Road closures in connection with Grand Parade and Labor Day Parade.

PHILIPSBURG:--- In connection with the 2019 Grand Carnival Parade scheduled to be held on Tuesday, April 30th, 2019 and the Labor Day Parade scheduled to be held on May 1st, 2019 to Police Department is making the following announcement.

On Tuesday, April 30th and Wednesday, May 1st 2019 Front Street will be closed at Longwall road- Little bay road from 06.00 a.m. until the passing of the parades. All streets and alleys leading from Back Street into Front Street will also be closed. All residents living on Front Street and businesses owners are cautioned not to park on Front Street during this time. Guesthouse and hotel operators should inform their guests to look for alternative parking during this period. If their guests have to catch a flight they should advise them to leave early to avoid any delays or any other inconvenience. Vehicles parked on Front Street during this period will be towed at the expense of the owner or driver.

On Tuesday, April 30th the Grand Parade consisting of 17 troops starts at the Jose Lake Senior Ballpark on L.B. Scot road at 10.00 AM sharp. The troop's will line-up on the L.B. Scot road. Both bridges leading into Saunders from L.B. Scot road will be closed at Flamboyant road and Arbutus road to all motor vehicle traffic as of 08.00 AM. Drivers going into and out of Betty Estate, Ebenezer, Sint Peters, and Reward areas should take keen note of this information and take alternative routes to get to and from their destination. Once the parade starts it will head towards Church hill roundabout and make a left run onto Bush road- Prins Bernard Brug- Walter Nisbet road- Hensey Boujon street- Longwall road- Kerkhof Straat-Front Street- Emma plein- Welvaart Brug- Buncamper road- Freedom Fighter round about- Walter Nisbet road- Salt Picker round about- Soualiga Boulevard and end in front of the Festival Village.

On Wednesday, May 1st, the Labor Day Parade will start at 01.00 P.M. sharp at Salt Pickers roundabout onto Walter Nisbet road- Hensey Boujon Street- Longwall road- Kerkhof Straat-Front Street- Emma plein- Welvaart Brug- Buncamper road- Freedom Fighter round about- Walter Nisbet road- Salt Picker round about- Soualiga Boulevard and end in front of the Festival Village. All streets and alleys will reopen once the parade has passed on both days.

The community is advised to take all necessary measures to protect themselves and their property. Take the carnival safety tips into account and remember the transaction list will be implemented for any misconduct. (Visit our Facebook Page for more information)

KPSM Press Release.