Info-media Foundation presented Law books to Prime Minister.

lawbookspresentation1204201PHILIPSBURG:--- Keith Franca on behalf of Info Media Foundation presented five English translation law books to Prime Minister William Marlin on Wednesday. Franca told members of the media that the project was initiated by former Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs, while Ennia Insurances financed the project, and House of Nehesi published the five-volume books.
Franca said the legal affairs department of government also assisted with reviewing the translated laws prior to the printing.
The laws that were translated are the 38 Organic Laws. Prime Minister Marlin thanked those that initiated the project and also reminded that the first sets of laws that were translated are the Civil Code done by now Minister of Finance Richard Gibson Sr. He said since then no other laws were translated and it's, therefore, grateful that someone else picked up on it. The books can be obtained at Van Dorp bookstores on the island for a cost of $55.00 for all five volumes Franca said.