Be the Change opens call for Project of the month mini-grants.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Local non-profit organization Be The Change Foundation has opened its annual call for organizations to apply to its Mini-Grant Program, through which the organization makes monthly grants available for specific projects through its crowdfunding donation structure.

Organizations registered on St. Maarten/Martin have the opportunity to apply for funding which Be The Change raises during a specific month of the year via its members who donate as little as one-dollar a month. The premise of the program is to engage people, both residents and tourists alike, to make a positive difference in St. Maarten’s communities. At the same time, the organization promotes awareness of the organization to its supporters who reside all around the world.

Since its inception in 2013, Be The Change Foundation, run by dedicated volunteers, has raised close to US $60,000 for its spotlight project and scholarship recipients.

Grants generally range from $500 to $2,000 depending how much is raised through member donations. Despite it being relatively small amounts compared to regional or international funders, they can still make a big difference for a lot of the grassroots non-profits doing genuine, selfless work on St. Maarten.

Interested applicants must meet the requirements and criteria stipulated by the organization and apply before December 27, 2019 via the Be The Change website: For more information, applicants can contact the organization via or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.