The Island Government's Sector Economy & Tourism is planning to meet with the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry on Monday to discuss how the Island Government will be handling the potential economic crisis as a direct consequence of the international financial crisis and the USA forecasted recession. The Island Government is looking at putting mechanisms in place in order to cushion any shocks.

On Monday a similar meeting will be taking place in Barbados - national economic consultation. The Barbados Prime Minister David Thompson says that 2009 could potentially be a very difficult year with reductions in revenue from the international business sector and possibly tourism.

The talks in Barbados will focus on how that island nation would market itself in tourism, international business and other areas; how Barbados would work with the thousands of overseas-based Barbadians to continue assisting in the country's economic development; and thirdly, to look at physical development issues such as environmental concerns, land use policy, use of water resources and alternative energy.

At the Sixth International Tourism Forum for Parliamentarians and Local Authorities held in the Philippines last week that brought together close to 400 representatives from 78 countries, in part of a resolution issued last Friday, request the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) to instruct the "Resilience Committee," of the UN World Tourism Organization to give urgent attention to all appropriate measures that could assist countries regarding the negative impacts the present financial crisis may have on their tourism industries.

This demonstrates that various organizations are developing strategies to deal with the direct and indirect of the global financial crisis. The Director-General of the International Labour Office (ILO) Juan Somavia in a statement to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, says that the crisis of the international financial system has grave consequences for businesses, workers and families around the world. This comes on top of high food and fuel prices, and the effects are provoking a slide into a recession that unless averted by prompt and coordinated government actions could be severe, long lasting and global. The global financial crisis could increase world unemployment by an estimated 20 million women and men according to the ILO.

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is prepared to accelerate loans to finance projects and enhance social programmes and approve up to US$12 billion in 2009, up from about US$10 billion this year. The IDB is setting up a new fast-disbursing US$6 billion liquidity facility to help Latin American and Caribbean economies sustain growth in the face of the global financial crisis.

In addition, the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) has announced a liquidity facility of US$1.5 billion and the Latin American Fund of Reserves (FLAR) has offered US$1.8 billion as part of its liquidity arrangements. Similar facilities are also being offered by the IMF and the World Bank.

Our island nation is not allowed to borrow. This authority within the constellation of the Netherlands Antilles only belongs to the Central Government and Curacao. The Island Government of St. Maarten for years has been trying to get this authority but to no avail. Independent nation states have the possibility to tap into credit facilities to help them go though this challenging period which could last up to two years.

We haven't heard anything from the Central Government which St. Maarten has representation within the coalition with respect to how they view the international financial crisis and what contingency plans are being developed. The Central Government is cash strapped and is awaiting the formalization of debt relief from Holland as a Kingdom partner. This debt relief which also includes the other four islands is tied to the constitutional restructuring process.

Today, the global financial crisis has presented serious challenges for tourism based economies. The indirect impact due to the crisis we expect will be a direct impact. The St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association (SHTA) stated last week that hotel bookings for the upcoming high season are already down by 20 to 30 per cent. This is not good news and contingency planning is necessary.

The Dutch Government has taken a number of measures to mitigate any impact on its banking system. One such measure was the takeover of the Fortis Bank to the tune of 16.8 billion euros. The measure was taken due to the current exceptional circumstances and in the interests of account holders and other parties concerned.

Dutch Prime Minister Balkenende and Minister of Finance Bos are of the opinion that the government is obliged to step in on behalf of citizens due to the potential impact on the (Dutch) real economy constituting another important reason why the takeover was necessary and that it will contribute to the continued proper functioning of vital financial functions of the Dutch economy.

The Dutch Government is also maintaining close contact with the European Union partners. The question is, has the Dutch Government inquired with its Kingdom partners about what the potential consequences will be for the other partners in the Kingdom? Where does the Kingdom stand on the issue of the global financial crisis and its consequences for the tourism oriented economies?

We need to ensure that the working class continues to have a secure job and that government continues to collect revenues to pay for services and investments. The global financial crisis with respect to the consequences on the other Kingdom partners requires a Kingdom approach.

Roddy Heyliger



The St. Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association (SHTA) will address the challenges of hiring and keeping workers in an employment forum on Friday at Carl’s Unique Inn.  The forum fits into SHTA’s Vision for St. Maarten.  The forum discussion will focus on present employment and how it affects the three major stakeholders: residents, businesses and visitors; identify the main problem areas; propose tentative solutions to the main problem areas; and prioritize the proposed solutions and determine which are realizable.

The Cayman Islands have been dealing with the challenge of employment as well.  The islands have a population of 47,862, of which 25,000 persons are work permit holders. The Cayman Island Immigration Service has taken the lead role in ensuring that more Caymanians benefit from their islands’ economic prosperity.  The department has been holding “Immigration district evening public meetings” in order to hear the views of the community but also at the same time present their policy to the community.

The goal according to Chief Immigration Officer Franz Manderson is to see more Caymanians trained for positions, including senior level postings in the workforce.  He adds that there are companies who provide employment and training opportunities for Caymanians while others left much to be desired. To encourage companies to act as good corporate citizens, his department was looking at developing a reward system for companies which have consistently committed to training and hiring Caymanians.

Manderson added that the authorities have intensified investigations of employers who break work permit rules and in so doing, deny locals desirable job opportunities.   He also emphasized that his staff as well as the Business Staffing Board and the Work Permit Board, are working to ensure that positions advertised are legitimate and that companies have exhausted all efforts to find Caymanians to fill vacancies before they are offered to foreign nationals.
Manderson also advised young Caymanians to earn appropriate qualifications to ensure that they can compete in the labour market and take advantage of employment opportunities.  

Here are some discussion points which need to be addressed.  Which entity or entities should be handling work permits?  Should the Immigration Service play a more predominant role?  Should a reward system be introduced? 

Roddy Heyliger

Après la forte mobilisation des magistrats jeudi contre la politique du ministère de la Justice, Nicolas Sarkozy a reçu les représentants de l'Union syndicale des magistrats (USM) lundi à l'Elysée. L'entretien a duré une heure, dont la moitié en présence de la Garde des Sceaux, Rachida Dati. «A l'occasion de cette première rencontre entre un président de la République et un syndicat de magistrats», Nicolas Sarkozy «a confirmé sa détermination à jouer son rôle constitutionnel de garant de l'indépendance de la justice, essentielle au bon fonctionnement des institutions».

Il les a «assurés de la confiance qu'il accorde à la Justice et aux magistrats français» poursuit le communiqué de l'Elysée.Le message est visiblement passé. Le secrétaire général du syndicat de l'USM , Laurent Bedouet confirme : le chef de l'Etat «nous a assuré du respect et de la confiance qu'il a dans la justice. Il s'est inquiété du malaise des magistrats, c'est pour cela qu'il nous a reçu».

«Nous attendons un apaisement dans les paroles et les actes»

«Il a cherché aussi à calmer les choses et nous en sommes satisfaits mais nous attendons la suite et la façon dont Rachida Dati se comportera. Nous attendons un apaisement dans les paroles et les actes» de la garde des Sceaux, a conclu le dirigeant de l'USM.

Les deux principaux syndicats, l'USM et le Syndicat de la magistrature (SM, gauche), avaient fait part de leur «insatisfaction totale» vendredi soir, à l'issue d'une rencontre qualifiée de «dialogue de sourds» avec Rachida Dati, à laquelle les organisations syndicales reprochent de porter atteinte à l'indépendance de la magistrature et de mener une politique «tout sécuritaire» et «tout carcéral».

Le communiqué de l'Elysée précise que c'est «en présence du garde des Sceaux, que le président de la République a confirmé son attachement à la poursuite de la modernisation du système judiciaire français et s'est entretenu avec les participants sur les moyens consacrés à la justice, en rappelant l'effort consenti pour les budgets 2008 et 2009.»

Par ailleurs, Nicolas Sarkozy a «répondu favorablement à l'invitation qui lui était faite de se rendre en 2009 au Congrès de l'USM», conclut le texte. L'absence de Rachida Dati au Congrès 2008 de ce syndicat, début octobre, avait été très critiquée dans ses rangs.

Un trader de la Caisse d'épargne a été placé mercredi matin en garde à vue dans les locaux de la Brigade financière à Paris, saisie d'une enquête préliminaire sur la perte de 751 millions d'euros subie en plein krach boursier par la banque. Cette garde à vue sera prolongée jeudi matin de vingt-quatre heures, a annoncé mercredi soir un représentant du parquet de Paris.

Le domicile de cet homme de 33 ans, Boris P., a été perquisitionné dans la journée, sans que la justice précise si des documents ont été saisis.

Embauché par la banque en 2001, d'abord comme assistant trader, le trader fait actuellement l'objet d'une procédure de licenciement, selon une source proche de la banque.

Il est interrogé dans le cadre d'une enquête préliminaire ouverte vendredi par le parquet pour abus de confiance. Elle vise à «déterminer le mécanisme qui a conduit à cette perte et à rechercher d'éventuelles responsabilités pénales». La Caisse nationale des Caisses d'épargne et de prévoyance (CNCE) a porté plainte contre X. Sollicitée mercredi, elle n'a pas souhaité faire de commentaire.

Lundi, les policiers se sont déplacés au siège de la banque pour se faire remettre des documents.

Le trader aurait pris des risques «de sa propre initiative»

Dans un rapport interne préliminaire, l'inspection de la banque avait pointé la responsabilité d'un trader dans ces pertes hors-normes. Le directoire de la Caisse d'Epargne avait décidé en avril l'arrêt des activités d'investissement pour son compte propre. L'équipe de la salle des marchés de l'Ecureuil, où travaille ce trader, était censée liquider progressivement son portefeuille d'ici à la fin de l'année. Or, «à partir du 15 septembre», au lieu d'agir en ce sens, le trader «semble s'être engagé de sa propre initiative et pour des montants importants (...) dans une stratégie risquée», note le rapport interne.

«Cette stratégie sera renouvelée plusieurs fois au cours du mois et début octobre, y compris sur des montants exceptionnellement élevés», poursuit le document qui souligne que «cette dérive dans la gestion» n'a pas été perçue à temps «du fait d'un nombre important de défaillances du contrôle interne et d'alertes ignorées». Ce dernier aurait tenté de minimiser les risques par des déclarations «rassurantes», mais «mensongères», souligne encore le rapport.

Les positions prises par ce trader sur le marché des dérivés actions en plein krach boursier n'ont été vendues qu'entre le 15 et le 17 octobre, aboutissant à une perte totale de 751 millions d'euros.

Démissions en chaîne

Dans un communiqué publié lundi annonçant sa plainte, la CNCE notait qu'«à l'issue des premières investigations (internes) il est apparu des éléments troublants» susceptibles de revêtir «une qualification pénale, entre autre d'abus de confiance».

Ces pertes ont conduit le 19 octobre son président, Charles Milhaud, ainsi que le numéro deux, Nicolas Mérindol, à démissionner. Le membre du directoire chargé des finances et des risques, Julien Carmona, a lui aussi quitté ses fonctions.

Le précédent Kerviel

C'est la deuxième fois cette année que les activités de trading se retrouvent au centre d'une enquête judiciaire. Le 28 janvier, Jérôme Kerviel, trader de la Société générale, avait été mis en examen pour «abus de confiance», «faux et usage de faux» et «introduction frauduleuse de données dans un système informatique». Il est soupçonné d'avoir camouflé par des falsifications des prises de positions sur les marchés qui ont entraîné une perte de 4,9 milliards d'euros pour la banque.

Après la révélation des pertes de la Caisse d'épargne, Nicolas Mérindol avait toutefois affirmé, en référence à l'affaire Kerviel, qu'il n'y avait pas eu à la Caisse d'Epargne «de dissimulation, ni d'introduction dans les systèmes, ni de fraude de la part des responsables».


Philipsburg– Sector Health Care Affairs (SHCA) Dengue Action Response Team (DART) confirmed on Thursday that there are 23 laboratory confirmed cases of dengue fever for the first three weeks of September.

The figures also include Dutch side registered residents who were tested at French side labs.  The total number of cases for August was nine.  On average two cases of dengue fever, confirmed by the Dutch side lab, were reported for this time of year.

jetbluePhilipsburg- St. Maarten's Commissioner of Tourism Roy Marlin confirmed that JetBlue Airways will be commencing air service on Saturday, February 14th, 2009 to the island of St. Maarten via Boston's Logan International Airport.

In making the announcement, Commissioner Marlin said, "On behalf of the island territory of St. Maarten, I am pleased to welcome the JetBlue Airways flight from Boston, MA. This new service marks the first time our island has received year round direct scheduled service from the Boston area, and we are confident that with the support of the private sector, the local St. Maarten government, the St. Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association, and our partnership with the Princess Juliana International Airport and its President Director Drs E. Holiday, that this new flight will introduce new and convenient connections for tourists and residents of the island to travel to the United States and beyond for many years to come."

The new non-stop service complements JetBlue's existing daily flights to St Maarten via New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport, with twice daily service on Saturdays, and will utilize the fleet's comfortable 150-seat Airbus A320 which offers industry-leading legroom, roomy leather seats, seatback televisions, and free snacks and drinks.

JetBlue's new Saturday service between Boston and St. Maarten:

Boston (BOS) to St. Maarten (SXM) St. Maarten (SXM) to Boston (BOS)
Depart - Arrive Depart - Arrive
7:50 a.m. - 1:04 p.m. 2 p.m. - 5:57 p.m.
(Saturdays effective February 14, 2009) (Saturdays effective February 14, 2009)

The Commissioner noted, "Over the past few years we have worked tirelessly to forge and maintain our relationships with the members of the airline industry, the private sector, as well as our relationship with the partners if the Little Caribbean Alliance which include Anguilla, St. Barths, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten/St. Martin. It is our feeling that these strong ties, combined with the numerous infrastructure developments, both on St. Maarten and on the neighboring islands, are but a few of the many attractive qualities that not only increase visitor satisfaction but maintain a strong bond with our travel partners."

In a later comment, the Commissioner went on to add, "In this time of economic unrest and financial crisis, which effects all Caribbean destinations, St. Maarten is committed to do everything it can to ensure that any loss of airline seats will be minimal, thus reducing the impact to our local economy. To this end, we are pleased that JetBlue has added additional service from a primary source market despite the dire predictions from the airline industry. Their confidence in our island only confirms our belief that we have something special to offer, and that people will continue to travel despite the present economic situation."

Commissioner Marlin also announced that St. Maarten is embarking on an expanded marketing strategy, which includes the establishment of multi-line sales representatives in each gateway city within the United States to future promote the St. Maarten experience. Furthermore, we are currently working with our partners in the U.S. to implement a new multi-faceted public relations strategy that has been designed to bring us through this economic period."

Philipsburg: --- Four newly trained police officers arrived on the island yesterday. The four young men left the island last year to begin training at the Police Academy in Curacao. The four has been identified as B. Arindell, J.M.R Hodge, F. Brown and M. Atmopawiro will now begin working on the island. They were greeted at the Princess Juliana International Airport by Chief Inspector Carl John and Inspector and Police Spokesman R. V. Henson.


Philipsburg: --- The Federal Detectives has finally arrived at the doors of Commissioner Louis Laviest. Laveist has been under investigation over the past months, several employees who worked directly under the commissioner was already questioned which prompted the commissioner to speak out saying he was being targeted and he has nothing to hide.

Laveist went as far as saying if the federal detectives wanted answers on any of his portfolios or otherwise they should speak with him directly.

Chief Prosecutor Taco Stein has confirmed in a press release that on the morning of October 20 2008 at about 8am a search was conducted at the commissioner's home under the supervision of the investigating judge. The officers also searched the commissioner's office while the Island Council meeting was in process.

Stein said that Laviest is suspected of forgery and as such the investigation is conducted by the Federal Detectives (Lands recherché) under the authority of the Public Prosecutor.

The Chief Public Prosecutor for the Windward Islands said due to the sensitivity of the investigation they would not be releasing any further information.

At the government administration building was the investigating Prosecutor Martin Hemlaar and about six other federal detectives searching the files in Laveist office.

SMN News learnt that the commissioner was taken from his home in Cole Bay to another location where he was questioned.

According to information released by the Public Prosecutor's Office earlier this year they were investigating Laviest and his several foundations, however, it is still not clear if the commissioner will be arrested and when this would take place.

Yesterday the commissioner just signed in to the Island Council to give the Democratic Party the quorum which is necessary for the budget amendment.

For most of the Island Council meeting Laveist left and later returned where he participated in voting to approve the purchase of a parcel of land in Cole Bay.

Last month Laviest refused to show up for the island council meeting for the budget amendments. The commissioner in an interview with SMN News said that he is angry at his colleagues who made a deal with him for his vote to re-instate commissioner Maria Buncamper Molanus. That deal he said was to remove head of the island labour department Raphael Boasman.

Pundits are saying that that it seems most likely that member's of the executive council is the ones who snitched on Laveist since they are having internal and party problems. "Laveist did not realize when he was speaking to the media this would happen to him, said one pundit.

comm._louie_lavesit-2005Philipsburg: --- Commissioner of Culture Louie Laviest is expected to see the judge of instruction today Friday confirmed Chief Prosecutor of the Windward Islands Taco Stein. Laveist is under investigation for forgery, he was arrested on Wednesday morning while his home and office was searched on Monday. The searches and arrest came 18 months after an intense investigation are conducted by the Federal Detectives.
Also in custody is the commissioner's former executive assistant Roberto Richardson, the senior civil servant was arrested just about the same time Laveist was arrested on Wednesday.
Asked if the any of the men would be released Stein said that Laveist would not be released instead he is expected to appear before the judge of instruction today. In the case of Roberto Richardson, Stein said the investigators are still busy questioning Richardson and as such, he will remain in custody.

According to sources, the two men are being investigated mostly for documents they issued to foreign workers in exchange for money. Those monies were placed in accounts of several foundations that Laveist is managing. SMN News has been reliably informed that the investigators had picked up Mrs. Betty Laviest, the wife of the commissioner and President of his Culture Club Foundation who is no longer active in the foundation but the records at then Chamber of Commerce was not amended. According to sources, this is one of the several forgeries the prosecutor's are investigating.

tcoSome months ago, the detectives detained a few businesspersons one of which is the proprietor of New York Nails, since this businessperson has to bring in his workers from Vietnam. Other business owners on Front and Back Street were also questioned. Now that Laviest has been, arrested pundits are blaming the proprietor of New York Nails whom they said have been telling people he paid Laviest large sums of monies to process his workers papers. "I need to know where he is because it seems as if he made a deal with the investigators before jumping the ship to Antigua". One pundit said.

In the meantime, Leader of Government Sarah Wescot Williams said she is busy trying to organize a meeting on the matter, but some of the commissioners are not available. "Commissioner Marlin is presently off island while Commissioner Buncamper Molanus is ill. I am expecting to hold that meeting on Saturday because by then Marlin would be back while Buncamper Molanus should be well enough," Wescot Williams said. Asked if she had decided who would be replacing Laveist in the council, the party leader said no such decision has been taken on the matter.



Philipsburg: ---The Armed Robbery Unit of the Police Department is busy investigating two armed robbery which is similar. According to a press release issued by the police they said the incidents occurred on Monday October 27 around 7:45pm and 9:20pm. The first incident occurred on Back Street close to a popular Indian Restaurant. According to the victims on both robberies there were at least three persons who took part in each of the robberies, they used a pistol and a knife to scare their victims. Police said the attackers in Back Street used a bicycle to escape from the scene while in Pointe Blanche where the second robbery took place they used a scooter.
Police said in both cases the victims claimed they were followed by their attackers who violently robbed them of their belongings. One of the victims was struck in his head with the butt of the gun by one of the robbers, as a result of which he suffered a small wound and was treated at the St. Maarten Medical center.

Detailed descriptions of the suspects were given to the detectives of the Special Robbery Unit, who immediately started the investigation into these two cases. Shortly after conducting their investigation in Backstreet, detectives of the Special Robbery Unit saw a man that fit the description of one of the suspects in these two cases.
When the suspect was told to give his name and identify himself, he could not do so; however he later gave police a false name. The suspect was arrested on the spot and taken to the Philipsburg Police station. At the police station the suspect was checked out and the name he had given was indeed a false. The young man turned out to be J.R. from St Maarten. Some of the items, found on the suspect in question turned out to be items belonging to one of the victims who were called to identify the items. The investigations are ongoing.
The victims in both cases have been identified as P.M., M.K.K. and N.S.R.

Cupe Coy: --- Police managed to subdue a man who had taken his wife hostage in an apartment  in Orinoco Drive Cupe Coy. The man was carrying a weapon at the time he held his wife hostage. The incident happened around 2pm yesterday confirmed Chief Commissioner of Police Richard Pannflek. Pannflek said that no one was injured in the ordeal.

Marigot: The Inter-Regional Epidemiology (WAX) Antilles Guyana attended the Committee of Experts on infectious diseases and emerging North Island on October 15th 2008, the purpose of the meeting was to assess the epidemiological situation of dengue.

The latest data from the sentinel local cell of Health confirm that we remain in inter-epidemic phase. SMN News understands that there are over 100 suspected cases of dengue with over 50 confirmed cases during the month of September.
Given the climatic conditions favoring the development of mosquitoes, preventive measures should be implemented without delay, rigorously. It was at this stage they are most effective.

In addition to these measures of prevention, insecticide spraying campaign continues on the island of Saint Martin.

A management committee against dengue will be held in the prefecture Friday October 24th at 2:30PM to review the local situation.

