Mental Health Foundation Presentation

cwsd21102016PHILIPSBURG:---The Mental Health Foundation received a welcome addition to its library from the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Mid-Isle: seven books were donated; they were either written or published by American personal finance guru and motivational speaker Dave Ramsey. Rotary International celebrates October 2016 as its ‘Economic and Community Development’ month. The donated books have helped millions of people to get control of their finances and improve their lives, their family and work relationships. Rotarian Aernout Kraaijeveld explained: “The wisdom in these books motivated me to get my own finances in order, made me a better and happier person, and improved my relationships with pretty much everyone I know. They are very well written, you will be able to read through them in a couple of hours, but the knowledge will stay with you forever if you’re open to it’. Our Rotary Club wanted to share this knowledge with the staff and clients of the Mental Health Foundation and help them improve their lives.”