Imbali all set for summer of folklore and fun.

imbalisummercamp02072012PHILIPSBURG:--- Imbali Center for Creative Movement is all set to launch its fifth annual Visual and Performing Arts Summer Camp at the John Larmonie Center on Monday, July 2.
Clara Reyes, founder and director of Imbali, said that this year's program will run for some 3 weeks and will culminate with a student showcase on Friday, July 20. Reyes also said that this year's summer program will focus on the visual and performing arts as a vehicle to celebrate St. Maarten traditional culture.
"This year we are going to use the St. Maarten traditional culture as an entry point into the arts and we hope this experience will dispel the myth that this island has no culture. I can attest to the fact that St. Maarten has a dynamic and vivid culture and at Imbali Summer Camp 2012 our children will gain firsthand experience of this vibrancy," Reyes said.
Reyes explained that her camp was an 8am to 5pm fully interactive experience.
"I don't do anything with children just to give them something to do to occupy their time. No, for me every activity that children engage in must be beneficial to them in some way; must teach them something about themselves. In this vein I have developed an extensive schedule of edutainment activities; these are activities which are not just for their entertainment, but are also educational," Reyes said.
Reyes said that these activities include walking tours of both of the island's capitals (Philipsburg and Marigot) to explore St. Maarten architecture, model building based on pictures of old St. Maarten/St. Martin houses, master music classes illustrating the use of old time instruments, lectures and art classes at the Silk Cotton Art Gallery, master dance classes in the ponum, waltz and other old time social dance forms, poetry, folk stories, arts and craft, capoeira, voice, creation of carnival costumes, and much more.
"So many of our elders are willing to share their knowledge, if only they are approached and that is exactly what I went out to do; ask them to share with our children their stories and knowledge of St. Maarten. So far I haven't been turned down once. From Ruby Bute, to Alberto Brooks (carnival costume creating), to Jocelyn Arnell (traditional story time and games) to George Violenus of Tanny and the Boys, to Evelyn Roberts (granddaughter of Mr. Abraham Barry and Ms. Alice Barry, who were a famous Ponum dancing couple back in the day) and many others the Imbali summer program is chocked full older heads and up and coming artists and art lovers, including: Clifford Henry, Nathalie Peterson, Lena Browne and others," Reyes said.
Reyes said that there would even be a special workshop hosted by Isidore "Mighty Dow" York and his father Chester York; both of whom are noted throughout the region for their mastery of the steel pan.
Reyes said that parents who wished to enrol their children in the 2012 Imbali summer program should stop by the John Larmonie Center on Long Wall Road to inquire about rates and registration fees. Parents can also contact her at 554-9364/526-3891/554-6162 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for additional information.
"Basically parents who enrol their children in our program are responsible for dropping them off and picking them up on time. Parents are responsible for their children's midday meal (which can be warmed up in our microwave), and parents are also in charge of preparing all snacks and drinks that their children will need throughout the day. The rest is left to us and we promise this year will be one for the record books. When parents come to the annual end of camp showcase they will be in awe of the traditional knowledge their children will be able to demonstrate to them," Reyes said.
Reyes said the camp is open to all children ages three and up.