The prefecture of St. Barthelemy and St. Martin has issued yet another call to residents of the islands to the necessary precautionary measures to effectively fight against the proliferation of single mosquito carrier for dengue, Aedes Aepypti. Measures must be taken to safeguard you and your family in and around your home a press release from the Prefecture states.

The measures that needed to be taken are as follows:-

- Avoid mosquito bites in the morning and evening, using sprays or creams repellents, ask your pharmacist

- Wear long evening clothes

- Install screens on doors and windows in your home, sleep under mosquito nets to avoid bites in the morning, especially young children and the elderly

- Be sure to eliminate stagnation of water in your homes and around your houses because stagnation of clear water are the breeding places of mosquitoes: also monitor your pots and flower pot below
- Protect the cistern of your home of the proliferation of mosquitoes with a canvas net

- If your cistern is not treated, you can develop a golomines fish that eat mosquitoe larvaes Aedes aegypti and therefore it should reduce the proliferation

- Periodically clean your gutters make sure they remain clean after rain episodes

- Check the health of your septic tank

- When moving equipment spraying insecticides, widely open your doors and windows,

These recommendations apply to the entire population of both islands which would help to limit the transmission of dengue by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito carrier alone.

It is recalled that dengue fever is a viral disease, popularly regarded as a tropical flu, which results in high fever accompanied by headaches, aches, fatigue of a major may take several weeks to overcome.

It is strongly recommended that persons who believes they have the dengue should avoid taking aspirin and other anti-inflammatories because of the risk of bleeding and more generally to avoid self medicating

Persons who have dengue like symptoms should also consult their doctor who may prescribe a blood test. It is a disease for which there is no preventive treatment or specific treatment or vaccine to date.

saraPhilipsburg: --- Commissioner of Constitutional Affairs Sarah Wescot Williams yesterday reacted to the motion which was presented to the second chamber and passed. That motion reads that St. Maarten would not achieve its separate status until ‘we' have complied with the conditions of the November 2 accord with regards the maintenance of law and order and the administration of justice.

She said that this motion can be seen as superfluous since the agreement of November 2006 is simply about that. Wescot Williams said parties have agreed to execute certain tasks and the tasks will be executed with the clear objective in mind that entities would get their new status. She said when these motions were being debated she made her point by asking that the Dutch government to be clear in terms of what they are asking of St. Maarten. "Now given this motion I will stress this point again. I want to go back to the part where it says "we should comply with the conditions of the November 2006 accord."

She said that she regret very much that the local media is not able to question further when these statements are issued since she would like to know exactly where St. Maarten is not complying with law and order as set forth in the November 2 2006 accord.
On the matter of justice, she said only on October 1 2008 the following consensus Kingdom Laws were accepted and ratified. That of joint courts consensus kingdom law on the public prosecution and the financial supervision, and the police law has all been accepted by all parties including St. Maarten.

Wescot Williams itemized C20 of the November 2006 accord which stipulates that before the new structure goes into effect the police organization must be drastically improved. Jointly the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles namely Curacao and St. Maarten would establish a plan of activities that includes the conditions for the police cores, the activities of the safety plan St. Maarten would also be looked at. It is stipulated that the Netherlands would be more actively involved in these procedures.

"Not only that St. Maarten agreed and ratified these laws but the island has agreed to have three work groups who would be charged with working on the individual police organizations." Wescot Williams said.

Wescot Williams said that the island had made it case when it says that someone locally has to be on the committees since the island is often overlooked and left behind. She said that Richard Gibson is charged with this aspect of justice.

Wescot Williams made clear that the Minister of Justice David Dick is the one who is in the driver seat when it comes to the maintenance of law and order, she said unless the Minister decides to transfer his competencies to the island only then St. Maarten can act independently. She asked if the Minister has passed on his responsibilities to the island Lt. Governor or even Mr. Gibson because she is not aware of that fact. She said should someone walk into the office of Police Affairs their first recommendation would be to close down the office but St. Maarten does not have the power to assist where necessary even if they wanted to do so.

The island leader said that matters like these sounds nicely politically but the island is not at fault instead it is due to the island persistence they would not have been this far. She said these would be some of her questions on the motion since the negativity is very unfortunate, despite the fact the island is bending over backwards to move the process forward.
In conclusion Wescot Williams said that it is not the call of the second chamber to decide the future of St. Maarten even if they do have something to say to the Kingdom. She reiterated that the people of St. Maarten voted for Country within the Kingdom and that is the call that has to be heeded. She said even though she is not fighting with anyone she is making the island's position very clear.



Marigot: --- The President of the Collectivity of St. Martin Frantz Gumbs presented the new Director for the Territorial Police who began working on October 2. During the presentation the management team consisting of all local police officers was also present as they intend to work together in the best interest of St. Martin. The members of the management team are Albert Conner, Alexis Carty, and Alain Jermin who would be working directly with the new director.

Philipsburg:--- The island council approved the purchase of the last parcel
of land in Cole Bay which will be used for the construction of a round
about. The island government had already purchased two properties including
Midas Muffler building. The National Alliance members posed several
questions to commissioner of Public Works Theodore Heyliger who provided the
answers that was requested.

Leader of the National Alliance and island council member William Marlin
said that they recognize the need for the round about which is aimed at
reducing traffic in that area. He said at one point he felt the idea of the
construction of the roundabout had gone dead since it has been over a year
now no one said anything about the roundabout.

Of the ten island council members that were present for the island council
all of them voted in favor of the purchase.

Commissioner Heyliger said that the construction of the round about would
begin by the first quarter of 2009. Monies for the round is already
earmarked by the SEI and USONA.

2008_10_20_william_brooksPHILIPSBURG-NV GEBE Managing Director Ir. William Brooks displayed strategic foresight when he decided two years ago to steer the production plant away from the current seawater cooled generators, that had been the norm for GEBE, in favor of air cooled generators.

"The two new 11.3 megawatt units that are on order are radiator cooled. These units will be delivered at the end of 2009 and will be in full production by March 2010".
With the new radiator cooled units GEBE hopes to insulate the island from the effects of groundswells and hurricanes like the recent problems experienced in the aftermath of hurricane Omar.

"Once again the problems experienced with the power production over the last few days showed our over reliance on seawater and the adverse effects it can have on our community" Brooks was quoted as saying.

In addition to the two new 11.3 megawatt radiator cooled Wartsila units Brooks is also contemplating the conversion of four 8 megawatt units from seawater cooling to radiator cooling. "This would give us enough power to ride out a major hurricane and post storm period".

"I do not want a repeat of the crippling effects to the electricity supply as experienced during hurricane Omar where the power plant emerged unscathed but was powerless due to seaweed. The technology and efficiency of frequency controlled radiator cooled generators have improved significantly, and from a cost perspective there is no valid reason not to use them anymore."

GEBE aims to provide high quality and reliable electricity and the main goal is to make electricity production self supporting by minimizing the influence of outside elements on the supply of electricity. The groundwork was laid with the laying of the cables underground. The second phase is to reduce our dependence on seawater with newer radiator cooled generators.

With the major part of our high tension system underground and the ability to produce electricity independent of sea conditions GEBE would be able to meet the growing demand for electricity even after a major hurricane.


sukleanPhilipsburg: ---Sucker Garden residents under the guidance of Ms.Florestine Joseph will be continuing with their district cleanup campaign this Saturday October 25.
The residents of Christmas Cactus Drive and Naked Boy Hill are asked to come out and help their neighbors clean the area of debris.
The Sucker Garden residents started two weeks ago with the cleanup campaign in their quest to rid their neighborhood of trash debris and to halt the breeding of mosquitoes that can cause dengue fever.
Ms.Joseph is asking all residents to come out and help clean the area of standing and stagnant water in order to halt mosquito breeding that is responsible for the dengue epidemic plaguing the islands residents.
St.Maarten PRIDE foundation is backing this residential cleanup with the necessary cleanup tools. PRIDE foundation tapped into a donation provided by KOOYMAN in order to assist the residents with gloves and trash bags. Rakes are also provided by the foundation.
Clean Sint Maarten N.V. and the Public Works department has pledged their support to the clean up by providing trucks and heavy equipment to pick up trash that will be transported to the landfill; says Jadira Veen of St. Maarten Pride Foundation.

Sint Maarten PRIDE foundation is appealing to the residents of Sucker Garden to back this initiative as it contributes to a cleaner, greener and safer Sucker Garden.
Residents have to be commended for their efforts in trying to battle mosquito breeding, as the recent dengue outbreak is one of the worse health epidemics experienced on the island in recent memory.
Residents will gather at 6am Saturday to start the cleanup, Residents are asked to wear closed shoes for protection. For more information as to how residents and small business in the area can help and contribute to this cleanup, please call Florestine Joseph on 5865715.


dtripMARIGOT/Philipsburg: ---The Island of St. Martin / St. Maarten is currently in another phase of dengue epidemic since there has been an increase in the number of confirmed cases of dengue on both sides of the island. According to results released from the Prefecture there has been a rapid increase during the first week of October that stands at 230-suspected cases, these figures they said dropped to 150 the following week.
Even though the confirmed cases has dropped to 27 during the weeks 39 to 41.
Some eight persons were hospitalized during the month of September, a 37 percent of severe cases.

While on the Dutch side via the Dengue Action Response Team (DART) a multidisciplinary planning team, confirmed on Thursday that from October 1 to the 18, there are now 72 laboratory confirmed dengue cases, and this figure may go over 100 before the end of October.
The DART Team is requesting immediate measures be taken by every household as the outbreak grows. The only way to stop the dengue outbreak from growing is by every household taking mosquito breeding preventive action. By taking measures, you are protecting your family from getting dengue fever.
The Island Government has approved an emergency budget of over Naf.300, 000 to cover a number of interventions related to the national outbreak. The DART Team met Thursday morning to review strategies and to adapt them accordingly. An intensification of intervention activities is currently underway and will be more noticeable as of next week and the weeks ahead.
The Hygiene Department has resumed fogging exercises. Areas last completed were Cay Hill and the Cul de Sac Basin. Scheduled are Pointe Blanche and the Philipsburg area. Fogging activities are dependent on good weather. If there is rainfall, this vector control measure will be suspended.
Preventive actions that every household should take are: Debris, old tires and standing clear/clean water in yards are the main source and breeding ground for mosquitoes bringing about an increased risk of mosquito-borne diseases. These areas should be immediately eliminated.
Immediately check for clear/clean standing water in roof spouts, empty drums, buckets, jars, birdbaths, boats, plant containers, saucers, paint cans and other items that can collect water around your homes and businesses. Where clear/clean standing water exists, one can use small amounts of kerosene, just to cover the surface as a measure to prevent mosquito breeding or just get rid of the container.
In the case of where containers are used for storing water, residents should keep these properly covered and check every three days to make sure that mosquito's have not laid any eggs. Inlets and outlets of cisterns must be covered with a mosquito net or cloth to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in the water.
Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection that causes a severe flu-like illness that affects infants, young children and adults, but seldom causes death, however two persons have died since the outbreak and therefore you are urgently advised to take immediate measures to protect your family.
There are three serotypes of dengue circulating on the island, namely DEN-1, DEN-2 and DEN-4. This also increases the risk for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), which is potentially deadly, and Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS), which if not treated correctly, can lead to profound shock and death.
Residents are strongly advised to continue to take urgent preventive action against mosquito breeding in order to stem the increase in the number of dengue cases on the island.
Anyone requiring information concerning measures to prevent mosquito breeding or to report areas of standing water, overgrown vegetation etc should immediately call the Hygiene Department at 542-2079.


jchiPhilipsburg: --- While the families of Chief Inspector Churchill Marsdin and the American pilot Mike is already mourning their loss police and the Coast Guard is still searching for the men who disappeared when the helicopter they were in went down at sea on Tuesday night.
Police Spokesman Johan Janchi Leonard said that the Coast Guard went out Wednesday night in an effort to continue the search in the area where the aircraft went down as well as further outside. He said the police also used the C1 beginning on Thursday morning also continued the overwater search but so far, these searches have not revealed anything substantial. "Right now the police department is trying to secure the necessary manpower and equipment to begin underwater searches," Leonard said.
In the meantime, the police are still treating the cases as missing persons since there is no way police or anyone can declare the men dead without having proof. It is expected that the tissues and other items that was found on the first day of the search will be sent to Holland for DNA analysis.
"The police are doing everything in their power to resolve the matter and to move forward in assisting the families," Leonard said.
Personnel from Civil Aviation are expected on the island today to begin an investigation on the circumstances of the accident and the type of licensing the aircraft has to operate within the Antilles.

royRio de Janeiro/Philipsburg:--- Commissioner of Tourism, Mr. Roy Marlin and Tarcisio Gargioni, V.P. Marketing and Services for VRG Linhas Aereas S.A. in Brazil signed a Principal Letter of Intent for the latter to operate an extension of their Sao Paulo to Caracas flight to St. Maarten at the ABAV trade fair in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The vision of the Island Government of St. Maarten, as further depicted in the Policy Documents, (Tourism Master Plan) is to further diversify the Tourism Market by developing and penetrating the Brazilian Market. And considering, this would be accomplished by seeking scheduled (charter) airlift to this destination, which begun a few years ago with charter service. All stakeholders are further interested in increasing St. Maarten's market share by further attracting more South Americans in general and Brazilian as well as Venezuelan visitors in particular. St. Maarten Tourism Stakeholders led by the Commissioner of Tourism, Mr. Roy Marlin and the representative of Varig Marketing and Services, Mr. Tarcisio Gargioni further agree to seek approval from the necessary authorities, i.e. the Executive Council of St. Maarten, other regulatory agencies and Varig Lineas Aereas S.A. to solidify this protocol for Varig Linhas Aereas S.A. and operate these flights as an extension of Flight number 8942 which services Services Sao Paulo/Caracas. VRG Linhas Aereas S.A. operatiing as Varig is the Brazilian flag carrier airline owned by Gol Linhas Aereas Inteligentes. As of May 2008, VARIG held 7,97% of the Brazilian domestic market and 16,68% of the international market. Varig has fleet size of 28 Boeing 737 aircrafts and services 18 destinations. Gol Transportes Aéreos is based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Gol is the second largest airline in Brazil with 38.6% of the Brazilian domestic market and 12.2% of the international market of flights from and to Brazil.

Oyster Pond: --- Local entrepreneur Joan Veerwoord is once again on the frontline trying to keep bread on her table and roof over her head. This time the local businesswoman is not fighting her battle in court to be able to do business neither is she fighting against the island government since only a few months ago she was granted an indefinite business license to operate on Dawn Beach.

Despite having all that it takes by law for the young and vibrant businesswoman to function she still has to deal with mediocrity from her neighbor the operator of Mr. Busby.

news-stuffFRENCH QUARTER:---- Sometimes it takes an angry crowd of people who are willing to take the law in their own hands before a bit of justice can be served. Yesterday we reported residents of French Quarter has had enough and
they began what is called vigilante justice against one of the three suspects who is suspected for the armed robberies that are committed in French Quarter.

The residents caught Romario Leighton a 17 year old Jamaican national who have been terrorizing the community over the past year by breaking and entering into their homes. Leighton received a severe beating and he was transported to the Louis Constant Fleming Hospital. Shortly after he was released to the custody of the gendarmes who later asked the Director of SMN News to identify the young man but because of the beating and his swollen face and the fact he was masked when he and three other gun men stormed our home SMN News director simply could not recognize the culprit. The gendarmes said since they did not have sufficient evidence to hold the 17-year old they released him.

However, yesterday afternoon about 4pm two gendarmes showed up at the home of SMN News and brought back an amount of the stolen items, which includes many important documents. Even though the documents is very valuable to us we would have liked for the gendarmes to find some of our electronic items that were stolen. So far the bandits still has most of our bank medical cards.

The gendarmes explained that even though they are military men they need time to work and has promised to bring Leighton to justice since he is known as the neighborhood vagabond. They asked the population to be patient because if they scare away Leighton then he would move back to Jamaica and escape justice within the French system.

However, residents of French Quarter said they don't have a problem with Leighton going back to his homeland but he would leave here a complete handicap. "We need the gendarmes to know that we will get justice one way or the other because this young man has terrorized the community far to often and nothing is done to him, they know Leighton is the village nuisance and he should have been kept behind bars. SMN News also understands that the residents caught another culprit and gave him a sound beating yesterday, but that could not be ascertained.

We are grateful that the gendarmes managed to recover some of the stolen items such as passports, but the truth is we already paid for the processing of new documents.

While we applaud their efforts we are urging the gendarmes to make sure Leighton is prosecuted for the crimes he committed on the French side of the island, because the next time Leighton is caught in French Quarter the outcome would not be the same as Saturday.

The residents said they will not give up and they would make sure Leighton and his partners in crime get what they needed. They said that this is the only way peace would return to the community.

kitchen2Philipsburg- There are several individuals and farmers on the island who have been doing kitchen gardening for a while for a variety of reasons, from providing produce for their restaurant too using the produce to cook for their families.

Today, Commissioner Maria Buncamper-Molanus urges the community of St. Maarten to start a Kitchen Garden.

"I would like to encourage the community of St. Maarten to start Kitchen Gardens for a variety of reasons, namely:

1) As a way of reducing the present and future cost of living, by growing your own vegetables, herbs, fruits;
2) As a way of feeding and/or contributing to your extended family;
3) As a way of supplying a grocer or a restaurant with produce from your Kitchen Garden, thereby supplementing your income;
4) As a way of relaxing and enjoying nature;
5) As a way of being Environmental friendly;
6) As a way of eating healthier."


kitchen1Commissioner Buncamper-Molanus said that by engaging in these activities, many people are able to spend less on groceries. People can also earn extra income by selling their produce from their Kitchen Garden.

"I would like the idea of Kitchen Gardens to spread amongst the population, and hopefully will become a way of life for many St. Maarteners," Commissioner Maria Buncamper-Molanus said. "There are many benefits to having a garden."

The Department of Economic Policy and Research is kicking off the initiative of the Kitchen Garden Project, a community-focused program that encourages the public to engage in home base agriculture.

The philosophy is that a small garden can provide a family with fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits, which can be used daily in the preparation of meals. In addition, flowers can be used to beautify the home and island, which should be encouraged.

There are several events, which the DEPR will participate in regarding the kitchen garden.
The Government Information Service will air a Special program on the topic of Kitchen Garden on October 24 2008.



suspectsPhilipsburg:----- Two of the four suspects who were in police custody for the stabbing death of 18 year old Brooks who was stabbed to death in front of People's Supermarket on August 29 2008 was released by the judge of instruction. That is according to their lawyer Remko Stomp who was at the court house pleading for his client's release. "The two identified as Flanders and Philips had their detention suspended until the date of the court case. I expect they would be out on Monday" Stomp said after exiting the court of first instance today (Friday).

Stomp said the main suspect will remain in custody but he could not say what will happen to the fourth suspect since he is not representing him. Brooks was stabbed to death in front of People's Supermarket by former his former friends. According to earlier reports the youth had some disagreements which led to the stabbing incident.


Philipsburg– Commissioner Labour & Youth Affairs Louie Laveist congratulates the nation’s cadre of teachers on the occasion of World Teachers Day, Sunday, October 5.

Laveist added that teachers are essential to a nation’s socio-economic development, since they are in the driver’s seat of preparing our nation’s youth for the role they will play in society.

Philipsburg: The members of the National Alliance Faction said yesterday that they were all insulted by the Marechausses who were controlling several
areas on the Dutch side shortly after the passing of hurricane Omar.

Island Councilman Frans Richardson said that he was practically insulted and told to turn back even though he has a pass from the Central Government. He called on the Chairman and Chief of Police Franklyn Richards to take the necessary measures which would ensure that all Island Council Members be granted these passes which will be valid for more than one year. Richardson said he was prevented from visiting his property in Philipsburg.
Also expressing the same sentiments was Island Councilman William Marlin who said he too was prevented from moving around the island during the curfew.

Marlin said this year the island government did not issue any passes to the island council members.

SMN News also learnt that several persons paid to have a hurricane pass but to date they have not received the passes because the machine to make the
passes has broken down.

meeting-damage-assessmentPhilipsburg- The Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise Facility is operational for cruise ship traffic. The first cruise ship the Noordam is scheduled to dock at the
cruise pier on Tuesday. Another cruise vessel is scheduled for Wednesday and four on Thursday.

The Noordam will be docking on the Southwest side of the cruise pier. Divers who have been carrying out underwater debris assessments have discovered some containers on the seabed on the East side of the cruise pier; however this will not disrupt the cruise port operations and the scheduling of vessels.

Commissioner of Port Affairs Theo Heyliger pointed out that cruise tourism is one of the industries that are most resilient in times of disaster. "Once a cruise destination's port facilities are up and running, the cruise lines will call at your destination as long as the rest of the damage to a destination is minimal.

"We need tour operators and other cruise industry service providers to speed up their recovery efforts in order to be ready to cater to the thousands of cruise passengers that will be calling at the Port of St. Maarten this week
and the weeks beyond.

"Together as a nation, we must show our resilience and welcome our cruise passengers with open arms," Commissioner of Port Affairs Theo Heyliger stated.

Harbour Group of Companies Managing Director Mark Mingo says that port assessments have been carried out and things are looking good.

"Clean-up operations were carried out after the hurricane passed. The cruise welcome area is clean of debris which littered the area due to storm surge. There are some cosmetic damages and there are a few things that still need to be worked on, and those will be completed before the first cruise ship call, otherwise we are good to go.

"The most important thing is our economy and cruise tourism injects millions into our island. Every effort has been made to reach where we are today.

