GEBE SMS Keeping You Current.

Philipsburg:--- GEBE is introducing GEBE SMS text message notices to alert you of any scheduled maintenance, outage alerts or hurricane updates that may affect your electricity or water supply. The formal launch is planned for Friday, June 10th at GEBE's St. Maarten offices, but customers can already start using the free service to keep up to date on electricity and water information specifically for their area.
Customers will only receive SMS alerts for the area connected to their contract account. "We are very careful about not spamming our customers with unnecessary information. GEBE will send targeted messages for customers based on their contract accounts so they will know if their area will be going out and more importantly, when it is coming back on", said Managing Director William Brooks.
To sign up for GEBE SMS, text "your contract account number <space> ON" to GEBE (4323). To unsubscribe at any time, text " your contract account number <space> OFF" to GEBE (4323). Customers with multiple accounts or interests can sign up for more than one area. To register for multiple accounts, text each contract account individually.
The GEBE SMS alerts are free. Customers will not be charged for any SMS notices that they receive. Only registration or unsubscribe texts sent by the customer will be billed according to the customer's mobile service provider. The GEBE SMS is currently limited to TELCell and UTS mobile providers.