Taking Control Through Budgeting Program” delivers 1st edition Recipe Compilation by grass root icons

presentationvsa01092016Great Bay:---The Honourable Minster of Public Health Social Development & Labour, Emil Lee congratulates Participants, Facilitators and the Department of Community Development, Family & Humanitarian Affairs for reaching another milestone with the ‘Taking Control Through Budgeting Program’.
The program introduced its 1st edition of the Recipe Book ‘Taste of the Home Healthy Bliss’, a compilation of low cost and nutritional recipes used during the live Cooking Demonstration Workshops, ranging from vegetarian dishes, traditional meals with a twist and outdoor cooking on rocks, delivered by three local icons, Mrs. Sabine Flanders, Ms. Rita Pantophlet and “Bushman’s Ital Shack”.
The Budgeting Program ran from May 12 - August 26, 2016 and this year marking the 3rd installment of the Taking Control Through Budgeting Program. The program is a direct result of neighborhood assessments i.e. household surveys and focus group discussions that took place in the community. The main objective of the Budgeting Program is to deliver empowerment tools that can assist participants in improving their knowledge to effectively manage their personal finances and learn additional and valuable life skills that can be easily applied in their daily lives. The free budgeting program consisted of 12 practical and interactive workshops, a.o. Principals of Budgeting, Tax Administration, Savings & Insurance, strategic Shopping & Alliance, Nutrition on a Budget and Knowing your Self Worth.
The learning activities consisted of presentations, workshops and individual assignments. A total of 17 persons (out of 22) successfully completed the program and received a certificate. Results deriving out of the program evaluation, participants rated the ability and politeness of instructors as “perfect” and the overall program was rated as “excellent” and “was worth the stay”. The identified spokespersons for the participants, Ms. Helen Griffith and Ms. Delvina Milton, during the award ceremony on August 26th, also encouraged the Department to "keep up the good work" as these types of sessions are much needed opportunities within our communities.
In line with the above, Department Head Ms. Aida Holaman, iterated that approximately 70 % of this year’s participants are young adolescents starting as young as 16 years.
This encourages the department to continue to support this target group and work with those who are desires to move to another social level, as there is room for all to be counted as contributing citizens.
Although “money is not everything” the absence thereof presents acute problems to persons with limited financial means.
Mindful of such a disturbing and unwanted situation the Department of Community Development, Family & Humanitarian Affairs continues to implement their social empowerment programs as a tool to support its clients and participating community members with valuable life skills to take control of their finances and other areas of their life.
Minister Lee expresses his deep and abiding appreciation to the strategic partners for their continued support which added value to the program.