"With respect to the cargo and cruise expansion areas, we expect that there will be delays after going through the experience of having a category three hurricanes pass 50 miles from our island. From what we can see, the structures remain intact.

"Assessments are being made of the second cruise pier that will be able to accommodate Future Larger Vessels (FLV) of over 200,000 tons. The contractor is working diligently in order to get things back on track with the construction activities.

"I would like to thank the St. Maarten Ports Authority (SMPA) management and staff especially the Maritime Department, as well as the dive team, who have been working very hard to get our cruise operations back online. They have done a great job where we can welcome our first cruise ship on Tuesday since the passing of Omar," Mark Mingo stated.

Construction of the multi-million dollar Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise & Cargo Facility expansion project started at the end of December 2007 with scheduled completion for the end of 2009.

The cruise expansion entails the construction of a second cruise jetty of 445 meters in length and 21 meters in width. This new jetty will be able to accommodate two FLVs such as the Queen Mary II and the Genesis class cruise ships, the latter currently under construction in European shipyards.

letacordes-bPhilipsburg: --- The husband of missing American Leta Lynn Cordes, Frank Cordes who is now considered a suspect in her disappearance never grieved he was a man who enjoyed every bit of his life in exotic dance clubs and even paying to have prostitutes at his home for two to three weeks at a time.

Just days after Frank Cordes reported to police that his wife Leta Lynn Cordes had went missing on the night of January 11 he was seen in a particular house of prostitution one source said that Cordes did not show any signs of grief instead he was spending monies lavishly on himself and women. Frank Cordes would pay club owners as much as $350 to $400 a week to have the dancers sleep over at his house claiming he was afraid to stay home alone.

Cordes allegedly even proposed to one local businessman who is operating an exotic dance club to be partners in his business since he have contacts with several yachtsmen who would utilized the services of good looking women. The source said this conversation took place shortly after Cordes reported his wife was missing.

According to another well placed source Cordes had said on more than one occasion that he allegedly had a number of police officers on his payroll so that they can give him all the necessary information on how the case was proceeding. The source said that he Cordes had said that because of this the investigation stalled. Further he considered St. Maarten Police to be slow and corrupt. Cordes had allegedly said on more than one occasion that if his wife disappearance had taken place in the United States he would have already been behind bars.

The source further claimed that Cordes told him he got his monies through his wife Leta Lynn Cordes who is now missing. "The couple was having severe money problems because he Frank wanted to have full access and control over his wife monies. Something she disagreed with due to his unfaithfulness." On January 10 2008 the couple argued heavily about some sort of insurance monies and during that argument the woman had threatened to leave him, she also indicated to him that she would be the one to keep their vacation home on St. Maarten.

SMN News reported earlier that the man had knowledge on what police was doing and how they were dealing with the case as such he managed to know when the conniver dogs were going to be used. Having such information gave the man enough time to remove the body of his dead wife where he had it hidden in his neighbor's yard the source said.

Cordes even went as far as hiring boats and had divers from overseas and locally combed certain sea beds. He admitted to this reporter that he knew he was searching for a needle in a hay sack but wanted to make sure he did everything possible to find his missing wife.

Based on the developments of the case it seems that Frank Cordes did everything he taught he could to steer police away from him since he knew his alibi was not too solid. That alibi was that his wife went to the Westin Casino. The man wanted to report his wife missing less than six hours after he claimed she went missing. On top of that he said she was drunk and walked to Westin Casino where she is accustomed of gambling. Police reviewed the Westin surveillance tapes and later said the woman never visited the casino on the night of January 11. This of course made Cordes angry because he was desperate for an alibi.

It is expected that Frank Cordes will appear before the judge of instruction on Friday this week as he is still in police custody as the investigation continues.


masdin2Philipsburg/ Saba: --- Search and rescue teams were busy searching the waters between St. Maarten and Saba for a helicopter that went down on Tuesday night. On board the helicopter was Inspector of Police Alfred "Churchill" Marsdin was on board with a pilot only known as Michael.

Head of St. Maarten Sea Rescue Bobby Velasquez in an invited comment said that the helicopter went down some 12 miles outside of St. Maarten on its way to Saba while on its way to pick up a patient. Velasquez said it has been confirmed that the police inspector Alfred Churchill Marsdin along with the pilot was on board since airport security confirmed they dropped the two men off to the helicopter prior to its taking off. Velázquez said that the two men that were on board are dead and that the search has officially been called off. The search team he said found some debris which includes the eprem, a seat and some body parts.

Velasquez said that the crew were scheduled to make two flights to Saba last night, on the first trip they were to pick up a patient while on the second trip was for the families of the sick; however, the helicopter did not make it to its destination.

flecmarsdinActing Chief Commissioner of Police Richard Panneflek said that they are busy compiling the information on the case. He said the police is busy with the investigation to determine the cause of the accident and an analysis of the debris would have to be conducted prior to him being able to make a statement.

At a press conference held at the Philipsburg Police Station yesterday afternoon Panneflek said "Late last evening, an incident took place involving a helicopter flying from Sint Maarten to the island of Saba. The flight was being executed to transport a very ill person back to Sint Maarten for urgent medical attention.
Preliminary investigations indicate that the helicopter on its way to Saba did not make it to its destination and that the helicopter went down at sea.

Information gathered also indicate that the customary pilot of the helicopter Mr. Michael HUTTENLOCKER better known as "Mike" from the United States of America along with a police colleague, Alfred Ricardo MARSDIN, better known as "Churchill", accompanied the pilot on this flight.
This incident was called in to the Central Police Dispatch at around 10.45 p.m. on Tuesday night.
The Coast Guard of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, section St. Maarten was immediately notified of the incident and dispatched a "Super Rhib" to the scene in order to investigate the matter.
The Coast Guard of Fort de France Martinique who is in charge of search and rescue in the Eastern Caribbean coordinated a search with the Antillean Coast Guard, St Maarten Sea rescue and other voluntary entities in the area where the helicopter is believed to have gone down.
As a result of this search pieces of material, carpeting, chairs and life vests supposedly belonging to the downed helicopter were found. These items were all confiscated in connection with this search. The search has however at this point did not produced any bodies.
The competent authorities have already been briefed of the situation and the relevant findings. The investigation is still ongoing and at this time and I cannot confirm the death of Mike the pilot and or "Churchill MARSDIN.
Information in connection with this incident is still been gathered and as soon as this becomes available it will be provided to the media.

The Windward Island Police Corps management is conveying its solidarity and sympathy to all members of the Windward Islands Police Corps, on the occasion of the tragic and untimely developments transpiring over the past 24 hours.

Pending completion of investigations, the police management expresses the hope that it will very soon be in a position to confirm or dismiss reports that our colleague, police inspector Mr. Churchill Marsdin, may not have survived the incident in question.
The police management is joined by the Local Chief of Police, Franklyn Richards in conveying a message of strength and comfort, to all members of the police force, at this time of sadness.
The entire police organization wishes to convey to the family and relatives of inspector Marsdin that thoughts and prayers are with them.
The accident in question has the full attention of the police organization.

marsdin1A full briefing was provided to Local Chief of Police, Governor Franklyn Richards, Leader of Government, Commissioner Sarah Wescot-Williams, the Minister of Justice, the Attorney general and the Public Prosecutor on Wednesday afternoon by my person as acting chief of the police corps and police spokesman Johan Leonard.
Also present to provide information was head of the Coast Guard, Hubert Ogenia."

The above is the full prepared statement that Panneflek read to members of the media.
Shortly after leader of government Sarah Wescot Williams along Panneflek and other members of the Police Core paid an official visit to the family to update them of the developments. Obviously shaken is the wife of Churchill Marsdin who listened keenly as to what Acting Chief Commissioner of Police Richard Panneflek had to say.

marsdnwifeThe home of Churchill Marsdin was indeed a place of sorrow as several persons from the community gathered at the home as they await the news. There was tears flowing from the eyes of several persons who sat and wait.
SMN News have been reliably informed that the accident on Tuesday night was an accident waiting to happen since it was already known that some vital part of the aircraft was not functioning. This information SMN News understands was widely discussed during the course of yesterday, one of the many reasons why Civil Aviation has to now conduct an investigation on the accident.

Bada Bing owner Speaks Out


The owner of Bada Bing exotic club Jaap Van der Huvel was an angry man yesterday. Van der Huvel was also very emotional when he expressed himself at the news of what had happened to Churchill Marsdin. Churchill Marsdin was due to appear in court for the second time by the end of this year as prosecutors charge him with forgery. That forgery directly involved Bada Bing owner since it is alleged that Marsdin stamped some passports for dancers who were already on the island.

"A former Prosecutor who does not deserve to live on this island has made the life of Marsdin living hell, simply because Marsdin was not afraid to speak about the Dutch and their alleged corruption." That Prosecutor went after him and today the man is no longer here to hear what I had to say to the judge in the next hearing. "Can you imagine that same prosecutor told me I did not commit a crime but what I did was wrong because I tried to have women enter through the roof rather than through the foundation, I did give those people a check for my release but to date they did not cash the check and they know why" Van der Huvel said. Furthermore the said prosecutor who is now running his private business approached me telling me how what I needed to do to get women here. He even proposed to offer me his services the angry businessman said yesterday.
Attorney at Law Jairo Bloem said that the Public Prosecutor's Office wrongfully prosecuted Marsdin and that with the evidence they provide was not even sufficient to call the man a suspect. He said while the incident in itself is a tragic one, Marsdin was suffering deeply due to the fact he was being prosecuted. "Marsdin life was so severely impacted that he had to do alternative things to make monies and had he not been suspended then he would have been here today" Bloem said. It is already proven that Marsdin did not had any financial gains by stamping the passports of dancers and it is something other immigration heads have done over the years.

Bloem said that Marsdin was not only a client but instead a dear friend who had a passion for what he was doing. "In that same strength and light I was ready to defend Churchill and I know after hearing what the witnesses had to say would have shed a whole different light on the judicial system."



comm._louie_lavesit-2005 Philipsburg:--- Commissioner of Youth Affairs, Labour and Culture Louis Laviest has been arrested by Federal Detectives early Wednesday morning confirmed Chief Prosecutor Taco Stein. Investigators on Monday searched Laveist home in Cole Bay as well as his office at the Government Administration Building as they intensified the ongoing investigation against the commissioner.

Laviest was taken in for questioning that same morning but was later released. He eventually returned to the Island Council Meeting which was in session for most of the day. A press release later that morning from the Prosecutor's Office stated that the investigators under the supervision of the investigating judge conducted the searches since the commissioner is under suspicion of forgery.

According to well placed sources the commissioner is being investigated on documents he signed for several persons, including Venezuelan Natalie Luna who was held for deportation and later received permanent residency. Luna now resides in the United States since she managed to secure a US visa with her permanent residency.

Other sources claim the prosecutor's office is looking into the issuance of several bus licenses that is driven by mostly Haitians. Stein has so far declined to release any information on the scope of the investigations since the matter he said is very sensitive.

Roberto Richardson also arrested---investigation into forgery

SMN News also receives reliable information which suggested that the commissioner former chief executive officer Roberto Richardson was also held for questioning. Chief prosecutor Taco Stein confirmed the arrest yesterday afternoon. However, the Chief Prosecutor of the Windward Islands said he did not have information on the nature of the investigation.

Most of the staff that worked with the commissioner was questioned by the detectives earlier this year concerning his foundations and other matters relating to Laveist portfolios. Sources told this media house that the commissioner knew he was going to be arrested yesterday and he was seeking legal advice from a specific former prosecutor who resides on the island even though he has a top lawyer representing him.

Both Laviest and Richardson are presently held at the Philipsburg Police Station where they are being questioned by the Federal Detectives. It is understood that the Prosecutor's office intended to keep both men at the Philipsburg Police station in different cells. In an invited comment Chief Prosecutor Taco Stein said last night the two men would be held on St. Maarten and that according to procedures they would stay two times twenty four hours. Stein said after that his office would decide on how to proceed with the detention.



CAY HILL----Learning Unlimited Preparatory Schools will be conducting a "New and Like New" sale of clothing, accessories and household items at 80% to 90% off the original prices. Executive Director of the school Dr. Pouneh Alcott said that the reason for the sale is to raise funds to finance several projects which will be of benefit to the students of the school.
Among the items on sale will be men, women and children's clothing, belts, scarves shoes and home furnishings. This event is being hosted by the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) of the school and if the sale goes well, it is expected to be an annual event.
All parents of children who attend the school will be contributing to the event and the items which are not sold will be donated to a charitable organization which is chosen by the students. This sale has been described as "an extraordinary bargain hunting adventure" for people who attend it on Saturday and Sunday upcoming commencing at 10:00am to 2:00 pm.
Parents wishing to donate items for the sale have been asked to bring them to the office of the school beginning last Monday. It was mentioned that all items of clothing must be brought on clothing hangers so that they can be displayed properly.
Dr. Alcott has advised that all sales will be final and only cash sales will be allowed. She has invited the entire community attend the event to support the school.


dsc00688Philipsburg- In preparation for the HIV/AIDS Education Policy that will be included in the island's school curriculum, a workshop on Curriculum Development and Curriculum Engineering was held last week for members of the HIV/AIDS Education Policy Workgroup and for teachers of each cycle of our primary and secondary schools that are engaged in curriculum development.
The facilitator for both workshops was Mr. Salorne McDonald, a Behavior Change Communications Specialist with a degree in education and specialization in curriculum development.
The need for an HIV/AIDS Education Policy came out of the 2007-2011 HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan. It was realized that in order to target all school going children (including younger children), a special curriculum was needed for both elementary and secondary schools to teach children about HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health. Seeing that there were limitations in the current education system a decision was made, with the support of the Commissioner of Education and the management and school boards of most of the islands schools, to embark on a process of developing a policy.

The process being used is an all-inclusive one, so questionnaires were developed to collect data/input from all stakeholders in the education sector: management, teachers, students and parents.
During the workshops attendees were given the various factors that impact curriculum design, such as, how will learning be facilitated, supported and structured; how will students learn; what is the scope and level of learning which is to be achieved amongst others. Mr. McDonald also brought forward to the attendees the learning process, which must be a dynamic process of empowering the learner to learn; as well as facilitating the learning as a process of identifying, challenging and changing beliefs if need be. Additional learning processes were presented as a tool to the attendees for further curriculum development.

The role of education in HIV/AIDS along with issues to address in prevention was also discussed during the workshop.
The next step now will be to conduct another workshop with teachers who were unable to attend the workshop due to the passing of Hurricane Omar. Following this, Mr. McDonald will begin writing the curriculum outline, which will be reviewed by local stakeholders and further developed before finalization.

According to Suzette Moses-Burton, HIV/AIDS Programme Manager, "This is a very exciting process that we have embarked upon and I am looking forward to the positive changes that will be realized. The process is taking much longer than we originally envisioned, but the data that we have been able to collect to date and the knowledge that we are all acquiring will benefit our community tremendously in the long run and will make a significant impact in our HIV/AIDS response on Sint Maarten."
As the process continues more information will be made available to the general public and particularly parents who will also be specifically targeted for their contribution to the process.

pa240094Philipsburg:---- Front Street and Court House Alley was like a mini circus this morning as several people from the community and the media gathered to capture the photograph of Commissioner Louie Laveist when he appeared before the judge of instruction. Laviest dressed in his white shirt jack and black pants tried to trick the media when he managed to convince the Federal Detectives to walk him through the front entrance of the court house instead of the side door which is used for prisoners. The federal detectives used a car carrying French number plates to transport the commissioner in an attempt to evade the public.






This of course did not sit well with the media especially photo journalist Gromyko Wilson who was told by one of the Dutch detectives not to take the photograph. The commissioner arrived at the court house unshackled and it was obvious he was getting some privileged treatment since he is a public figure.




Laveist spent almost two hours in the court house and when he finally exited he was full of smiles and sending off kisses to members of the media who called out to him. The commissioner also waived to his relatives and his wife Betty Laveist who was also outside waiting to see him off. Obviously disappointed when Attorney at Law Jairo Bloem told Mrs. Laveist that her husband will remain in custody as the judge upheld the request of the Prosecution.




In an invited comment Chief Prosecutor of the Windward Islands Taco Stein confirmed that Laveist will remain in custody for the next eight days. Asked if he would send to Curacao Stein said definitely not since they are still busy with the investigation. "Sending him to Curacao would be an impractical thing to do since we would have to transport him back and forth to continue the investigation". Laviest will be held in the sick cell of the Pointe Blanche Prison.




On another note, the Prosecutor's Office has released the former executive assistant to the commissioner Roberto Richardson who was also held on Wednesday for questioning since the commissioner is a suspect in forgery. Richardson was released at 2pm today.

Philipsburg:--- Police were called on Sunday morning, at around 9:10 am, for a road traffic accident on the intersection Walter Nisbeth Road. On arrival at the accident scene , police encounter one of the motorist, the driver of vehicle P-1464, lying unconscious but not showing any other visible injuries said police spokesman Johan Janchi Leonard.

Personnel of the ambulance who had been called to the scene attended the female driver (51) and after receiving first aid she was taken to the St. Maarten Medical Center for further treatment. Apparently the 51year old driver of vehicle P-1464 was driving on the W.J.A. Nisbeth Road and heading towards the bridge, drove allegedly thru red light and slammed into another vehicle P-3295 also driven by a female motorist, who was driving on the A.Th. Illidge road and heading towards the Long wall road. The traffic department is investigating this accident.

rmarlinPhilipsburg: --- Commissioner of Finance and Tourism Roy Marlin at yesterday's press briefing gave an update on his recent trip to Brazil where he signed a principal letter of intent with Tarcisio Gargioni, V.P. Marketing and Services for VRG Linhas Aereas S.A in Brazil since the latter would begin charter flights to St. Maarten.
The commissioner said the flight would leave San Paulo to Caracas Venezuela before departing to St. Maarten.

The commissioner said he has already made contact with the Minister of Air Transportation Maurice Adriens and the department of Civil Aviations since the airline would need the necessary permits from civil aviation prior to landing here. Marlin said he is very pleased with the quick response that was given since Civil Aviation already indicated to the company what is needed for the granting of the permits.
He said that he is aiming to have these flights twice weekly on Thursdays and Sundays tentatively starting at the end of November. The airline is looking at the minimum seats which have to be 60 passengers for destination to St. Maarten.

The Commissioner said the island is looking at having more that the minimum amount of passengers since they have been in the South American market for quite sometime. He said that the island is well known in these islands. He said there are two other charters that normally operate within the region. The commissioner of tourism said that he is looking into tapping into these other markets to see if he can offset the effects of the US and European economic crisis which is not affecting the South American region. He said that Brazilians has a good disposable income which is good for coming to the island. Another disadvantage for the additional flight is intended to cut down the amount of flight time to reach the island.

The commissioner is calling on both government and private sectors to put their heads together to make this attempt work. He said already the airline is stopping in Venezuela for fuel refill and while there are no direct airlines that bring passengers from that country to St. Maarten his intention is to work on that with the Minister of transportation who would then assist in contacting the Venezuelan authorities to make this a possibility.

"While my focus would be on the Brazilian market at this moment it is only natural to sit with the Venezuelan authorities since there is no flights leaving there to St. Maarten and the fact that this airline is already stopping there would only make things easier." Marlin explained.

The commissioner also spoke of the new route that Jet Blue as February 14, 2009 from Boston to St. Maarten. This he said is an opportunity for the island to look at its marketing strategies.

The island government he said already allocated $200,000 for marketing the island for the high season. He said more monies should be made by November depending on the availability of funds. He said he took note of the amount of monies Aruba allocated to marketing the island abroad. Marlin said he is continuously monitoring the financial crisis in the US. He said the island would expect a down turn this season which is being monitored.
Marlin reminded that St. Maarten have been through these types of crisis before and has managed to overcome. He said that after the aftermath of hurricane Luis in 1995, hurricane Lenny in 1999 are only some of the hardships the island was able to recover from.

He cautioned the businesses not to start screaming ‘wolf' prior to seeing one because doing so too early will negatively affect the situation. "Yes we have to put our heads our heads together to mitigate the effects of the US financial crisis but we need to be realistic in doing so.

St. Peters:--- Two students of the St. Maarten Academy was taken to the Philipsburg Police Station yesterday after they were caught with a long kitchen knife. According to police they responded to call stating that a fight was taking place in the area of the school but by the time the patrol reached they did not see any fights going on.

Philipsburg:-- The island council of St. Maarten has approved the draft resolution for the general rules for the structure and functioning of government administration.


Island Councilman Marlin posed several questions concerning the functioning of the administration. Marlin asked for clarification the dismissal of a civil servant who has since taken the island government to court. Marlin said he needs more information from commissioner of Personnel Affairs Maria Buncamper on the employment of someone who was being paid some 60,000guilders monthly.

The councilman said he also needs more information on the Passat recruitment which took place in Holland. Marlin said he believed the recruitment was not clear and he also need more information on the two persons who committed themselves to return to the island to work. The councilman said so far the
island council members only got some vague information on these persons who were to start working in September. He said he wants to know in what capacity these two workers would be hired

Marlin questioned if this was still a "secret" since they have not received the proper information from the Executive Council with regard to the placement of these persons. He said with regard to the contract by an employee who received 60,000 guilders monthly that the contract has been further extended to another year.

This he described as a "sizable sum of money" especially in light of the rising cost of living, said Marlin. He indicated that even though people are hurting as the cost of living skyrockets, the Executive Council finds it prudent to terminated persons and pay 60,000 guilders in salary.

