Toastmasters Achieving Greatness.

toastmastersvp03082015PHILIPSBURG:---The Disciples Toastmasters club has much to celebrate. Two of it's members, VPE Sharon Layne and TM Alicia Seaton just recently completed their Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB) distinction. These two Toastmasters have been working arduously to complete ten presentations from various advance manuals. When TM Alicia was asked what Toastmasters has done for her? She replied with much enthusiasm " She is no longer afraid to speak in public, she can express herself and she has gotten the opportunity to meet various individuals. Each educational meeting is unique." Her next move is to achieve her Advance Communicator Silver (ACS). VPE Sharon Layne is currently getting ready to leave for Las Vegas, Nevada to represent District 81 at The World Championship of Public Speaking. She is enthusiastically working towards attaining her first Triple Crown (three distinctions in a term).
The Disciples Toastmasters Club is ecstatic about these members achievements and wish them nothing but the best in their future endeavors. We believe in "Empowering the Greatness in each Member"

The Disciples Toastmasters Club meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 5:00 - 6:30 PM at The St. Maarten Academy Academic School, Cupper Drive 2, L.B Scott Rd, St. Peters for more information about the club, please visit, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or cel: 721 553-6622