Controlling the SMN News will not work Rene Gartner.

Inform your bosses of the Skpye call you made to SMN News to go easy on you.

PHILIPSBURG:-- SMN News is obliged to inform the Chief Financial Officer of GEBE Rene Gartner that he or no one else could control SMN News. This news site will inform the populace of the corruption and or deals that are being made at the government owned companies or elsewhere at all cost. “Mr. Gartner when you call the EXTRA in Curacao and tried to degrade SMN News did you tell them that you called the owner of SMN News from your “buddy’s” office through Skype asking that we go easy on you even though you purchased an expensive car without the permission from the shareholder representative? Did you tell them that you are the one that signed the first check and took it to the owner of St. Maarten Service Provider Alfred Harley while Maduro took the fall for it? Furthermore, when you demanded a rectification from the extra because you want to know how internal information are leaked then SMN News team must inform you that is the role of the media, next SMN News will show your competency in the banking industry and why you are no longer working for the bank and how good you are managing GEBE. Mr. Rene Gartner you just opened a Pandora box on yourself and we certainly hope you will be able to take the heat from this blog site. The question we have for you regarding the stolen copper that you feel must be covered up is what is it you want hidden in this affair and why?