Commissioner Buncamper-Molanus in her comments on the 1.1 million guilders that the government earmarked for recruitment said that she is aware that "there are some things that will not come clear to some people." She explained that the funds were made available from the budget of the Island Government for the recruitment of civil servants. She said further that they had attended that Career Fair in the Netherlands that was arranged by Antillean organizations. She said that there are no secrets in government and if persons ask the right questions they will receive the right answers. She also mentioned that they should do their own investigation and not only ask the Executive Council.

She explained that the contracts were signed up for a year since the persons should be evaluated and also given an opportunity to decide if they want to remain in government. With regard to the person earning 60,000 guilders per month she assured the Island Council that there is no one including a technical assistant that is employed by the Island Government for that amount of money.

French Quarter:--- Residents of Bell Plaine was shocked yesterday when one of their neighbors who is well known and is always seen sitting on chair outside of his wooden home fell and died on the spot.

One eyewitness said that the man was walking behind a young man with the intention to take a bus somehow he fell and died. The eyewitness said the incident occurred shortly after 7am and the gendarmes only arrived on the scene after 9am following the prosecutor. The man this media house understands had a medical condition.

The man is known in the community as Robert Arrindel better known as Kojack of Aruba.

tcoPhilipsburg:--- The Jamaican national who was wanted and captured by police on Saturday has already confessed to police his involvements in certain criminal activities. Kevin Carter also admitted to police to being one of the culprits who robbed the French Quarter Post Office confirmed chief prosecutor Taco Stein.

Stein said Carter already saw the judge of instruction who extended his detention.


bookPHILIPSBURG- The out of the box thinking of Devon Dembrook led to the quick restoration of electricity after the passing of Hurricane Omar.
After going through Hurricane Omar with the Cay Bay power plant running at full capacity, power production was finally halted when the rough seas and sea weed clogged the engines cooling system. Even though the GEBE plant had sustained minimal damage or the electrical grid during the hurricane, it was powerless to be able to supply any electricity without access to sufficient clean cooling water.

Power plant technicians were not able to run the generators at full capacity as the cooling systems became clogged and needed to be shut down. The lack of power not only left the community in darkness, but also affected the water supply. Within days, the water tanks began to run dry because the water production plant was not receiving enough sustained power to start producing water.
During the briefing sessions organized to assess the situation, the idea was raised by Devon Dembrook, the Supervisor for Electrical and Water Grid, to use brine from the water production plant for the cooling systems.
The water production plant uses seawater in the reverse osmosis process to produce potable water. The brine or waste water, containing salt that is unsuitable for drinking, is then returned to the sea.

Dembrook's idea was immediately seized upon by the team. The water distribution team along with the power plant technicians worked long into the night to lay the pipes to be able to redirect this discarded water into the holding tank for the power plant cooling systems.
Once the brine water was redirected, it was a matter of hours before GEBE could increase production of electricity, which provided the water production plant with enough power to start producing water. Less than 24 hours after implementing Dembrook's idea, the water production reached full capacity and electricity production met the demand.
GEBE Managing Director, William Brooks, commended his team for their outstanding response in the aftermath of Hurricane Omar. He also singled out Dembrook for his creative idea and his response team for their immediate action that enabled GEBE to restore utilities to St. Maarten even sooner.

mariaPhilipsburg:--- The Dengue Action Response Team (DART) has stepped up its response and control activities which include the enhancing of surveillance; an intensification of the house to house inspections; a stepped-up public awareness campaign; inspection of construction sites; and an island-wide clean-up campaign. Commissioner of Public Health Maria Buncamper Molanus said that the Executive Council has approved Naf 319,700 to carry out the action plan.

Already one person has died from dengue hemorrhagic dengue while a 54-year old man from the Netherlands has died of dengue shock syndrome. The man is said to be a constant visitor to the island. Buncamper Molanus said so far medical specialist from the Netherlands had a probably underlying medical condition and therefore this case is presently still under medical evaluation in the Netherlands.
Health officials has confirmed that there are DEN 1, 2 and 4 on the island, the commissioner said.

Preparations are taken to step up house to house inspections. These inspections will be carried out by a team of over 30 civil servants the commissioner said. Government also plans to reassign some of its civil servants to make sure the necessary manpower is in place to deal with the outbreak on the island.
For the month of October there has been some 40 confirmed cases of dengue while there was 48 in September.
Buncamper Molanus said the island has a real situation on its hands which has to be dealt with. This situation she said requires the complete support of the entire community.
The health commissioner urged every individual and every household have to take measures to prevent mosquito breeding within their surroundings.

"If you do not take any measures to prevent mosquito breeding, you are not only putting yourself at risks but that of your family and neighbors as well." Buncamper Molanus said. "If you take the attitude that you won't get dengue fever, I would say, first look around at your surroundings to see if you have mosquitoes. Take measures to prevent mosquito breeding and you and your family will have a higher chance of not becoming infected."
The commissioner has urged the community to begin using insect repellants on exposed skin. Repellants containing Deet she said is more effective.

MARIGOT-A two-day training is now underway at the Nina Duverly School in Marigot for supervisors of the refectory staff. The aim of the training and workshop is aimed at security and hygiene and is organized by the CTOS and SYSTEMIC. The program they said is a continuation of trainings from previous years. At the end of the program the participants will be certified. The team is expected to travel to each of the schools to train the staff of the schools cafeteria said the Director if CTOS Paul Dollin. He said young people are particularly vulnerable to making mistakes in hygiene practices while it is important for them to follow the regulations. He said there are some first time participants and it is both essential and beneficial for everyone. It is expected that more monies will be allocated in next year's budget for more of these trainings.

Territorial Councilor and President of the CTOS board Carenne Mills said that there are 4,800 meals prepared in the Central kitchen in Concordia on a daily basis.

"We have 17 public refectories with 180 staff, and by the end of the 2008/9 school year all staff must have received professional training on hygiene and security," she explained. "There will also be reinforcement of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)."
"My priority is to ensure each employee completes a minimum of 20 hours training. I will also be focusing on other training sessions for administrative staff from the 2009 budget," she added.

cor2Philipsburg: --- The husband of Leta Lynn Cordes will have to spend another eight days behind bars as the judge of instruction upheld the request of the Prosecution which will last the next eight days. Cordes is held a suspect in his wife disappearance. The 49 year old American disappeared on January 11 2008. Her husband claimed that she went to the Westin Casino to gamble in a drunken state after spending the day in Grand Case having fun.

The prosecution believes the man is responsible for his wife disappearance, even though they are still treating the case as a "missing person". Frank Cordes managed to evade police for ten months prior to him being arrested ten days ago.
cord1During that time the husband who obviously did not show any signs of grief hired boats to conduct under water searches, he insisted that cadaver dogs be used to see if his wife remains were going to be found but so far these searches did not yield anything positive. Frank Cordes even went as far as hiring someone to act as a private detective to see if his wife remains were found on the French side.

The German American and his wife is the owner of a vacation home in Oyster Pond Cordes said in prior interviews with SMN News.
This media house also learnt that the couple was having problems in their marriage mostly related to monies. SMN News also understands that the couple argued heavily the day before she disappeared on money issues and that she had threatened to leave him and keep their vacation villa on St. Maarten.


co2005Philipsburg- The Port of St. Maarten will be represented at the 15th Annual Florida Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Conference and Trade Show which starts on Monday, October 27 in Trinidad & Tobago.
Commissioner of Port Affairs Theo Heyliger will be leading a delegation comprising of members of the supervisory board and other officials.
It is the first time that harbour officials from St. Martin have joined up with Dutch port officials to represent the island at the cruise shipping conference.
More than 1200 cruise industry partners and more than 100 cruise executives from the FCCA member lines will be present to discuss a full agenda.
The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in the capital of Port of Spain. The event showcases Caribbean and Latin America destinations, services and products and represents a primary venue for vendors and member cruise lines spanning the globe from Europe to the Caribbean.
The Conference includes a series of round table discussions hosted by executives from the FCCA Member Lines. Topics covered will be marketing, shore excursions and operations. Of particular interest this year, guest speakers will focus on the economic forecast for the cruise industry as it relates to the well-publicized American economy.
The FCCA Conference is the only event that also offers pre-set meetings with select Cruise Executives on a One-on-One basis for pre-registered Delegates. This is the perfect opportunity to meet with key players, analyze industry trends and discuss current issues.
"There are some major challenges currently going on with the global economy, and the financial credit crisis. Before that we had the high oil prices, but those have dropped to a 16-month low.
"The FCCA Conference offers an opportunity for the Port of St. Maarten to get an update on current cruise market trends and developments; and secondly, it also offers us the opportunity to give a status update of our cruise destination since the passing of Hurricane Omar.
"Our presence once again at the FCCA Conference is very important especially in these challenging times. We look forward to meeting with our cruise partners and assessing new opportunities for the Port of St. Maarten," Harbour Group of Companies Managing Director Mark Mingo said on Friday.
The FCCA Conference and Trade Show will conclude on October 31.


sim5Simpson Bay:---Students of the St. Maarten Archaeological Center (SIMARC) together with Dr. Jay Haviser, used part of their weekend to clean and record the Old Simpson Bay bridge at Simpson Bay between the Atrium and Topper's restaurant. The students see this old bridge as an important historical monument for the Simpson Bay area, and indeed many people do not even know that the bridge is still there.

The original wooden bridge at this location was built in 1933, as the very first bridge to connect Simpson Bay Village to the main part of the island. That first wooden bridge was replaced in the early 1950's with the stone and mortar bridge that is presently being used. It was in 1970 that the first John S. Lejuez Bridge was built at the location used by traffic today. However, the first Lejuez Bridge was a metal side-swing swivel bridge, which was later replaced by the present lift bridge.

The SIMARC students want to show respect for this monument by cleaning it after hurricane Omar, and also to make measurements and photographs of the bridge for a proper recording of the site, that such an historical monument deserves. They also plan to conduct some archaeological test excavations around the old bridge in the near future. The SIMARC students all agree that this old bridge would make an excellent small historical park, or children's playground, for the Simpson Bay area, combining heritage and recreation.

Philipsburg- The Secondary Vocational Education (SBO/SVE) Service Center is currently preparing to participate for the first time in the St. Martin Career and Study Fair.
This fair is scheduled for Wednesday, November 5 at the Belair Community Center.
SBO Service Center reps will be manning their booth and ready to provide a wealth of information about courses that are available.
The SBO Service Center was established by the Island Government to coordinate and support the accreditation process and organization of advanced SBO courses. It is seen as an investment in those seeking to further their education and, thus, in the economic future of the nation as a whole.
A formal education is an important determinant of individual earnings as well as economic growth. Given the demand for skilled workers in the labour market, if the nation is to stand any chance at all of surviving economic challenges, an investment in vocational education and training at the secondary level is essential.
Individuals must therefore acquire the necessary education and skills and knowledge to increase their value in the labour market and the SBO Service Center along with its partner SBO educational institutions have provided the avenue and link to the business community and the labour market.
Education, training and experience are the three main mechanisms for enhancing the human capital which is at the forefront of SBO education.
SBO/SVE education is very important in improving and further developing the skills of the nation's workforce.


meetingPhilipsburg- The general public of St. Maarten is invited to attend the 13th annual Caribbean Multi-National Business Conference that will be held at the Sonesta Maho Beach Resort & Casino from November 6-9, 2008.

The conference consists of presentations, town hall meetings, forums, and discussions, on a variety of topics such as tourism, finance, economics, health, technology, agriculture, trade and investment, immigration, education, among other topics.

The theme of this conference is "A region in transition, Strategy for Change, Building Alliances."

The conference has attracted members of the United States Congress, Caribbean Heads of State, state and local government officials from the USA; senior corporate executives and entrepreneurs.

The people of St. Maarten are invited to attend and hear the speakers' presentations on a host of different topics-all of which can open doors for doing business and developing partnerships, Commissioner Sarah Wescot-Williams said. This event is a great networking opportunity.

The Honorable David Patterson, New York's Governor, Congressman Charles Rangel, Chairman of the influential Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, and Dr. Denzil Douglas, Prime Minister of St. Kitts-Nevis, are among those who will address the gathering.

A special registration fee for locals has been set at $135.00 per day. This amount includes the registration material and all meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner). Interested persons can pay at the Sonesta Beach Resort & Casino. Registration will commence November 6, 2008, from 12 noon to 6. 00 p.m.


2008_10_20_repairs_gridPHILIPSBURG—The majority of the High Tension electricity grid has been repaired over the weekend including the Dutch Quarter, Middle Region overhead cable areas.


The distribution teams have been steadily working to repair high tension cables, replacing transformers, straightened leaning electricity poles and replacing damaged poles.   The Pelican and Simpson Bay Yacht Club (SBYC) grid link was repaired early Monday evening.  Beacon Point in Beacon Hill and the homes along the beach that were severely affected by storm surge still do not have power, but GEBE personnel are working very hard to get power back online in this area. 

A transformer in the vicinity of the Jump Up Casino is currently being repaired.   Installation of a transformer by the MAC school in St. Peters was completed early Monday evening.

The majority of the low tension cables have also been repaired.  Areas that are currently being worked on by GEBE technical crews are Simpson Bay in the vicinity of Atrium Resort, St. Peters and Betty Estate, South Reward and A. T. Illidge Road.  The teams are currently in the process of finalizing the low tension connections and repairing individual house connections.

Power Production

The Cay Bay power plant has increased its total power production and has been able to provide power to most areas.  The power plant crew has been working meticulously to remove the seaweed from all of the cooling units, which was preventing the plant from operating at full capacity.

GEBE expects the plant to be running at full capacity on Tuesday and will resort to load shedding only if absolutely necessary due to unforeseen circumstances.  GEBE aims to minimize the effects of the load shedding by sparing the high priority areas, such as emergency services, hospital, police, schools, main commercial areas, etc. Below is the tentative load shedding schedule.

Affected Area

Possible Duration


2 hours

Pelican Keys

1 hour


1 hour

Cole Bay Lagoon

2 hour

Middle Region / Dutch Quarter

2 hour


2 hour

Cole Bay

2 hour

Madame Estate

2 hour

Billy Folly

2 hour

Over The Bank

2 hour


2 hour

Some tips of preparing for the load shedding include turning your refrigerator to the coldest setting to keep its contents cool during the power outage and turning off and unplugging any sensitive electrical appliances.


The water production plant has been operating at full capacity since Saturday morning.  The last two tanks, in Monte Vista and Concordia Hill, are being filled and water should be restored to these areas during the course of the day Monday.  This would result in 100% of the water supply to the island. 

Airport - For over forty (40) years pilots flying into PJIAE landed and took off from runways 09 and 27. As a result of the rotation of the earth, changes in the angle of the runway occur over time. In light of this, and the completion of the new terminal building and related works it is necessary to implement various upgrades in the aircraft navigation sector to ensure compliance with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standards. One of the upgrades involves changing the runway identifier numbers from 09/27 to 10/28 effective October 23, 2008.

The runway identifier numbers are surface markings located on the runway strip where aircrafts land and/or take-off. The upgrade is due to the difference between the true north and magnetic north (variation) requiring an adjustment in the directional layout of the runway. Of course, nothing in the infrastructure will change. It is only the runways' designation that will change, necessitated by magnetic variations. Runway designations are declared as two digit numbers. They represent the whole number which is nearest to one-tenth of the magnetic heading of the centreline of the runway. With this latest upgrade, PJIAE ensures continued compliance with ICAO's international obligations and the quality service required to its users.

The change will require all documented references to the runway designations to be amended, aerodrome signage to be changed, runway markings to be replaced, radar and control system maps to be updated and, not least, to encourage a rapid transition by pilots, airport and Air Traffic Control staff to using the new designations. Considering that accurate and efficient communication has a significant bearing on aerodrome safety, this is seen as a major challenge. All relevant information has been published in the pertinent publications.


Philipsburg: --- The current downturn in the global economy more specifically the financial crisis in the United States has left St. Maarten with yet another challenge,
said commissioner of economic affairs Maria Buncamper Molanus at yesterday's press briefing. "St. Maarten's economy is heavily dependent on the developments and the level of impacts within the U.S. As such it is essential that the Island Government put mechanisms in place in order to cushion any shocks, the commissioner disclosed.

To this end the Sector Economy and Tourism, with the involvement of the commissioner's office, will be holding a stakeholder meeting with the Chamber of Commerce to further discuss how the Island Government will be handling the potential economic crisis as a direct consequence of the International Financial crisis and the U. S forecasted recession.

The meeting is schedule for Monday October 27th, 2008, 2:30pm at the A.C. Wathey Conference Room.


Marigot:--- Health Officials on the French side has decided to step up the dengue awareness campaign now that the island is under is second phase of epidemic for the year. This was disclosed at a press conference held at the Prefecture of St. Martin today. They said at least four more personnel are here from Guadeloupe to assist with the fogging.

Also planned are a number of television and radio advertisements to create awareness within the community. Officials from the DSDS will be making house visits to supply residents with fishes to eat the larvae in their cisterns.

gracitaPhilipsburg:--- Leader of the Peoples Progressive Alliance("PPA") Gracita Arrindell stated that "the stewardship of this island is in dire need of strong and decisive leadership, given the long list of issues that we face today. These include the constitutional impasse and the recent statements and positions taken by the majority of the members of all factions in the Dutch Parliament that St Maarten is far from ready to assume its new status in January 2010. This topic alone warrants a separate meeting of the Island Council of St Maarten to address the people's constitutional future. A press conference by the Commissioner of Constitutional Affairs simply is not enough and is at best self-serving."

"The PPA has been calling on the DP to publicly address a number of pressing issues including the state preparedness of the people for the world credit/ financial crisis and its negative impact on St Maarten, the government's lack of resources to properly and timely market the island in alternative tourism destinations, the present internal crisis within the DP as well as our inadequate infrastructure to handle a major natural or man made disaster. The banking system on St Maarten is broader than 1 or 2 local banks and includes banks that also feel some of the impact from the world crisis."

"The aftermath of Hurricane ‘Omar' taught us a lesson again. We can ill-afford to be complacent or just hold our breaths and hope for the best. Preparedness is and always should be the mantra of our leaders regardless of political affiliation. It was refreshing to hear, at least, one Commissioner being candid and truthful about the state of our infrastructure at a time when many prefer to sweep our dangerous problems under the rug while pretending that all is rosy. An Island Council meeting is warranted to address, in a comprehensive manner, these serious weaknesses exposed by ‘Omar.' Arrindell said.

This proposed Island Council meeting must include on the agenda another budget 2008 amendment in order to officially attach a price tag to the recovery efforts and the reduction in revenue to government for 2008 due to the hurricane. A meeting is warranted in order to know the full extent of the extra costs of contractual commitments government has with third parties such as Balast Nedam and others that Commissioner Heyliger rightfully referred to at his press briefing last week. While a request for Dutch Government emergency assistance is warranted and has been done before following a hurricane, it is also time for this island government to grow up and have its own emergency funds for times like these. This will increase the ‘Goodwill' factor of any potential donor, within or outside the Dutch Kingdom, to assist our people and government to get back on track as early as possible"

‘While we commend all persons in and outside of government who have done their share in whatever form or fashion to get our island back on its feet, we must be concerned and take decisive steps on a few issues. For example;

1. We continue to be deeply concerned by the lack of meaningful action by government to have a permanent solution to the Mullet Bay property now thirteen (13) years in waiting. It is time for decisive action in this regard and use the existing laws to clean up the rest of the derelict buildings once and for all.
2. We are concerned about the apparent lack of immediate cooperation between the French and Dutch sides of St Maarten in assisting each other to get the electricity services up and running as pledged yearly during meetings and the November 11th celebrations. When does a request for assistance kick in? The public deserves to know.
3. We are concerned by the complacency by most of us who do not take action each season to clear our roofs, yards of debris and trim our trees in case a hurricane hits. This action should be automatic like taking a ones yearly health check up.
4. We are concerned that the local Red Cross does not have sufficient funds to provide assistance and support to the needy among us.

In conclusion in her press release the PPPA leader said while we count our blessings of having survived this last hurricane, we must regain control over our assets and aspirations by being prepared. Government must tell the people the truth on the state of our affairs no matter how painful. Again, an Island Council meeting is needed to bring closure and move on with a clear sense of direction, which includes a major review of where we stand today by all stakeholders".


jchiPhilipsburg:---- Police was called on Sunday for case of ill-treatment that had had occurred next to the St. Peters Supermarket in St. Peters.

At around 1 pm, according to the victim, it all started when two of his customers who were standing in the line to pay for their groceries refused to wait and constantly was trying to jump the line not wanting to wait their turn and when he cashier, a 43-year-old Asian man reprimanded them about their behavior they got apparently angry and attacked the cashier by choking him and beating him with a stick and then left the scene. Ambulance was called to the scene treated the victim for his injuries. The detectives were also summoned to the scene and are busy investigating this case of ill-treatment.


dartPhilipsburg- Vector control efforts for mosquitoes, larvae and potential breeding sites will be intensified with a door-to-door/yard reduction campaign starting on Friday morning in the district of Pointe Blanche. The final logistics are currently being put into place.

Approximately 15 to 30 teams of two persons will canvass the island in the coming weeks and visit more than 15,000 households from Pointe Blanche to the Low Lands. The house-to-house/yard intensified inspections will be carried out from 8.00am to 12.00pm.

The Dengue Action Response Team (DART), a multidisciplinary planning team is looking for the full cooperation of residents when the inspection teams call at their address.

