Supermarkets to reopen by Thursday, specific shopping guidelines to be implemented.

silly07032020PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs announced on Monday evening that a Ministerial Decree is being prepared to allow supermarkets to reopen as of Thursday, April 16th.
Jacobs said that when the supermarkets reopen their doors there will be specific guidelines as to how residents will be allowed to shop. She said persons will not be allowed to go out to linger or to visit friends and families as the shutdown is needed to flatten the curve on the spread of COVID-19. Jacobs said those going to shop should wear their masks and other protective gear, some of which can be made at home.
Jacobs called on the residents to exercise patience as the delivery services are improving and that the needy will be getting the much-needed food items from CPS within the coming days. She begged the residents to give her at least two more days even though the lockdown was supposed to end by April 19th. 
Jacobs made clear that she is not trying to discriminate against anyone but in fact trying to help everyone. She said she envisioned reopening essential services as of June 2020.
The Prime Minister said that 480 test kits arrived on the island and that testing in hotspots started, she felt that with these test kits government will be able to catch those infected in certain areas.
She felt that very soon St. Maarten will reach its peak period, and that the shutdown was the only thing left to be done, which St. Maarten did. Jacobs spent a lot of time urging residents to exercise patience and to believe in their country that will rise again. She said this shows that St. Maarten is strong and indeed resilient.
She felt with the lockdown and patience St. Maarten could conquer this pandemic and will return to normalcy sooner rather than later.
She urged the residents to be more caring by sharing with each other. Those persons who could call the supermarkets and place orders should do so and allow CPS to deal with those in need.