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Armed robberies under investigation.

armedrobberyfillin13082012PHILIPSBURG:--- The Special Robbery Unit is investigating an armed robbery which took place on Friday, November 17th at approximately 07.30 p.m. at Defiance Night Club. According to the victim, he was attacked by three unknown men as he was about to enter into his car to leave. One of these men threatened him with a gun while the other two robbed him of his telephones, his jewelry, and cash. After committing this act the suspects fled the scene on foot.
The Special Robbery Unit is also investigating an armed robbery which took place on Saturday, November 18th at approximately 02.00 p.m. at Johnny II Supermarket located on Arch Road in Sucker garden. The victim stated that he was sitting behind the counter at the cash register when the suspect came into the establishment. The suspect came up to the cashier and pulled out a firearm. He aimed the firearm at the victim and threatened to use weapon if all the money was not handed over. Fearing for his life the victim handed the suspect an undisclosed amount of cash after which the suspect left the scene on foot. Police patrols and Detectives were sent to the scene to investigate this case. The area was searched by police but the suspect was not found.
As a preventive measure, the Special Unit Robbery is asking the entire community and mainly all business owners or managers to take all necessary measures to prevent becoming a victim of crime. They should exercise precautions to ensure the safety and security of their employees and their business. The Police Department offers the following safety tips:
Tips to prevent street robberies:

  • Avoid dark areas, dark areas form a risk because most robbers tend to rob people in dark areas
  • Don’t go to the ATM during dark hours, plan ahead and get your cash during safer times
  • Avoid carrying a lot of cash and other valuables
  • Trust your instincts, if you sense trouble, get away as soon as possible
  • Take a cab instead of walking home. If you have to walk, take some company along with you
  • Be very alert and observant
  • Keep your money close to you, preferably not in a purse that hangs free from your hand
  • Don’t advertise; don’t wear expensive or fancy looking jewelry
  • Install apps like ‘find my phone’ or ‘find my mobile’ on your Smartphone
  • Make a note of the unique IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identification) number of your cell phone. If it gets stolen, the police will be able to search in databases. You can find this number by typing *#06# on your cell phone, the IMEI number should pop up on the screen.

When, in spite of the abovementioned tips, a robbery does take place, here are some things you can do to make it easier for the police to catch the robber:

  • Stay calm
  • Don’t be a hero, your life is worth more than your money
  • Take a good look at the robber. Make mental notes about the robber. Give the dispatcher all the details you can remember about the robber(s) so the police patrols on the street can start an investigation immediately
  • Note the direction of the robber when he leaves
  • Try to get a description of the vehicle, if the robber uses one
  • Call 911 as soon as possible
  • If there are any witnesses, ask them to remain with you until the police arrive. If they can’t, get their name, address and phone number
  • Go to the nearest police station to file a report
  • Call the emergency number of your credit card company or bank, they can freeze your credit
  • Log on to your ‘find my phone’ service, try to locate the phone and tell the police about your findings

The Police Department is also asking the community to help combat and prevent crime by sharing information with police. The police cannot fight crime alone and needs the assistance from the community to do so.

Police retrieve firearm.
dqfirearm21112017DUTCH QUARTER:--- On Friday, November 17th at approximately 09.10 p.m., a unit from the police department was directed to Manila Drive after there were reports of shots being fired in the vicinity of Marina bar. While approaching the scene the investigating officers saw three men hastily walking towards the back of the bar. The patrol attempted to make contact with these men however they took-off running in different directions. A foot chase started through the neighbor hood streets. During the chase, one of the officers saw when the suspect he was chasing threw an object over the wall while he continued fleeing.
After a while, the officers stopped the foot-chase. A search of the area where the suspects was seen throwing an object was done. During this search a Glock .40 caliber pistol was found and confiscated. No suspect was arrested as yet in this case.

Fatal traffic accident.
SIMPSON BAY:--- The investigation into the cause of the death of a two years old infant who was ran over by a car on Sunday, November 19th at approximately 01.30 p.m. in the parking area of Buccaneers Beach Bar and which was conducted by the police traffic department has resulted to be an unfortunate “traffic accident”. The victim was struck by a car while the driver was reversing but could not see him. The child was treated on the scene by paramedics, but was passed away at approximately 02.45 p.m. later that day.

After the in-depth investigating at the scene of the accident and questioning of the driver of the vehicle no indications of any reckless driving behavior or other negative intentions were found.
Deepest sympathy from the Police Department (KPSM) goes out to the family and friends of the deceased.

KPSM Police Report

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