Fogging vector control will take place in the Guana Bay and Back Bay areas as of Thursday barring any unforeseen circumstances such as a change in weather conditions. Fogging had to be discontinued recently due to mechanical problems with the fogging machine.

The house-to-house/yard inspections are part of the public health response to dengue on the island and are part of an intensified community campaign to eradicate the mosquito that carries dengue fever.

Community mosquito surveillance and control is critical at this time in order to effectively deal with the dengue outbreak on the island. The inspections will allow for the location of hotspots of dengue mosquitoes.

Mosquito control workers become the firefighters of dengue. Dengue can rage through a community like a bushfire, and the Aedes Aegypti mosquito is the fuel for the fire. The more mosquitoes present, the faster dengue spreads.

Each inspection team will be led by a team leader and will be identifiable by a badge. Residents who are at home during the time of inspection will be provided with information about dengue fever and symptoms and how to identify the mosquito that carries the virus.

Information will also be provided about preventive action that must be taken and maintained to prevent mosquito breeding in and around your home.

The cooperation of every household is required in order for this intensified inspection to be a success.

Persons who are not at home when inspectors call, will receive a letter that they were there and what their findings were after the yard inspection, and what preventive actions need to be taken in and around the home as well as inside.

The Island Government has approved an emergency budget of over Naf.300,000 to cover a number of interventions related to the national outbreak. An intensification of intervention activities is currently underway.

Preventive actions that every household should take are: Debris, old tires and standing clear/clean water in yards are the main source and breeding ground for mosquitoes bringing about an increased risk of mosquito-borne diseases. These areas should be immediately eliminated.

Immediately check for clear/clean standing water in roof spouts, empty drums, buckets, jars, birdbaths, boats, plant containers, saucers, paint cans and other items that can collect water around your homes and businesses. Where clear/clean standing water exists, one can use small amounts of kerosene, just to cover the surface as a measure to prevent mosquito breeding or just get rid of the container.

In the case of where containers are used for storing water, residents should keep these properly covered and check every three days to make sure that mosquito's haven't laid any eggs. Inlets and outlets of cisterns must be covered with a mosquito net or cloth to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in the water.

Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection that causes a severe flu-like illness that affects infants, young children and adults, but seldom causes death, however two persons have died since the outbreak and therefore you are urgently advised to take immediate measures to protect your family.

Anyone requiring information concerning measures to prevent mosquito breeding or to report areas of standing water, overgrown vegetation etc should immediately call the Hygiene Department at 542-2079.

fugPhilipsburg: --- The extradition procedures of Micheal Jason Registe an American national who is wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) for a double murder in Georgia has been postponed to December 15.

The extradition process was heard in the high courts yesterday and has been postponed on the request of the defense attorney Remko Stomp. Stomp said he only received the files on the process last Thursday and he did not get a chance to even properly study the case and discuss it with his client. The court he said has acknowledged that and has granted his request of postponement.
Rejiste is wanted for his alleged involvement in the participation of a double murder in Columbus Geogia on July 20 2007. Law enforcement officers responded to a shooting incident in which two males sitting inside a truck had suffered execution style gunshot wounds at the back of their heads.

Philipsburg– On October 1 Colorado State University hurricane forecasters Phil Klotzbach and William Gray came out with their October-only forecast and they expect three named storms to form somewhere in the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean Sea.

Of the three named storms, two are expected to become hurricanes with one reaching major hurricane status with winds over 111 miles per hour.

Cul de Sac:-- Owner of the Women's Heath Services Dr. Randall Friday is calling on the executive council and supervisory board of the St. Maarten Medical Center to intercede in the impasse between the doctor and the hospital's director Dr. George Scot. Dr. Friday also rejected the amended proposal which was made by Dr. Scot he said the proposal is reckless especially when it comes to the funds of the medical institution. The hospital's director is proposing to take over Friday's investment so that he can move into the Medical Center as soon as possible.

Earlier this month Friday said he would open the doors of his clinic on October 15 whether or not he had an agreement with the hospital, but Friday could not live up to that promise since he is mandated to have a working agreement with the hospital.

Dr. Friday is also calling on the President of the Supervisory Board of the St. Maarten Medical Center Bobby Velasquez to communicate with him since
their job is to oversee Dr. Scot.

Philipsburg:---- New York State's Chief Executive, Governor David Patterson, is scheduled to address the annual Caribbean Multi-National Business Conference in St. Maarten. Governor Patterson whose family's roots are in the Caribbean -Grenada and Jamaica -is expected to speak on the economic and social links between New York and the various Caribbean countries. New York is home to the largest single West Indian immigrant community in North America.
"We are delighted that the Governor has accepted our invitation and that of the government of St. Maarten to address the more than 200 participants in this year's conference," said Karl Rodney, publisher of the New York Carib News. "Governor Patterson, a public official with an outstanding track record of distinguished public service will be attending the conference for the first time and we consider it an honor to have him present."
Two current Caribbean leaders, Dr. Desmond Douglas, Prime Minister of St. Kitts-Nevis, and Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St. Vincent & the Grenadines, and P.J. Patterson, who led Jamaica longer than any other head of government in the nation's history is also scheduled to attend. They will be joined by Dame Billie Miller, until recently Barbados' Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and one of the Caribbean's top policy makers on international trade for more than a dozen years.
Dr. Douglas is to speak on "a health and economic strategy for the Caribbean," while Dr. Gonsalves is expected to focus attention on the importance of "Caribbean economic integration" at a time of global financial turbulence. The former Jamaica Prime Minister is to deal with the challenges facing the island-nations, coastal states and territories of the region and their "strategy for change."
Dame Billie is scheduled to look at the "way forward for the Caribbean." The conference is to be officially opened by Sarah Wescot-Williams, leader of the government of St. Maarten.


fugPhilipsburg:--- American fugitive and the FBI ten most wanted men Michael Jason Registe is expected to appear in the Court of First Instance as his extradition hearing is expected to begin. Chief Prosecutor the Netherlands Antilles Taco Stein said that all the necessary documents have been provided by the Americans and they are now ready to go before the judge.

Registe was captured at a local guess house on St. Maarten on August 27 since he is wanted in Georgia for his participation in a double murder on July 20 2007. According to information posted on the FBI website states that law enforcement officials responded to a shooting incident in which two males sitting inside a truck had suffered execution style gunshot wounds to the back of their heads. One of the victims they said died on the scene while the other passed on shortly afterwards.
The FBI had their reward monies at $100,000 at the time Registe was captured.

Philipsburg- The Government Information Service (GIS) will be airing a special concerning dengue fever preventive actions on Monday evening on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 15 from 7.00pm to 7.30pm.
Dr. Rachel Eersel from the Preventive Health Department and Tony Boyrard from the Hygiene & Veterinary Department will both appear on Oral Gibbes Live, Channel 15 at 8.00pm to 9.00pm Monday evening. This is an opportunity for the public to call in and ask questions.
Both programs are efforts of the Dengue Action Response Team (DART) to garner public support in eradicating mosquito breeding areas to prevent mosquito-borne infections.
At the moment there is an outbreak of dengue fever on the island.
Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection that causes a severe flu-like illness that affects infants, young children and adults, but seldom causes death, however two persons have died since the outbreak.
You are advised to tune in to both programs and be informed about how you can protect yourself and your family.
Anyone requiring information concerning measures to prevent mosquito breeding or to report areas of standing water, overgrown vegetation etc should immediately call the Hygiene Department at 542-2079.


mrbellPhilipsburg;---There's had been an ongoing cry by parents, schools, the justice system, psychologist, and counselors for a residential therapeutic facility on St. Maarten, for the treatment of youth with emotional and behavioral problems or "At Risk Youth". This cry was heard by the First Caribbean International Bank on St. Maarten who has decided to choose the Ujima House as its Adopt-A-Cause recipient for this year. In informing Mrs. Judith Bell, the Director of the Ujima Foundations of First Caribbean's decision to adopt Ujima, Country Manager, and Derek Downes said "First Caribbean has a history of supporting causes that benefit the children of the community, and by adopting the cause of Ujima House, the bank and its staff are taking this commitment a step further".

"The aim of our Adopt-A-Cause program is to create an environment of volunteerism and teamwork among the Bank's staff, by encouraging employees to give of their time, in addition to any cash that the bank is donating to the various causes". Downes continued,

A number of the bank's male staff on St. Maarten has stepped up to the plate as volunteer mentors to the young wards at the home.

The bank has already provided funding for the purchase of much needed items, such as a new refrigerator, washing machine, microwave, as well as two computers, furniture and more for the home.

Presently, the Ujima Home caters to eight to ten children between the ages of 8 and 18. The foundation's objectives are to operate a 24 hour residential therapeutic program for 20 "At Risk Youth", male and female, who have been diagnosed with emotional or behavioral disorders. The Ujima home also provides treatment to the disordered youth of Saba and St. Eustatius as well.

The treatment goals will focus on helping children understand and cope with the difficulties that they have experienced over time, while at the same time empower them to accept responsibility for their current and future behaviour.
According to Mrs. Judith Bell, the Director of the Ujima Foundations, there are 2 part time counselors, a qualified teacher, a bus driver and one housemother at the therapeutic home.

The director further stated that as part of the services offered, each youth will receive an individual treatment plan with long and short term goals, a complete psychological evaluation to determined the extend of their emotional difficulties and to be officially diagnosed. In regard to family counseling, parents and guardian of the youth will also be required to participate in family counseling as part of the treatment process of the child.

The First Caribbean Foundation was established to oversee the Bank's Sponsorship and Community Relations program. A Board, comprising senior members of management, and members of the group's Board of Directors, administers the Foundation. First Caribbean has pledged to contribute 1% of its annual post-tax profits for use by the Foundation.


MARIGOT—The Gendarmes confiscated five scooters during a road control in Sandy Ground. The scooters would only be released to the legal owners when proper documentation can be provided for road use.
The operation was conducted jointly between the gendarmes and territorial police on Tuesday evening between 5 to 6:30pm.

Philipsburg:----- Members of the Democratic Party has not taken any definite decision on the portfolios of Commissioner Louie Laveist who is now in police detention that is according to sources close to the party. Members of the DP met on Friday evening in Cole Bay to discuss the current situation which is facing the party as well as the Island Government now that Laveist is locked up. "We heard Laveist might be released as early as today and if that is the case then the commissioner would have to sit with the party and discuss his political future" the source said.
The commissioner appeared before the judge of instruction on Friday where the prosecution was granted an eight day extension as they investigate his role into the forging of documents. Commissioner Louie Laveist and his executive assistant Roberto Richardson was arrested on Wednesday as federal detectives intensifies their ongoing investigation.
"The crux will be with the commissioner who is now being investigated for fraud, it will all depends on Laveist since there is no law that would allow the party to kick him out of the island or executive council. We would need to see how the commissioner view this matter and if he feels it is necessary for him to resign now to save the party and his own political future."
The party simply discussed the matter on the commissioner's availability but no definite decision has been taken SMN News understands.
In the meantime, several supporters of the commissioner feels he should hang in there since this was one of the measures used by government insiders to get him out since he was not being cooperative with the executive council. Some pundits feel Laveist should not back down if he knows he did nothing wrong, others think that Laveist is not smart enough to cook up the deals or fraud he is accused of alone.
While there are those who believe the commissioner should resign now due to the ongoing investigation; if he does before a conviction then he would still be entitled to his pension says one keen onlooker.


chser25 Yrs of Honoring, Encouraging and Praying for our Local Governments-Christian Assembly Ministries-La Savanne-Grand Case, St. Martin.

lavinjPhilipsburg: ---- The portfolios of Commissioner Louis Laviest have been shared up among the other commissioners since he remains in pre trial detention as of Wednesday last week. The commissioner received an eight day extension on Friday. While pundits were expecting that the commissioner would have been released early this week it seems as if commissioner may well have to remain in custody for longer than is expected.

Reliable sources has informed SMN News that the island leader of government Sarah Wescot Williams was allowed to see the Commissioner yesterday and she informed the Commissioner that if he remains in pre-trial detention until Thursday (tomorrow)then he would have to submit a letter of resignation to the party. The source said the commissioner has decided to go along with whatever decision the party takes.

SMN News also learnt that the Democratic Party will bring back Senator Erno Labega to take up a seat in the island council. Labega would also keep his seat in parliament. No definite decision was taken on who would be appointed as the next commissioner or if the party would continue its term with four commissioners and two island council members.

The decision to share up his portfolios was taken during the executive council meeting yesterday.
Leader of Government Sarah Westcott- Williams said that they dealt with the commissioner's portfolios in their weekly meeting yesterday and she would make the information known today during the weekly press briefing.

According to sources SMN News has learnt that Commissioner Maria Buncamper Molanus would handle culture and youth affairs, the census office would remain solely under the governor, Commissioner Roy Marlin will handle labour and social affairs while the leader of government would deal with transportation. However, this reporter could not confirm if the breakdown we received was correct.

The board of the Democratic Party has met last night where the party leader updated its members on the new developments. It is expected that the DP will hold a public meeting for its members next week to bring their members up to date. One of the issues discussed last night this media house understands is a particular individual who is employed by the commissioner and is always in his office and other areas of the government administration building. SMN News understands that some of the party members are not comfortable with this person being in the government building when in fact they are not employed by government. Some of the members who were very vocal about the recent developments felt that the commissioner knew what he did and he should resign immediately and go his way. The members SMN News understands felt that the commissioner knew that this was going to happen since the investigations began almost two years ago.

Commissioner Louie Laveist is a suspect in the forging of documents; he was arrested on Wednesday last week after months of investigations being carried out by the Federal Detectives. The Federal Detectives also searched Laveist office and home on two days prior to his arrest. He is being held at the sick bay of the Pointe Blanche Prison as the investigations continue.

usonaPhilipsburg:---Two agreements were signed for financing by Dutch development aid with the representative of USONA and the Island Government for projects in education. According to Commissioner of Constitutional Affairs Sarah Wescott Williams one of the agreements is for 700,000 guilders projects in her remarks said that one of the projects that was signed was for the EBV which is program that will enhance government apparatus in general. She mentioned that even though several projects were identified, they signed the agreement on the assistance for the Department of Education. She mentioned that the financing of 700,000 Guilders is for the appointment of a legal advisor for adjusting and preparing legislation for the department with the focus on the new constitutional status of St. Maarten. The other agreement was for the strengthening of education institutions which comes under the IOV which deals with organizational strengthening and with the innovations in education.

comm._louie_lavesit-2005Philipsburg: --- Commissioner of Youth Affairs and Labour Louie Laveist has been released from pre-trial detention yesterday (Thursday) evening. The decision was taken late Thursday afternoon confirmed Chief Prosecutor Taco Stein. Asked if the commissioner cooperated with the investigators Stein said he has been talking ever since he was detained last Wednesday but that does not mean the commissioner said what the investigators were looking forward to hearing.

Stein also confirmed that the commissioner will be prosecuted in the near future. He said Laveist would be charged with forging of documents.

The commissioner was arrested on Wednesday last week after a year long investigation which is conducted by the Federal Detectives. His executive assistant Roberto Richardson was also arrested that same day but was released on Friday last week the same day the commissioner appeared before the judge of instruction for an extension of his pre-trail detention.

Laveist was asked by his party to resign latest today (Thursday) since he is detained and there is an ongoing investigation into alleged forgery of documents. Party leader Commissioner Wescot Williams said that the only way Laveist could make his seat in the island and executive council available to the party was by resigning, since the island government has no power to confiscate the seat.

Shortly after that notification the commissioner had to be transported to the St. Maarten Medical Center for treatment since his blood pressure went up.

Sources close to the investigation says Laveist was questioned mainly about his foundations and how he acquired monies for the foundations. It is alleged that the commissioner received monetary gifts from several businesses in favor of working documents. Those monies were deposited in the accounts of Culture Club and the New Hope Foundation. It is understood that investigators even questioned the commissioner about the amount of barber shops and buses that he owns.

One such business that is suspected of making large donations to Laveist in exchange for favors is New York nails whose disgruntled employee has pointed fingers to the commissioner. Another case is that of Venezuelan national Natalie Luna who was taken out of the Philipsburg Police detention even though the woman had no legal documents to reside on the island. Luna allegedly received permanent residency on the island one day after she was released. Luna has since left St. Maarten is residing in the US.



Area 6 Governor Rolando Tobias presents the winner’s trophy to CC Alfonso Blijden (left). Philipsburg:---- Competent Communicator Alfonso Blijden will be representing St Maarten during the District 81 humorous speech contest scheduled for October 18th in Trinidad. Blijden was the only contestant out of the four Clubs on Dutch St Maarten. According to Toastmasters International requirements, he was still required to present his speech for the Clubs and had to qualify within the allotted time. Area 6 Lieutenant Governor of Education & Training ACB Jerome Gumbs functioned as the Contest Chair during the proceedings this past Tuesday evening.

danbbsMarigot: --- First Vice President Daniel Gibbs is once again under fire, this time SMN News understands that the Director General of Departments of the Collectivity had to confront Gibbs on his portfolios since none of the departments under him is functioning properly. Sources told SMN News that Gibbs has no ideas of his own and he is expecting the staff of the Collectivity to give him ideas to speak about. "While the ideas maybe one thing no one knows where he Gibbs would get the monies from to execute these projects since it is not in the budget" one source said.

Due to the confrontation by the DGS, Gibbs then called an impromptu meeting on Thursday evening and the meeting had to be cancelled because the committee members were informed late Wednesday evening. The only person that showed up to that meeting was Opposition leader Alain Richardson.

SMN News also understands that Gibbs is coming under fire since he is not doing enough in his portfolios and there is a lot going on at the Tourist Office which he Gibbs cannot give clear accountability on.

Additional information provided to SMN News shows that Gibbs and his crew Yann Claeysen went as far as Serbia claiming they went to market the island there when in fact they have relatives living there. The source said this can be proven by bills provided to the tourist office. Another questionable bill was Euros 200 that had to be reimbursed to Clayesen. This money they said was used at a club in Paris at 4 am in the morning. Claeysen they said claimed that they went to a meeting. He was quizzed on the location which turned out to be a club in Paris issued at 4 am in the morning, something the President of the Tourist Board questioned.

Another questionable investment for the President of the Tourist Board and the COM is the purchase of the database ( reservation center) which cost some 230, 000 Euros which was purchased from the old budget which has already been liquidated. SMN News understands that the company from which this database was purchased belong to a close friend of the Director Yann Clayesen. The source said that Claeysen once represented the company in St. Martin four years ago when he tried selling the product to the former president of the board for Euros 60,000. "The most outrageous part is that there was no bidding process for the purchase which is required by law.

SMN News understands that the new board which is headed by Ida Zin Ka Ieu is also looking into the redecoration of the tourist office which cost 57, 000 Euros. Another source said that the painter has even decorated Gibbs house for free after he secured the job at the tourist office.

Right now parties are not speaking about the issues at the Tourist Office since it has become a case for the judges but pundits are already saying that Gibbs may soon have to appear before the prosecutor since the new board already sent a letter with piles on information that needs to be clarified.


WILLEMSTAD----- Minister for Constitutional Affairs Roland Duncan feels that much more could be done by the Island Government to inform the people of the new constitutional status. He said that he does not understand why the draft constitution could not be published in the daily newspapers by sections and have sessions done in the different districts.
The Minister stressed that the people have the right to participate in the constitution and contends that politicians including himself does not have the right decide for the people without first consulting with the people. He suggests that the District Councils should be called in and given the information so that it could be disseminated it among the people.
He also advises the draft be distributed in the schools so that they could give their input in the document. He indicated that even though the PCCA has had the document for some time does not mean that the people are aware of what is happening. He further spoke about the session with Judge Bob Wit who was here to discuss a part of the constitution and stressed that this is not enough for the people.
He stated that the document is held in "secret" since he does not understand why it is not shared with the partners. He said that what the representatives of the Dutch Second Chamber are saying now is what he has been saying for a long time now. "I am accused of beating up on St. Maarten," he said. "I am not beating up on St. Maarten I am being hard on myself because I am aware of the requirements." He called on the Executive Council to examine themselves with regard to the issues that are facing.
Speaking of the Dutch Second Chamber he said that they have the authority to demand that the Charter of the Kingdom remain as it is, since they could instruct the Dutch State Secretary Ank Bijleveld-Schouten and the Dutch Prime Minister Jan Pieter Balkanende not to sign the document. He said that he understands the concern the Dutch Government with regard to the new status and indicated that "there is a dark cloud hanging over St. Maarten."
He noted that the Dutch Government is taking special interest in the island and as far as he is concerned that re-appointment of the Commissioner of Public Health Maria Buncamper Molanus to the Executive Council has not help the situation. He also mentioned the arrest of the Commissioner of Labor Louis Laveist and said "that he hopes that he is innocent."
Duncan noted that since the people voted in the referendum to become a country in the Kingdom of the Netherlands the Dutch Government has a right to scrutinize what is happening in their Kingdom. He stated that there is a motion to place St. Maarten under Higher Supervision but believes that this will not pass.
Duncan mentioned that he is frustrated with the process since the Dutch Government has said that the Antillean Government has failed to ensure that St. Maarten is not practicing "good governance." He said that during the visit of the Dutch Prime Minister to St. Maarten he said that the island needs to set up their own justice system and even though justice is the responsibility of the Federal Government, nothing is being done by the Island Government. "All they are doing is blaming the Federal Government," said Duncan.



cnclPhilipsburg: --- Commissioner of Economic Affairs Maria Buncamper-Molanus re-iterated yesterday that the Island Government is doing everything possible to stem the impact of the global financial situation on the economy and overall life on St. Maarten.
The Commissioner stressed that St. Maarten's economy is heavily dependent on the developments within the United States as our primary market. As such in response to the current downturn in the U.S. economy the Island Government of St. Maarten and the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce convened a meeting to discuss the various measures that can be put in place to cushion any shocks.
Contrary to perception, the sector economy and tourism has been active over the past few months monitoring the economic situation and devising and executing plans to offset negative affects as much as possible," Buncamper-Molanus said. This included, among other things, increasing controls and hiring of extra economic controllers and reviewing and extension of the basket of price control items and publishing price comparisons of food items in the daily papers offering the consumer the opportunity to improve their efforts in finding the best deals.
A two pronged approach was discussed which will focus on measures that will be spear headed by the sector Economy & Tourism. The tourism department will implement an emergency marketing strategy that will focus on key cities within the US combined with increased airlift from Miami, NY, Boston, San Juan and South America. The purpose is to cushion projected decline in arrivals for the upcoming season.
Additionally, sector economy and tourism will focus on the cushioning the effects on the local market. Important to mention is the injection of Naf 52 million in the economy during a period of three years from the Social Economic Initiative. This financial injection will have similar effects as insurance claims had after hurricane Luis in 1995, albeit to a lesser extent because of the fact that these funds will be spent over a three year period. Nevertheless it is a financial injection which will assist in our efforts to maintain economic activity during the expected slowing down of tourism arrivals. This may entail a review of the listed priorities of the SEI project. Experience has shown that securing the existence of small and medium business proves to be important when going through such a economic situation.
At the conclusion of the session yesterday, the Chamber has agreed to work cooperatively with the island government. Furthermore, in addition to actions already being taken by Government, the Chamber within two weeks after consultation with key public and private sector stakeholders and experts, will compile a working document that can be used to address the various issues facing the economy.
The Commissioner applauded the chamber's initiative to host a consultation session/summit to discuss with stakeholders how to mitigate the effects of the global financial situation. "We are all partners and as such should work closely together in St. Maarten's best interest, so I welcome the Chamber's cooperation," she said.

