10 year old allegedly found tied up by the Zoo, police Spokesman Thightlipped (UPDATED)

PHILIPSBURG:--- Information reaching SMN News states that a 10-year-old child was found tied up in the vicinity of the Zoo in Madame Estate.
SMN News contacted Police Spokesman Ricardo Henson to confirm if the information provided to SMN News is accurate. Henson did not deny the incident but said that the media would have to wait until he sends out a press release which he said is being reviewed.
Primary school girl went missing last night but found alive in the early morning hours.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Hereby the Police Force of Sint Maarten would like to inform the community pertaining the investigation of the young girl that was found.
Last night, October the 25th 2016 , at approximately 2:30 am a minor child, who is attending a primary school on the Dutch side of Sint Maarten, was reported missing at the police station by family members. Various patrols (also unmarked) were sent out immediately to search for the girl. Nevertheless, their efforts did not lead to a positive result.
Early Wednesday morning October 26th around 8 am, the Dispatch Center received a call that the girl was found alive in the area of Madame estate/Sucker Garden and fortunately, she did not show any injuries and she is doing well.
At this time there are not much details available. The juvenile department is conducting an investigation, the Public Prosecutors office has been notified and as soon as more details will come available the public will be informed by the media.

KPSM Press Release