decent work. For the cooperative sector to make a strong economic and social contribution, it needs to be supported by a sound institutional infrastructure.
The training will be held at the Tower Suites Hotel in Georgetown and will be opened by the Minister with responsibility for Labour within the Ministry of Social Protection, the Honourable Keith Scott.
The programme aims to strengthen the skills of staff of the Department of Cooperatives and the Board of Management of Cooperative Societies. Areas that will be covered include broader policy setting as well as more management related topics such as regulation, auditing, inspection upon completion of in data collection.
The workshop will be facilitated by Mr Kelvin Sergeant, ILO Sustainable Enterprise and Job Creation Specialist.

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