Philipsburg:--The Social Insurance Bank on St. Maarten is planning to verify all data in their system for pensioners. The management of SVB has taken a decision to do the verification on Saturdays, they have sent out a letter of invitation to all pensioners to visit their offices

"We have divided the more than 2700 pensioners in 4 groups that have to control on the date mentioned in their invitation. The controls will be on the following Saturday November 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd, 2008 at the SVB office at W. A. Nisbeth Road 1 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. It is important to know that the pensioner must appear in person and bring along the invitation as well as their identification card or passport."

The reason of the control is to verify the status of the individual pensioner as to their address, country of residence, marital status, persons with power of attorney and most importantly if they are still alive.

This is the first round of pension control that is being held. Pensioners who do not present themselves at the SVB office on the requested date will be invited in a second round of control. If after the second round of control the pensioner still doesn't appear or reacts to the invitation their pension will be blocked until the pensioner contact the SVB.

The full rights to pension benefit can only be achieved if the pensioner is physically living in the Netherlands Antilles (in this case Dutch St. Maarten). If the pensioner is living abroad then the pension benefit will be reduced. This is in regard to the transitory arrangement in Federal Ordinance General Old Age Insurance P.B. 1960 no. 83 article 40 to 43. Article 43 states that for a pensioner to derive any rights according to the transitory arrangement one must be of the Dutch nationality and residing in the Netherlands Antilles.


victimsSt. James: --- Residents of Rue de Hollande St. James woke up this morning (Thursday) to one of the most gruesome scenes where a 21 year old mother and daughter were allegedly killed by her boyfriend and baby's father. The victims have been identified as Nejumbia Fleming (Nubby) (21) and her 15 months old daughter Ronelyia Fleming. According to the grandmother and great grand mother of the victims the child father is the culprit since he has very strange ways.

culpritMrs. Fleming said there was no forced entry to the apartment in which her granddaughter and her baby resides with the child father who has been identified as Rosendo Kingsdale of Statia. She said he is the only one who has the keys to the apartment since he lives there. Mrs. Fleming said the culprit killed Nejumbia and then set the house on fire to cover up his deeds. His baby who was asleep apparently died of smoke inhalation.
"I cannot say the young man was disrespectful to me but due to his weird behavior I know he had a problem. This young man is sick since he was seen exposing himself everywhere and that for me is a sick person because when someone can kill a woman whom they shared their lives with and young baby; his own flesh and blood he needs to sit in hell. Every door of the apartment was locked and the gendarmes had to take a peak to break the door down to get in." Mrs. Fleming said her daughter Nancy even injured her hand when she too was trying to break open the doors of the apartment.

pa300118Mrs. Fleming said the young man has been frequenting her grand daughter for about three years. She said she did not know much about the private lives of the young couple but she herself told her granddaughter that she would have to stop her baby's father from coming to her house because of his behaviour and her grand daughter told her she would inform the baby's father of her wishes. However, her grand daughter never told anyone they were having problems because only last week they spoke.

In the meantime, her sister Renitta told SMN News that Rosendo and her sister were constantly having problems because the young man was not serious he was constantly flirting with other women. "He was constantly beating my sister there were fights day in and day out. During the month of October he moved out and then my sister allowed him back in the house, but the cursing had eased down. I just can't say what happened lately. As for last night my children and I could have been killed because we heard nothing. The doors were all closed." Rennitta said her father is the one who alerted her to get out of the next door apartment with her children.

pa300119"Rosendo liked to play music in bands, he was part of No Limit Band and my sister loved her boyfriend no one could have told her anything about him. She did not tell us about her problems because she knew that everyone around here knows that he was having affairs with other women.

The mother of Nejumbia Fleming SMN News understands began breaking down the doors of the apartment when she realized that it was on fire in the hope of assisting her daughter who was already dead. Her mother Nancy Fleming was alerted by two explosions which made her realized something was amidst in her daughter's apartment. Nancy Fleming lives upstairs while her two daughters lived in separate apartment on the bottom floor.

dsc_1934On the scene was Nejumbia's aunt and god mother Claire Elshot who said that when the victim mother and the firemen got into the apartment they found the victim whose body is badly burnt in the bedroom and the door they said was locked with two locks from the inside. SMN News also learnt the victim Nejumbia Fleming had a blunt trauma to her head where her brain were protruding.
The incident occurred around 3:30 am in the morning residents of the area said. "This is nothing but a crime of passion and the culprit has given himself up to the Dutch police." Elshot said she was called to the scene about 6 am. The young woman father is living in Aruba and is scheduled to arrive on St. Martin anytime soon.

The mother of Nancy Fleming said that she wants justice and she is looking for the alleged killer head, since she wants justice. "I shall not rest until justice is given, I will kill his mother, sisters until I get justice, I will make a revolution on the Dutch side until I get the head of Rosendo Kingsdale who killed my daughter." Said tearful Fleming in front of the Philipsburg Police Station earlier Thursday morning.

Prosecutor Jacques Louvier said that there are two persons who are suspected of the gruesome killing and they are being held on the Dutch side of the island. One of the suspects he said is the boyfriend while the other is another mistress of the young man. She has been identified as Rosalie Devante of Curacao 25 years old. Louvier said the young woman already agreed to come over to the French side where the crime and investigation is taking place. "We already got information that the young woman would come over voluntarily but the young man who is the father of the child has refused so the extradition process would have to take place." The older victim received a blow to the back of her head while there is a scar on the baby's arm. It is believed that the baby died of smoke inhalation but the mother was killed and then burnt Louvier said that the autopsies will take place sometime today (Thursday). "We are told the female suspect has burns and she is also very confused but what has caused this is unknown to the French authorities.

In an invited comment Chief Prosecutor of the Windward Islands confirmed the suspects were arrested on the Dutch side of the island. Stein said that the young man is being interrogated at the Police Station in Philipsburg where he is held. Stein also confirmed that the Gendarmes have informed them of the incident as they are busy with the criminal investigations. He said the gendarmes already give them an oral notification that they would be seeking to extradite the young man to the French side where the crime has been committed.

Police Confirms, Two have Been Arrested

Police Spokesman Ricardo Henson in a press release said when they were notified of the case they went in search of the suspect who freely accompanied them to the police station. The young man was found in the Belvedere area. Shortly after the young man was placed under arrest on the orders of the Public Prosecutor. The young man told police that he had nothing to do with the crime but pointed police to a former girlfriend of his who is presently on the island. Henson said the woman was apprehended in Philipsburg. Rosendo said that he had problems with his former girlfriend and she had promised to kill Nejumbia because of jealousy.

The 25 year old woman R.D.W. denied having involvement in this case, however their are strong indications that shows her possible involvement in the killing. The female suspect R.D.W. decided to freely go with the French authorities for questioning. The male suspect remains in police custody pending further investigation. The French authorities via the Public Prosecutors Office have been informed of the present developments.

About Nejumbia Fleming

Nejumbia Fleming was an employee of Henrique's and Company on the Dutch side of the island. Her baby daughter was her life and joy. Born on the Dutch side and educated at the Milton Peters College. Nejumbia did her job training at the company where she is presently working and because of her personality and skills the owners kept her as a full time employee. She has been working there for the past three years close family friends told SMN News.

According to her relatives she was one of the patrons who attended the show on Breast Cancer Awareness on Tuesday night at the MegaPlex Cinemas. That was the last place she went to not only to support the cause but also to bring about awareness.


buncamperPhilipsburg: --- Commissioner Maria Buncamper-Molanus called on the community in general to take a stand against violence against women by being much more vocal and supportive than they have been in the past. "The world will recognize the day against violence against women on November 25, and I call on our community to be supportive of events and organizations that will be hosting events around that day," the Commissioner said.
Buncamper-Molanus pointed out that reports of violence against women usually don't get the screaming headlines unless it ends in a fatality of the abused woman or an abused woman lashing out against her abuser. This nonchalant mind-set of abuse against women, she says, has to stop.
"It is getting to the point where the violence is extending to children who just happen to be around when a violent act is being committed against a woman. It's scary to think that our society has almost become immune to reports of violence against women. We should stand up, speak out and hold the perpetrator of violence accountable. The media, the general public, government, all of us have a collective responsibility when it concerns violence," she said.
The Commissioner stressed that her comments are not only directed towards other women who should report abuse or support a friend or family member who is being abused, but the role men should be playing as well.
"Men should also commit themselves to working towards an end to violence against women. They have to help break the stigma that violence against women is woven into the fabric of Caribbean society. Men should not pat each other on the back and try to justify abuse by any means. Confront your fellow man, talk to him, tell him abuse is never the answer and hold him accountable," the Commissioner said.
Buncamper-Molanus went on to urge mothers to instill a strong sense of pride in their daughters and teach them to expect equality for themselves.
"Violence against women is a worldwide yet still hidden problem. Many of those who perpetrate violence feel justified by strong societal messages that say that rape, battering, sexual harassment, child abuse, and other forms of violence are acceptable. Every day we see images of male violence against women in the news, in the movies, in advertising, and in our homes and workplaces. Unfortunately, it is a fact of life for women of all ages, races, and classes. That does not mean however, that we should shrug our shoulders and let it be. We have to fight to end violence against women," the Commissioner said.
She concluded by applauding the groups that continuously bring about awareness, offer safe havens and solutions and in particular who will be hosting events around the day against violence against women on November 25 and pledged her support for their efforts.


Drug Mule CaughtPhilipsburg:--- Police have arrested a man on Tuesday in the area of Nick Spring Drive Dutch Quarter. Police said that when a patrol was passing through the area they noticed a strange transaction taking place between two men. Knowing the area and what takes place there the patrol decided to investigate.

Philipsburg:--- Members of the Zero Tolerance Team netted four illegal immigrants on Saturday evening at around 9:30 pm. The immigrants were caugh at different locations. Two of immigrants are from Jamaica while the other two are from Haiti. All four of detainees are males and they were handed over to the immigration department for deportation.
The police are urging all members of the general public to walk with their identification card to avoid any inconveniencies.

In a second case early, Sunday morning at around 2:45 am., police were called for a fight in Middle Region. On their way to the fight they saw a rental-car R-1385 with 4 persons in it, on the Christmas Cactus drive obstructing the traffic. The driver was demanded to pull across his vehicle. The moment the car reached a standstill two occupants jumped out and ran away on foot. A short pursuit on foot didn't resulted into capturing these persons, even though police fired warning shots. The police managed to detain the driver a 36-year-old man of Jamaican nationality who was residing illegally on the island. The Jamaican national was arrested and later at the Police Head Quarters handed over to the Immigration Department for deportation.

sarahPhilipsburg- Leader of Government Commissioner Sarah Wescot-Williams, says that all the efforts of Governments and Central Banks in the USA, Europe and Asia to halt the global financial crisis for the past's weeks has not done much to increase investor confidence.

This was very much evident last week Friday when stock markets across the globe declined amid fears of a sustained global recession.

Government representatives from Sector Economy & Tourism met with the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry on Monday in light of the on-going global financial crisis.

"Government is very concerned as we continue to monitor the global developments regarding the financial crisis. The only thing seemingly to stop the slide in the stock markets and to bring back investor confidence is an effective and comprehensive undertaking of reform of the international monetary and financial systems.

"This has also been concluded at a recent summit in Beijing, China that brought together leaders from 43 countries in the formal setting of the Asia Europe Meeting (Asem). The global summit to take place in Washington on November 15 will bring together the 20 largest economies. At this summit leaders will seek agreement on principles of reform of the world's financial regulatory systems.

"This of course will take time, but the message that comes out of that summit I hope will lead to a return in stability in the stock markets," Leader of Government Commissioner Sarah Wescot-Williams (GIS).

With respect to the stakeholder meeting that took place on Monday, Commissioner Wescot pointed out that it was a meeting based on partnership as the way forward in dealing with the fallout of the global financial crisis on the island tourism oriented economy.

"Even though our own financial system is not being directly impacted, there is however an indirect impact on our tourism economy and this is the challenge that we have to deal with in the coming months. This is the challenge where we need to work in partnership with all stakeholders concerned in order to mitigate the consequences.

"I am confident that we will overcome this challenge as we are a resilient nation whose people have overcome other challenges in the pasts," Wescot-Williams assured.



saraPhilipsburg: --- Leader of Government and the Democratic Party Sarah Westcot Williams acknowledged she had a meeting with detained commissioner Louie Laviest where she asked him to resign from his position as commissioner.

Wescot Williams made the announcement at yesterday's executive press briefing. "I was able to convey the position of the party with regards to members of the island and executive council who are being detained or under investigation. The party's positions are that person in the interest of the investigation should resign. This sounds little bit more blunt that the words ‘stepping aside which is often used. I specifically used the word "resign' since there is no other way for an island or executive council member to step aside. There are no other possibilities for members to take a leave of absence or to put his or her position at the disposal of the party and retrieve it back at some point in time." Wescot Williams said.

The island leader further explained that the only way a member of the island council can have his or her seat made available is the resignation of the person. The seat cannot be taken away or confiscated explained Wescot Williams. "I am extremely confident that commissioner Louie Laveist would exercise good judgment in the matter at hand."
The island leader further explained that she is extremely convinced that commissioner Laveist understands this would be in his own interest, that of the Democratic Party and the country.

Wescot Williams also acknowledged that Senator Erno Labega is the next person in line to take up the vacant seat in the island council. She said at this time the party would not be looking into reappointing another commissioner in the executive council instead they would continue with those that are already there. She further explained that while the maximum of commissioners has to be five but it does not have to be that amount.

The island leader said that the she has divided the detained commissioner's portfolios as follows. Facility Management and EDC or SLAC will be under the responsibility of Theo Heyliger, Youth Affairs and Culture under Commissioner Buncamper Molanus, Inspections, Controls and Security in Transportation falls under Commissioner Roy Marlin while she would be handling labour and social affairs. As for the census office that would remain under the island Lt. Governor says Wescot Williams.

In the meantime, the commissioner will remain in police detention confirmed chief prosecutor Taco Stein. Asked if the commissioner would have to appear in court tomorrow (Friday) for another extension, the island Chief Prosecutor said he would not comment on that for now he said a decision will be taken on the case today. However, Stein made it clear that the investigation is still ongoing.

Laveist Taken to SMMC -Blood Pressure was High.

In the meantime SMN News has learnt that the commissioner has been questioned for long periods on several areas of his portfolios over the past days. The source said most of the investigation is placed on the commissioner's foundations namely the "Culture Club" and how he acquired the monies that was donated to the foundation.

The source also said that the commissioner was taken to the St. Maarten Medical Center for treatment since his blood pressure went up on Tuesday afternoon. The prison doctor visited the commissioner and advised that he be taken to the hospital since he suffers from high blood pressure. The commissioner was given some medication as treatment and was sent back to the Pointe Blanche Prison where he is kept. Our source said the commissioner is not feeling well since he is now stressed out with the questions that are posed to him on a daily basis.

dartPhilipsburg:--Dengue Action Response Team (DART), a multidisciplinary group coordinating the nation's dengue response, confirmed on Thursday that from October 1 to the 25, there are now 90 laboratory confirmed dengue cases, and this figure is expected to go over the 100 mark for the month of October as their are still 48 lab tests where the results are still pending.

The DART Team is requesting every household to take immediate measures as the outbreak continues to grow. The only way to stop the dengue outbreak from growing is by every household taking mosquito breeding preventive action. By taking measures, you are protecting your family from getting dengue fever.

On Tuesday evening a representative from the Preventive Health Department met with Family Physicians at the Dr. A.C. Wathey Legislative Hall to inform them about the latest strategies that are being implemented to fight dengue fever and to inform them about a new laboratory form that has been introduced. A meeting was also held with St. Maarten Laboratory Services (SLS). Dutch side health officials will now be able to get immediate results about laboratory tests carried out by SLS rather than having to send them to Curacao or the lab on the French side.

The Hygiene & Veterinary Department is continuing with its vector control measures of fogging the different districts which is based on having good weather - no rain. Part of the Philipsburg area as well as the Landfill on Pond Island was fogged recently.

Other areas next in line for vector control fogging are parts of the A.T. Illidge Road, Upper Princess Quarter and Guana Bay.

On Thursday Health Inspectors from the Hygiene Department as well as group team leaders visited the Pointe Blanche district to review the plan of action for the house-to-house/yard inspections that would be implemented on Friday morning as of 8.00am.

The house-to-house/yard inspections are part of the public health response to dengue on the island and are part of an intensified community campaign to eradicate the mosquito that carries dengue fever.

The Island Government has approved an emergency budget of over Naf.300,000 to cover a number of interventions related to the national outbreak.

Preventive actions that every household should take are: Debris, old tires and standing clear/clean water in yards are the main source and breeding ground for mosquitoes bringing about an increased risk of mosquito-borne diseases. These areas should be immediately eliminated.

Immediately check for clear/clean standing water in roof spouts, empty drums, buckets, jars, birdbaths, boats, plant containers, saucers, paint cans and other items that can collect water around your homes and businesses. Where clear/clean standing water exists, one can use small amounts of kerosene, just to cover the surface as a measure to prevent mosquito breeding or just get rid of the container.

During the house-to-house/yard inspections that will be carried out from 8.00am to 12.00pm, the mosquito control inspection team will also provide information and advice to residents on how to prevent mosquito breeding within their surroundings.

Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection that causes a severe flu-like illness that affects infants, young children and adults, but seldom causes death, however two persons have died since the outbreak and therefore you are urgently advised to take immediate measures to protect your family.

There are three serotypes of dengue circulating on the island, namely DEN-1, DEN-2 and DEN-4. This also increases the risk for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) which is potentially deadly, and Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) which if not treated correctly, can lead to profound shock and death.

Residents are strongly advised to continue to take urgent preventive action against mosquito breeding in order to stem the increase in the number of dengue cases on the island.

Anyone requiring information concerning measures to prevent mosquito breeding or to report areas of standing water, overgrown vegetation etc should immediately call the Hygiene Department at 542-2079.

National Alliance Councilman George Pantophlet (File Photo) Philipsburg:---National Alliance councilman George Pantophlet is calling on the commissioner of Health Maria Buncamper Molanus  to please communicate to the commissioner of Public works that the unhygienic situation that exist at the constitutional affairs office on the Walther J Nisbeth road cannot continue. This situation should be remedied as soon as possible. The stagnant water is a breathing ground for mosquitoes the councilman said in a press release.

The ever increasing documented cases of dengue fever should serve as a warning to have this problem solved forthwith. What makes matters worse is that because of the lack of parking space in Philipsburg some persons are still taking a risk with their health and parking in what I would term the green water. The commissioner of public works is busy repairing and placing proper drainage on the E.Camille Richardson Street. And this appears to be a drainage problem. Therefore it would be logical that this apparent drainage problem be dealt with posthaste.

PHILIPSBURG-Crews at the GEBE power plant in Cay Bay and their colleagues in the Distribution department have been working tirelessly to re-establish electricity and water supply to all residents. As of Sunday night an estimated 95% of the island's utility services had been restored.

Power Plant:

The production of electricity has been restored but some technical problems still remain which could lead to some load shedding during the week. If load shedding is needed, GEBE will try to limit it to an absolute minimum by sparing the high priority areas such as emergency services, hospital, police, schools, main commercial areas etc.


GEBE's Distribution Department has restored most above ground lines. Two areas that are still out of power are Beacon Point and the area around the Mac School in St John's. Technical problems have been identified at the transformers in both cases.

In addition, there are some isolated areas that the crews have not yet been able to supply with electricity. These should receive electricity by tomorrow Monday October 20 as technicians continue to work to have all of GEBE's customers back online.

Water Supply:
"The Airfin water plants are receiving all the power they need and are running at full capacity. The distribution system has been stabilized and the water supply to the community of St. Maarten has been restored" GEBE

Simpson Bay: --- Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority Corporation has announced that during the period of November 3, 2008 until November 21, 2008 Hofman Sliedrecht B.V. will continue the execution of the permanent repairs of the Simpson Bay Bridge. As is known in July this year Central Welding & Irons Works already executed part of the repairs and guarantee work on the bridge as was indicated in the Inspection Report of Rijkswaterstaat of March 2007.

During the abovementioned period Hofman Sliedrecht B.V. will repair the bottom side welds of the lift deck and will improve the lift deck driving mechanisms.
After sandblasting and cleaning of the bottom of the deck, any further deficiencies of the deck will be repaired. A new motor and speed controller will be installed to ensure that the bridge will be able to be operating at a higher wind speed limit as now is the case. A data monitoring and logger system will be put in place to keep track of the bridge's performance.

The works will further include extensive conservation of the bridge, such as the blasting and cleaning of all steel structures and the painting of the bridge with three or four layers of coatings selected specifically to provide protection against the corrosive marine environment of the bridge.

When the repair work is being done underneath the bridge deck no maritime traffic will be allowed to pass under the bridge deck as the passage will be blocked by a pontoon. All maritime traffic will have to make use of the passage under the bridge at the Coastguard/Police Station side of the channel.

The Simpson Bay Bridge will continue to open for maritime traffic on the regular opening times for the off-season being 09:30 - 11:30 and 17:30 hours up to and including Wednesday November 5, 2008.

From Thursday November 6, 2008 to Saturday November 8, 2008 the bridge will be closed for maritime traffic. The bridge will open for maritime traffic on the regular opening hours on Sunday November 9, 2008.

From Monday November 10, 2008 to Saturday November 15, 2008 the bridge will once more be closed for maritime traffic. On Sunday November 16, 2008 the bridge will open on the regular opening hours.

From Monday November 17, 2008 to Wednesday November 19, 2008 the bridge will again be closed for maritime traffic. After November 23, 2008 the bridge will continue to open daily on the regular opening hours.

During the abovementioned repair period the road traffic will be interrupted with short intervals when necessary to install the scaffolding or to deliver material to the worksite or to position the bucket truck. This work will be done early in the morning from 05:30 until 08:00 hours when the road traffic is the lightest of the day. During the repair period the main traffic lanes over the bridge will continue to be open for the road traffic.

According to work schedule the permanent repairs will be finalized Sunday November 23, 2008. Hofman Sliedrecht B.V. will work continuously during the nights and on Saturdays to shorten the repair period as much as possible.

The Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority Corporation will keep informing the maritime sector as well as the general public about the bridge opening times on a weekly basis or as soon as there is any change in the work schedule.

All facility holders, docks, piers and marinas will receive the information by fax or by e-mail or will be visited by employees of the SLAC.

The permanent repairs to the structure and the moving mechanisms of the bridge are imperative to ensure the continuous safety and security of the bridge operation.

Recommendations made by Rijkswaterstaat, (the Dutch Authority for Waterworks and Bridges) in their report of March 2007 will be executed to ensure the durability and longevity of the Simpson Bay Bridge.

During the last week of repairs Inspectors of Rijkswaterstaat will be present to inspect and make an assessment of the condition of the bridge structure and will once more put their findings in a report to the Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority.

The Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority advises the captains of all vessels to decide whether their vessel will stay in the lagoon or outside in the Simpson Bay during the repair time that the bridge cannot open. Please take good notice of the announced opening times of the bridge!

Those vessels that can transit the Sandy Ground Bridge will be able to continue to do so during the regular bridge opening times of the French side bridge.

For any further information please call the Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority's Collection Office at the Police Station in Simpson Bay next to the bridge at telephone numbers : 545 3183 or via the Police Station at telephone numbers: 545 5500/01/02/03/04/05 or call the Bridge Operator on VHF channel 12.

tou1tou2Commissioner Sarah Wescot-Williams went on a site tour in Cay Hill, behind the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex, close to the St. Maarten Medical Center and next to the new Fire and Ambulance station, where the new post-secondary institution will be built. Department Head, Kurt Ruan, explains the details of the project to Commissioner Wescot. The project is currently on tender.

Philipsburg:--- The police department has their hands full as they have received a number of complaints from people who were robbed this week.
On Tuesday a man with initials L.L told police that on the same day while leaving his home with his daughter he was attacked by three unknown black men. The incident he said occurred around 7 am.  The victim said one of his attackers was armed with a handgun which he used to strike the victim a blow to the back of his head. The man said his attackers demanded that he handed over all his monies to them and he complied fearing for his life and that of his young daughter. After committing the crime the bandits took of running.  In a related incident on the same day two men identified as G.G.P and H.D.H reported to police that while on Back Street working two young men attacked them each of the attackers they said had a small caliber handgun. The men said the incident occurred around 8 am and their attackers demanded they hand over all their monies which they did. After committing the act the youngsters fled the scene.

Also robbed is another man with initials E.L who said that on Monday while on Belair Beach he was attacked and robbed by three young boys. The victim said that his attackers had “Pit Bull Dog” with them and they covered their faces with their tee shirts prior to the attack using knives. The man said he lost his cellular phone in the attack as well as his rental car since the three bandits took the rental jeep with license plate R-45 and escaped.

Police is also investigating the robbery of a home which took place on Monday afternoon.  Two women from the Netherlands with initials B.A.M.B.R ad N.B told police they were attacked at home of one of the victims in Guana Bay. The women said they were attacked by three persons one of which was carrying a silver colored handgun

The victims were ordered, while being threatened, to sit on the sofa. They were then tied-up with tape by the suspects. The entire house was searched and quite a large amount of personal items, electrical items, cash, and other items were stolen from the house. In connection with this case one person so far has been arrested and held for questioning. The detectives are investigating the case and more arrests are expected within short. Police also have arrested a man who broke into Shaggy Dollar bar and stole a bottle of whisky and some lighters. The culprit was apprehended by security guards. Police has confiscated the items as they continue the investigation.

Philipsburg: -- The police are continuing with their searches to locate any or everything that can lead them to the helicopter that went down at sea last week Tuesday night with two men on board.
The men are Chief Inspector of Police Alfred Churchill Marsden and the pilot known on St. Maarten as Mike.
In the meantime, the items and tissues that were found have been sent to Holland where DNA testing is now being conducted. Members of the immediate families of both men are keeping their hopes high since there is no solid information on the whereabouts of the missing men. A memorial service for Mike was held at Toppers Restaurant yesterday afternoon. Speeches reflected how the men involved in this tragedy went out to save the lives of someone else, something they did in the past.

The investors of the fallen helicopter are Toochi Meyers, P. Simmons, Mike, Marsden and Learning Unlimited SMN News has learnt.
Meyers in an invited comment to SMN News said the aircraft was serviced by someone working for the manufacturer on September 30. He said the aircraft was a brand new when it was purchased. He further explained that they the investor complied with all the required rules and regulations lay down by Civil Aviation. Meyers said civil aviation had requested the pilot who has of 20 years of flying experience to have a commercial license which he secured since the intention is to operate charter flights. As per the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Meyers said that the pilot had also secured this license in the USA. Having VFR and IFR means the pilot has met the requirements to fly within the Antilles.

Meyers said that they learnt the aircraft is about 3000 feet deep in water and they believed the bodies are strapped in the aircraft and there is no one on St. Maarten who can assist in salvaging the aircraft or the bodies. He said the families of the pilot already contacted the American Consul to see if they are willing to assist in salvaging the aircraft and mostly the bodies of the two men. "Right now the focus is on finding closers for the grieving families".
Commenting on phone calls Marsden made to his wife the night he left, Meyers said that Marsden was at the Toppers Restaurant with the pilot and others when they received the phone call to conduct the rescue in Saba, he said that Marsden did try to communicate with his wife to let her know he was going over to Saba but somehow she missed the calls.

MARIGOT-An 18-year old youth has been sentenced to 30 months imprisonment, 15 of which are suspended for shooting at another person during an altercation. The sentence was handed down on Wednesday at the Tribunal des Grands Instance in Basse Terre Guadeloupe.
The judge ruled that the youth must spend a mandatory 15 months in prison. According to a press release from the gendarmerie the incident occurred in Agrement on October 23, 2008. They said they responded to a fight between two groups and the youth in question pulled a gun and fired it another man hitting him in the calf. The youth then fled the scene but was later apprehended and sent to Guadeloupe. His trial was held yesterday.

Police Spokesman Ricardo HensonCole Bay:--- Police is busy investigating a possible shooting incident which was reported to them on Tuesday evening. According to the police a woman with initials N.V.A. M told police she has been having problems with her live in boyfriend who threatened to end her life should she leave him. The woman said that due to the constant problems she has taken up residence with her father. However, she believed D.W her boyfriend intended to live up to his threats when a number of gunshots were fired from a white car with dark tints. The woman told police that while on her way home with her brother they noticed a white car parked on the other side of the street and the occupants of the vehicle began firing shots at them, she said both her and her brother managed to take cover and was not injured. When police arrived on the scene they conducted a preliminary investigation but there was no trace of a shooting. The case is under further investigation.

Philipsburg- On Sunday evening, the first cargo vessel docked at the Captain David Quay since the passing of Hurricane Omar on Wednesday going into Thursday. The vessel belongs to Tropical Shipping.

Commissioner of Port Affairs Theo Heyliger says that clean-up crews have been working on a daily basis since the passing of Hurricane Omar to ensure that the cargo facility is fully operational to accommodate cargo ships as well as inter-island vessels.

"Port operations were suspended with the threat posed by the passing of Hurricane Omar. The ports Hurricane Preparedness Plan was activated and the facilities were secured in preparations for hurricane force weather. The goal was to minimize potential property damage and return Port of St. Maarten facilities back to normal operations as quickly as possible.

"The seaport is an essential part of our infrastructure and an integral part of our nation's economy and every effort is being made to deal with the challenge presented by Omar. Port assessments are necessary in order to assure that we can guarantee incident free port operations. Progress was made over the weekend on all fronts to get our cargo port operational but with safety being our number one priority.

"As of Sunday our cargo facilities are in full operation for the on and offloading of containers," Commissioner of Port Affairs Theo Heyliger stated on Sunday.

Harbour Group of Companies Managing Director Mark Mingo says that once the rough seas subsided on Saturday, a number of divers started carrying out surveys of the sea bottom and navigation approaches for possible submerged hazards.

"Hurricanes pose a threat to life and property in the Caribbean. Fortunately, hurricanes can be detected and their movements closely monitored making the threat they pose relatively predictable, and thereby preparation losses can be minimized.

"Since the passing of Omar we have been in the post recovery response stage at the Port of St. Maarten. This entails cleaning up of the cargo facility, debris, draft and structural assessments just to mention a few. Everybody involved have been working diligently to get the cargo facility back into operation.

"Storm surge from the South West did not damage the cargo quay but instead shifted full and empty containers that were pre-arranged and stored safely. Part of the cargo area breakwater sustained some damage, but according to preliminary assessments, we don't have any containers on the seabed forming a hazard to maritime traffic.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank Clean St. Maarten and Windward Roads for an exceptional job that they have been doing in cleaning the cargo and cruise facilities," Mark Mingo said on Sunday.

Another temporary entrance to the container storage area at the cargo facility is being readied to facilitate the smooth transportation of full and empty containers to the cargo facilities. Mingo added that the provisioning of cargo ships has been a top priority for the port.



Middle Region:-- The fire department and police responded to a fire which was on Marie Galant Drive yesterday midday said police spokesman Ricardo Henson. “When the police and fire department reached the scene the wooden structure was already engulfed in flames. Even though the fire department began putting out the fire they were not able to save anything” said the police spokesman” Henson said a family of six is now homeless including four children while two nearby homes was slightly damaged. The occupant of the house identified as J.Y told police they had nothing on the fire when they left the house and he could not say what caused the fire. The fire department along with the police forensics has opened an investigation to determine the cause of the fire.

Philipsburg:---WIN AIR Airlines announced that all of its flights have returned to scheduled after the passage hurricane Omar. The airline had indicated that it flights would have been affected from Tuesday to Friday due to the likely impact and damage of Hurricane Omar.


However, Managing Director of the airline, Mr Edwin Hodge has indicated that the airline will recommence its regular schedules and would liken to thank the public for its understanding and patience during the past few days. "As the Managing Director of this airline I am happy to know that the public has tremendous faith and confidence in this airline.


Like many persons we had experienced some very difficult days with the passage of hurricane Omar, however I would like to report that none of our planes have been affected and we are proud to announce that wee will be returning to our regular schedules," Hodge said.


He added that the airline is working to ensure that those passengers who were affected by the delay in flights would be accommodated as best as possible. "We will be making required flights and trips so as to accommodate those passengers who were affected by our schedule changes. "...I would like to point out that we will try our utmost to get everyone in and out as we recognize the importance and prime responsibility of this airline," Hodge added.


The airline's MD reiterated that he is very thankful for the continue faith and support that the public has entrusted in his airline noting that the airline will continue in its efforts to improve the standard and level of service delivered.


Mr Hodge also expressed on behalf of his airline his sympathy and God's blessings to those persons, organizations, companies, institutions and homeowners who were affected in some way or the other by the hurricane. "We are sure that God knows best and like you, I am very thankful for the fact that he has spared our lives during the passage of the hurricane.


As we work toward being each other's keeper I would like to reiterate that we at WIN AIR will continue to strive our utmost to deliver the highest standard of service as it's our firm belief that you the traveling public is our foremost responsibility," he declared.


The airline's top official reiterated that all flights are back to schedule adding that the public should also visit the airline's website for further information. "We at WIN AIR hope that out customers in the islands that were affected by the hurricane have fared well and are safe" he concluded.

Philipsburg: ---- The Police Core of St. Maarten, Saba and Statia & Saba were given a strong reminder of who they are and what is expected of them at their church service held at the St. Maarten Tours of Roman Catholic Church during their 59th Anniversary Celebration. The sermon was provided Reverend Brissette.

Brissette said that police has a tremendous responsibility towards the people of their country. He described the role of the police in a democratic society. “Police is to uphold and maintain law and order in the community, they are to uphold justice and equality under the law as well as they are the caretakers of safety and security of the various islands” Brissette said. He reminded the officers that every citizen has the right to safety as well as freedom from abuse and as police officers they have the responsibility to make the streets a safe place.

Police are called to uphold the law with their professionalism and competencies as well as their integrity. He said society needs to have a powerful, professional and efficient police force, one that is transparent, unbiased and impartial. Police officers are called to carry out their duties as an effective crime fighting machine that would keep the crime rate lower. “As police officers you should carry out your duties impartially without discrimination and be mindful that no one acts above the laws. Police officers should serve their country with a sense of pride and honor and command with trust, faith and confidence.” Brisette outlined.

“Officers you should carry out your duties with core values such as integrity honesty, fairness, courage and loyalty striving towards excellence in every aspect of your work” Furthermore Police officers should be model citizens and be considered  role models by their conduct, civic attitude and patriotism. He said that the elderly  must be able to depend on the police while the youths must look up to them. “When a young boy or girl sees you in your uniform they must be able to say I would like to be a policeman or woman and they should not say the Babylon shall fall”. Brisette cautioned the officers that even though they have the right to carry a weapon (gun) they should not be arrogant and believe they have the license to use excessive force and engage in Police brutality instead they should establish strong relations with the local community.

The Police Force he said has to establish community policing by working with and through the communities. They need to develop a stronger police and community relationship based on respect and trust. He said that to achieve these values Police needs the necessary trainings as well as proper supervision and leadership for the true values of the police to be acquired.
Also speaking to the police was Pastor Royston Philbert who encouraged the police officers to look up and not down or dismayed with the negative outlook they are having. Philbert said any institution that survives 59 years is indeed to a great institution.  He said now is not the time for them to be reminded of the past but instead they should learn the lessons of the past and they should rededicate themselves for future endeavors in their community. He said he is mindful of the job a police officer has to carry out, one that is high and noble.
The police he said placed their lives on the line for the community and they should not be spoken down upon. “What the police does for the community no one else will do it for others”. They have become multi tasks individuals and no amount of monetary rewards given to them can ever suffice the time and effort they place on the jobs. Philbert said police officers have become drug addict and marriage councilors in today’s society. Furthermore, the job of the police is a stressful job since people have become very volatile and most of all since the people have taken on a natural instinct to be anti-police.  “Despite it all the society is safer with the police and they do need chaplet who would assist and give guidance to officers but if that is not the case then I am making my services available to your organization” Philbert said.
Among the officers at yesterday’s ceremony were several senior citizens who joined the police in celebrating their milestone. Several officers were seen clutching an elderly assisting them in and out of the church. Also present was Captain Loic Baras from the French Gendarmes, Keithly Benjamin from the Royal Anguilla Police Force, Prosecutor Rick Mud, Judges Wilfred Manning and Wally Haverthong, Lt. Governor Franklyn Richards as well as commissioner Maria Buncamper Molanus, and Island Council member George Pantophlet and his wife.
At the brunch the police recognized Jack Monsanto a retired police officer who had a message for the police. Monsanto an outspoken and disgruntled officer said it took 20 years after his retirement for the local police core to recognize that he is out their with much knowledge and expertise that he is willing to share with them.
Chief of Police Richard Pannflek also addressed his colleagues telling them that he is looking forward to see them upholding their pledge when they entered the police force which he is proud to be leading.


island Chief of Police Franklyn Richards in his address to the police said he is delighted to join the commemoration of the 59th anniversary of the Netherlands Antilles Police Force, certainly a high point in the continuation of this institute.

“Today is a day for us to think about the future and what kind of police force you would need to become to meet the many ever-emerging challenges facing us now and in the future. ” Richards said since they are not only celebrating the police force’s proud heritage, but looking forward to an exciting and positive future for the people of St. Maarten, with a motivated, well equipped, well-trained and better structured police organization there to protect them.

The Windward Islands Police Corps has served these communities proudly and well over close to 60 years.

The overwhelming majority of the many members of our police force have distinguished themselves on that sense of duty that drives police services across the community.
He said the police have proven that not only do they  have the skills and ability, but more importantly a positive attitude that shows that they have what it takes and they can be trusted to stay true to their oath of protecting and serving while upholding the law and not allowing themselves to be sidetracked.
“I believe that maybe without even realizing, the police department has been touching lives, winning hearts…and now is the time for bringing the W.I. Police Force closer to the people.”
Maybe this is the time to give new impetus to police-community relations by coming up with innovative ideas and approaches in networking with the community and other concerned agencies of the government.

The counterpart of police action against crimes and criminals is the cooperation and support of the community.
“Let us begin leading the way in building stronger and dynamic neighborhood partnerships with, among others, Community Councils. “ he asked.
People all over St. Maarten can be most instrumental in providing feedback, identifying focus areas and harnessing the energy of the public as one collective unit for peace and order.
The importance of an open channel for communication and feedback on police action and operations is underscored by the success of our police force in solving crime; the police can be proud of the fact that citizens cared enough to lead police to the whereabouts and subsequent apprehension of one of the most wanted fugitives in the U.S., on the shores not too long ago.
The time has come to open the  channel for communication, as is now the case, could also aid in ‘declaring war on crime”; it would certainly facilitate for having the community coming together and deciding that they have had enough.

The recently initiated painting over of graffiti believed, in some cases, to be related to what is described as an imported ‘gang’ culture is a good example of how community can do something and send out the message that it too, can fight back.
As Local Chief of Police, I remain committed to the idea of aiding and or facilitating the development of the police force in becoming a more professional organization, with its own budget, prepared within the framework of a sound multi-year financial policy.

comm_465_700Philipsburg:-- Commissioner of Labour & Youth Affairs Louie Laveist, said the Island Government is working diligently on equipping people to create employment. Laveist said he recognizes the global economic and financial challenges currently ongoing, but that the nation must not be deterred in moving forward. “St. Maarten as an island nation is part of the global community of nations. There is a sea of change taking place at the moment across the globe and for some countries it is having disastrous consequences with respect to people loosing their jobs.

MARIGOT—Residents of French St. Martin are urged to exercise precaution now that it is confirm that there is another outbreak of dengue. A press release from the Sous Prefecture states that based on information collected confirms that the there an outbreak of dengue which began some ten days ago.
The Inter-Regional Epidemiology (WAX) Antilles Guyana met with the Committee of Experts on infectious diseases within the Northern Islands, to a meeting, on October 1st, 2008, to assess the epidemiological situation of dengue.

The latest data from the sentinel local network of Health confirmed the start of a phase of resurgence of dengue, began ten days ago.
Given the climatic conditions which is in favor of the breeding of mosquito preventive  measures widely known by the population should be implemented without delay, and rigorously.
In addition to these measures of prevention, insecticide spraying campaign will run throughout the island of Saint Martin as of today October 3rd.

Even though the figures of confirmed cases have not been released they said that the population needs to apply the preventative measures rigoursly. The dengue epidemic is its early stage said the release.

  The committee plans to meet again on October 16 to the re-access the local situation.
Some of the action that has to be taken to eradicate the mosquitoes (aedes aegypti) which is known for the transmission of dengue is as follows:

The prefecture of Saint-Barthelemy and St. Martin reminds that the most effective fight against the proliferation of single mosquito vector for dengue, “Aedes aepypti”, measures must be taken to guard you and your family to and around your home:

- Avoid mosquito bites in the morning and evening, using sprays or creams repellents, to fight the mosquitoes. Residents are asked to wear long sleeved clothing in the evenings, they should install screens on doors and windows in your home, sleep under mosquito nets to avoid bites in the morning, especially young children and the elderly.

Be sure to remove stagnating water in your homes and around your houses because stagnation of clear water is the breeding places of mosquitoes: also monitor your pots.
Protect the tanks and cisterns of your home from the proliferation of mosquitoes with a canvas net

If your tanks or cisterns are not treated, you can develop a “golomines” fish that eat larvae of mosquitoes “Aedes aegypti” and therefore reduces the proliferation

 Periodically clean your gutters make sure their discharge in case of stagnant water after rain episodes

Check the health of your septic tank and when moving equipment spraying insecticides, widely open your doors and windows.

BRUSSELS—GEBE Managing Director, ir. William Brooks, attended the Sustainable Energy in Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) conference in Brussels )n the 25th and 26th of September 2008 as part of the Netherlands Antilles delegation consisting of NV GEBE (St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius), Aqualectra (Curacao) and WEB (Aruba). The participating island states which included islands from the  African, Caribbean and Pacific regions received information from industry experts on available technologies and options for the OCTs and insight into existing development programs. 

letacordesPhilipsburg: --- The judge of instruction has granted police an eight day extension to further keep Frank Cordes in custody as they investigate the disappearance of his wife Leta Lynn Cordes. The man was arrested last week, ten months after he reported his wife missing claiming that the woman had left him in a drunken state to go the Westin Casino. Leta Lynn Cordes was last seen by her husband Frank Cordes and his mother on the night of January 11 2008. It was reported by this media house that the couple were having marital problems and they argued the day she disappeared in Grand Case where Cordes claimed they were having a family outing.

Frank Cordes tried to evade police by conducting several types of searches including the use of conniver dogs. Sources close to the investigation said that police made a mistake by letting the man know when they were going to bring in these dogs, because he Cordes removed the body from where he had hidden it. The source said that the man whom they described a dubious had hidden the body in his neighbors yard and that when he learnt the dogs were going to be used he removed the body. Frank Cordes also created websites and did quite a lot for the media to take the focus off of him since he said he is not the suspect.

Some two weeks ago authorities on the Dutch said they had transferred the investigations to the French side since they had some vital information. Sources said that the Dutch authorities needed the French to check some phone records which was verified. However, none of the information we manage to secure could not be confirmed since Chief Prosecutor Taco Stein remained tightlipped on the case. Stein said that the judge of instruction extended Cordes detention and they would continue the investigation today (Monday). The investigation of the American woman disappearance is handled by the RST and not local police.

According to one of the gendarmes who are investigating the armed robberies on the French side said that based on the information given to them by suspects they arrested and are now serving prison time in Guadeloupe said that all stolen electronics stolen from the French side is sold in Cole Bay and an electronic store located on Front Street. The gendarme did not say if this information was given to his Dutch counterpart but when this media house contacted the Dutch authorities they are amazed and wanted to know how come they never got this information so that they can investigate.


If there is cooperation that existed and these men in blue are fighting crime jointly one would believe that all necessary information would be shared. On Friday the police on the Dutch side released a photo of Jamaican National who is wanted for several armed robberies and his photograph was published in Saturday's paper, by noon that same day the Dutch Police managed to capture their man. This goes to show that if law enforcement involves the community in fighting crimes much can be achieved.

Philipsburg:---Several police officers carried out a general control at several locations on the island reported the police department. Involved were the Zero Tolerance Team assisted by the VKS

These controls were held as part of the ongoing armed robbery investigations. During these controls a total of 20 persons, of which 11 from Jamaica, 3 from Guyana, 2 from St Lucia, 2 from Dominica and 2 from Haiti, were brought in because of their illegal status on the island.

All illegal immigrants will be held at the police station until all necessary arrangements are made for their safe return to their respective countries. These controls will continue for an undisclosed period.

youthcouncil2Marigot: --- The youth wing of the Collectivity of St. Martin is looking forward to installing a youth council by November 20 2008. The 23 members of the council have to come from the high schools on French side including three members from the community.  A campaign will be launched at the schools next week as well as on all radio and Television stations.  Students who are interested in being part of the council has to register at their schools and their will be an election at each school where the candidates will be selected. For the three persons who are no longer in the school system they are asked to register at Bade’s office located at Bord de Mer.

Terry Gumbs Assistant Director of Youths and Sports and Pricilla Bade Director of Youth Affairs are the two persons working to put the project together said Gumbs at a press conference yesterday. “The idea is to get our youths involved in what is taking place. They would have the opportunity to involve themselves in a positive way and to make their suggestions known to the senior council. Already the organizers have selected two commissions on which the junior council can work.  Even though the planning is taking place at a fast pace there is no monies budgeted for the youth council to work with admitted Bade and fourth VP Louis Jeffry. He said that Territorial Council will be setting aside a budget in the 2009 budget for the new council.

Gumbs said that the objective is to get the youngsters ages 15 to 18 involve themselves positively. This would enable the youths to make their contribution towards the development of the island. “While there is always a lot done and said for the youths it is never done by the youths and so we are now making a way for the youths to actively involve themselves.” The youths would have the chance to now let the elected officials know what are the things they would like to see get done. Members of the council will come from the various high schools. A decision was taken to have seven seats taken by the Lycee, College Morne Accords will have four seats, Souliga College, four seats, French Quarter College four seats and one seat will come from the private schools. The other three members will be from students who are no longer in the school system.

Another goal and objective for the junior council is for the youths on St. Martin to be represented overseas, something that never happened in the past Gumbs said.

Those two commissions are communication and environment. For communication the junior council members would have the opportunity to produce radio and television talk shows. While they would have to work on projects related to environment.

The idea is for the youths of St. Martin to take up their role in the Collectivity in a positive way said fourth vice president Louis Jeffry. This would give them the opportunity to see how government functions since there are a number of procedures that has to be followed. Hopefully with the Junior Council we would also get a new breed of politicians said the fourth VP who is responsible for communications.

"The people need to leave the gendarmes alone to do their work they need to understand that the gendarmes only have two hands and one head. We also have our wives and children whom we need to be with" those were the words of one particular gendarme who was at the French Quarter outpost Saturday night. He made clear he began working at 12 noon and he did not see his wife and children since. The gendarme who was obviously angry said that the people of St. Martin need to forget the Dutch and American systems because they French is not the same. He further said that St. Martiner's need to know the French laws which are what he has to execute.

Philipsburg:- A well known vagrant who is known for selling copper for his living. The man was found dead in one of the GEBE transformer houses on Walter Nisbeth Road. Police said they were called on Saturday around 7:30am to the Yellow Building after someone found the man corpse in the transformer house. The report was made by one of GEBE personnel who went to the location to check on the transformer.

On the scene the patrol and detectives found a severely charred and carbonized body of a man who at first instance was not recognizable. Family members of the victim identify the man as Romero Rogers born on the island of Aruba and are 43 years old.

It is not clear why the victim went into this transformer house where he was electrocuted by approximately 12.000 Volts..

According to some witnesses in the area, that around 03.00 a.m. they heard a strange noise, possibly an explosion, coming from the direction of the "Yellow Building" and saw smoke coming out of the transformer house. Several attempts were made to contact personnel or the power plant of G.E.B.E., but to no avail. The police department was then contact, who sent a patrol to the power plant to inform them of the situation. It was later in the morning however, that some one went to the spot to carry-out an inspection which led to the discovery.

jchiPhilipsburg: --- The Special Armed Robbery Team of the Police Force on St. Maarten managed to apprehend at least four suspects who were allegedly were involved in armed robbery at the Yuppie Gas Station on Sucker Garden Road. The armed robbery took place on Wednesday evening reported Police Spokesman Johan Janchi Leonard.
Leonard said police managed to apprehend three of the suspects on Wednesday evening two of which are Jamaican nationals while the other one is from St. Vincent. He said the bandits had used a vehicle belonging to a gypsy driver who told police that the day before he was held up at gun point by the bandits who drove away with his car. The said car was used in the robbery committed at Yuppie Service Station.

Philipsburg:--- Two culprits described only as dark skinned managed to evade police on Saturday evening when they broke into Sound N' Custom Style. A press release from the police department states that around 4am in the morning they responded to call after learning that unknown persons were breaking into the business place which is located on Welgelegen Road in Cay Hill. On arrival there police noticed two unknown men running out of the establishment. They fired a warning shot in the hope of stopping the two men but due the darkness the men managed to evade police. An official complaint was filed by the owners while police is busy investigating.

There are 100 gendarmes on the French side of the island. No more no less and these men are spread over the island in different departments including administration. At least 40 of them who are less experience are placed in the first response team. The second response which deals with severe cases has 36 men, three for delinquents, and the others are in the administrative sections of the gendarmerie. There is nowhere St. Martin can get more gendarmes because this the amount allotted based on the size of the population.

commissioner_maria_buncamper-molanusPhilipsburg- Commissioner Maria Buncamper-Molanus is joining local stakeholders and the global community in observance of World Mental Health. The theme is “Making Mental Health a Global Priority – Scaling up Services through Citizens’ Advocacy and Action.”

More than 75 per cent of people suffering from mental disorders in the developing world receive no treatment or care.  One can measure the costs to individuals, families, societies, and economies, and the costs of mental disorders, which tend to have an early onset and are chronically disabling, are enormous.


Philipsburg:--- Police on the Dutch side of the island has arrested the wanted Jamaican who is involved in several armed robberies on both sides of the island. The wanted fugitive was captured Saturday morning after police released his photograph which was published in all newspapers and websites on Saturday morning. The police press release stated that the suspect is known as Kevin Oniel Carter of Jamaica.

Kevin CARTER is suspected as being the leader of a group of foreign persons who have been involved in numerous violent armed robberies that have plagued the island of St Maarten recently. Kevin CARTER has been classified as "Armed and Very Dangerous" and would stop at nothing to use violence against anyone, to achieve his goal.

A picture of the suspect and a reward of NAF 3000,- was posted for any one who could provide vital information that could lead to the arrest of the suspect.
Police said they were overwhelmed with the phone calls they receive from several persons in the community who were giving information on the whereabouts of KEVIN CARTER. After confirming the information police mobilized their Arrest Team who made the arrest in Cay Hill behind the 1 2 3 4 and more store. Police said Carter did put up some resistance but he was quickly overpowered by members of the Arrest Team.

Carter is now in custody pending further investigation. Carter already admitted to being involved in the hold up of the French Quarter Post Office.

The police department would like to thank all the persons who have called in and give information that lead to the arrest of Kevin CARTER. "Due to the forwarding of this information, it was possible for the police to swiftly arrest and removes this dangerous culprit from the streets of St Maarten." A press release from the department states.

There are various other persons or groups of persons that are still busy with their criminal acts and the police department is once again making an appeal to the general public to call in to the police department and give any type of information that can help them make the island a safer place.

The residents of French Quarter wants Louis Constant Fleming to know that he is not in the senate for his good looks or his monies, instead he is there to make sure the existing laws are amended or make new laws.

Fleming said that he will make sure St. Martin get what it needed. Right now the island needs better security and there needs to be some control on the youth delinquencies.

Already there is an economic crisis and further killing the economy of the island is not the way to go. Fleming and his UPP group who are elected needs to approach the State Representatives to make sure the gendarmes do what is necessary to save what is left of St. Martin after all you said you cared for your island.

the-dinamic-twisMarigot: ---The Board of the Tourist of Office voted a motion of non confidence because of the lack of trust against Yann Claeysen two Monday ago. The marshal was called in to deliver the letter to Claeysen as well as getting him off the property. Claeysen had to hand over all keys of the property prior to leaving.

According to a well place source the board had to take a decision because they said the director has committed some sort of embezzlement since some $700,000 is missing. They said that the Director can be considered a racist since he has completely refused to work with the island Dutch counterpart. Claeysen is also accused of dividing the employees who has worked in the tourism sector for years.

SMN News has been reliably informed that when the motion was presented second vice president Daniel Gibbs walked out of the meeting an angry man. "You can say Daniel voted against Claeysen because he did not stay for the vote" one source said. SMN News understands that the UPP members only now realized that Gibbs and Claeysen are personal friend's years prior to him being hired. They said that Claeysen was Gibbs best man in his wedding and when confronted by the UPP he denied knowing Claeysen. Other sources say that the two men wives are related but that could not be confirmed. The source said that Gibbs and Claeysen are school mates and they remained friends throughout their adult lives "For this reason no one could have convinced Gibbs he was making the wrong decision when he was hiring Claeysen. Secondly Gibbs did not make sure the man could handle the job. His mission was to hire his white friend". One
source claimed.

"The former President of the UPP Louis Constant Fleming on numerous occasions warned Gibbs about hiring Claeysen, Fleming told him that he did not follow the law when it came to the recruitment of Claeysen and he Gibbs should have looked for someone locally and if he could not find someone here then take an older person from outside who could have trained a local. None of the advice the former president and party leader given to Gibbs was accepted since the two men have what is described as a strange relationship".

Leader of the Union Pour le Progres and St. Martin's first senator Louis Constant Fleming returned to the island to deal with the matter since the Director has filed an official complaint against the President of the Tourist Office Ida Zin- Ka-Ieu, he has also threatened to take the Collectivity and or tourist board to court.

Sources say the director has made up a file against Zin- Ka-Ieu and vice versa. One of the complaints are that the director Yann Claeysen is not happy with the decision taken by the Territorial Council to have the Tourist Office under the EPIC since they have to open their books and be transparent with their spending to the council.

Prior to the COM decision which was taken last year the Tourist Office was managed under an Association who did not have to give the commune neither COM any accountability despite it was public funding that was managing the Tourist Office.

"Due to the fact that the Tourist Office was under and Association, several persons who worked their in the past managed to enrich themselves rather than spending monies on proper marketing for the French side of the island. There were people who were paying for phones for their wives and children from the Tourist Office monies while others were buying plane tickets for their entire family to go on vacation". The COM had ordered an audit be done at the Tourist Office but to date the outcome of that audit was not made public.

SMN News was informed that the second vice president is also not happy since he was the President of the Tourist Office for nearly one year. According to well placed sources Gibbs traveled on numerous occasions on the Tourist Office budget and each time first class. "That man eats up over $100,000 in his travelling expenses alone. They said that Gibbs decided not to continue the joint marketing in the United States because he wanted to make sure he had enough monies for his leisure trips. Most of travelling they said was when Gibbs was making the necessary arrangements for Claeysen to come to St. Martin.

In an invited comment President of the Collectivity of St. Martin Frantz Gumbs confirmed that the board of the Tourist Office voted a motion of non confidence against Yann Claeysen. He said rest of the procedures remains in the hands of the President of that sector Ida Zin -Ka Ieu. Gumbs said that the Director of the establishment also has the right to fully defend himself. "The director personally informed me that he was going to file a complaint as such I am not able to further divulge information to the press since the matter has become a judicial one." One of things that have to be considered is that if the head of a department and the person that has political leadership is not getting along then the two must part ways. Gumbs explained.




French Quarter: --- Residents of French Quarter on Saturday evening held one of three suspects whom they believed are involved in the many armed robberies which were committed over the past week. The victim and suspect were caught in Rue St. Georges by relatives of a victim of a recent house break in. The residents said they have had enough and the once peaceful area is now one of the worst areas of the French side due to youth delinquencies. The youth who was beaten by the group of angry residents was taken to the Louis Constant Fleming Hospital by the Fire Department for treatment. Despite several calls to the Gendarmerie they did not show up at the scene in French Quarter or the hospital when the 17-year old youth was taken.

He was released to the gendarmes less than an hour after his ordeal. The gendarmes also released the young man that same night claiming that they do not have proof that he is in fact a suspect of any type. They said that despite wanting to solve crimes they are not able to detain anyone based on suspicions and what people say instead they need solid proof. An example is a victim of any armed hold up has to be able to identify their attacker even if they were masked.

The Director of SMN News was called to the French Quarter outpost about 10pm Saturday night to identify the suspect in custody. They said if the victim could not identify the young man in question they are not able to keep him custody. What is not clear is how could a man who was held at gunpoint on his floor identify the gunmen who were masked? Does the gendarme conduct interrogation or not? They said the person they had in custody was a 17 year old and that is a minor, what happened to the parents of this 17 year old? Were they questioned at all?

"We know how to get justice and surely we will get those responsible for breaking into the homes in French Quarter. We are going to start doing the job of the gendarmes if they are short of staff or afraid to do the work they are paid to do." One group of residents told this reporter.

On Friday evening two armed bandits entered the home of a sales clerk and demanded monies and his cellular phone. The two attackers who were not content with what they got on Friday returned to the home on Saturday and emptied it, leaving the bed alone inside the house.

That same weekend Home & Tools in Marigot was also robbed at gunpoint, further in the week Cadisco gas station was robbed.

Based on information reaching SMN News there were at least six robberies in French Quarter this past week and so far no one has been arrested for the crimes committed.

The home of SMN News was held up at gunpoint on Sunday last week. This was the fifth time SMN News has been plagued by robbers. Each time they stripped us of electronics and other personal items. On Sunday the bandits stole several documents and other items. The gendarmes were called but as usual they arrived late at the scene giving the armed robbers enough time to escape. We were told that since there is not enough gendarmes to man the all the stations on the French side it was necessary for them to join at least two of the outpost. Those are Marigot and French Quarter. The commandant of the gendarmerie said that the two outposts work in turns. On Sunday last week when we called the gendarmes they said the reason they arrived late was because they had to travel from Marigot.

Due to the fact that we have filed several complaints with the gendarmes concerning these break ins and so far in our eyes nothing has been to put those responsible behind bars we strongly believe that the Gendarmes needs revise their plan to make sure they can provide safety and security.

The fact that there are people in the communities who have lost confidence in the gendarmes is enough reason for them to restructure themselves and work with the people if they are to successfully fight crime.

While the Dutch side is being accused for the excess crime and the guns that are in the hands of criminals there is nowhere on the Dutch side one can walk in a shop and buy a gun without a license. While there is a need for both sides of the island to put their forces together to curb crime this of course is not the time to blame each other. Secondly the gendarmes have to mobilize themselves better and work with the people

"There is a barrier between the people and the Gendarmes and that has to be broken somehow if the crime rate is to drop. Even though the gendarmes individually is not at fault since they seems to be doing the best they can something is desperately wrong with their system which is not to the people's benefit.

Stolen Items Sold on Dutch side-says gendarme

According to one of the gendarmes who are investigating the armed robberies on the French side said that based on the information given to them by suspects they arrested and are now serving prison time in Guadeloupe said that all stolen electronics stolen from the French side is sold in Cole Bay and an electronic store located on Front Street. The gendarme did not say if this information was given to his Dutch counterpart but when this media house contacted the Dutch authorities they are amazed and wanted to know how come they never got this information so that they can investigate.

If there is cooperation that existed and these men in blue are fighting crime jointly one would believe that all necessary information would be shared. On Friday the police on the Dutch side released a photo of Jamaican National who is wanted for several armed robberies and his photograph was published in Saturday's paper, by noon that same day the Dutch Police managed to capture their man. This goes to show that if law enforcement involves the community in fighting crimes much can be achieved.

Views of the Gendarmes-Wants to be left alone

"The people need to leave the gendarmes alone to do their work they need to understand that the gendarmes only have two hands and one head. We also have our wives and children whom we need to be with" those were the words of one particular gendarme who was at the French Quarter outpost Saturday night. He made clear he began working at 12 noon and he did not see his wife and children since. The gendarme who was obviously angry said that the people of St. Martin need to forget the Dutch and American systems because they French is not the same. He further said that St. Martiner's need to know the French laws which are what he has to execute. The gendarme in question was obviously angry at his own system and instead of expressing his feelings to his colleagues he did to victims who are at the mercies of the gendarmes. "Leave the gendarmes work" is what he said on numerous occasions.

The other surprise for this reporter is when we were told that the local people ought to expect what is happening today. In the beginning the tourist were the ones who were attacked and now since there is no more tourists the attackers will prey on the locals.

Under Staffed --- Enough human Resources based on Statistics

There are 100 gendarmes on the French side of the island. No more no less and these men are spread over the island in different departments including administration. At least 40 of them who are less experience are placed in the first response team. The second response which deals with severe cases has 36 men, three for delinquents, and the others are in the administrative sections of the gendarmerie. There is nowhere St. Martin can get more gendarmes because this the amount allotted based on the size of the population.

Another harsh reality is that because of the amount of men there is nowhere all the outpost can remain open to the public 24/7. To utilize the men on duty the patrols have to take turns in their locations. Surprising there are only two patrols on duty. They expect to add an additional patrol come November 1 2008 due to Christmas season.

The reality of the system is that it is obvious the gendarmes are short staffed and there is not much they can do based on the laws they have to abide by. The gendarmes are not POLICE they are MILITARY MEN, who are not fit for St. Martin. The island needs to have Police Nationale who has more power and grip on crime.

Job of Senator--- Message for Louis Constant Fleming

The residents of French Quarter wants Louis Constant Fleming to know that he is not in the senate for his good looks or his monies, instead he is there to make sure the existing laws are amended or make new laws.

Fleming said that he will make sure St. Martin get what it needed. Right now the island needs better security and there needs to be some control on the youth delinquencies.

Already there is an economic crisis and further killing the economy of the island is not the way to go. Fleming and his UPP group who are elected needs to approach the State Representatives to make sure the gendarmes do what is necessary to save what is left of St. Martin after all you said you cared for your island.