Follow up political statement Minister Cornelius De Weever.

cdeweever07092014PHILIPSBURG:--- During many pre- and post campaigns I have met disgruntled candidates, voters and supporters from all parties which created a deep empathy in me for those who felt abandoned and/or mistreated. I observed the process and talked to the leadership, usually by phrasing my thoughts into questions, talked about how things should be and tried to implement small improvements but the overall environment was still unwelcoming to any major change. In order to effectuate change we need to focus on the process and get away from blaming individuals. We need to work in an environment where leaders (and their self-serving special interest individuals) do not yell, scream, shout or intimidate, where candidates do not need to "check their brains at the door," and are actually listened to.

St. Maarten is a small place and we are all interconnected. Today or tomorrow we still have to live amongst each other and continue to work.
I have tried during my tenure and during all three coalitions not to get personal or political with anyone - I maintained my level of being a professional in order for us to build country St. Maarten without tearing down or exposing individuals.
We, as a people, need to stop the old blaming and finger-pointing and get everyone involved to see better results. It is not always easy, but anything worthwhile has to be a bit of a challenge.The challenge is leadership and it is not that the leaders are bad people - it was the system (and those who influence it) they were taught and the expectations they were given.

We cannot bandage the process anymore instead of stopping and taking our time to fix it so it would not occur again. In order for this to work, we all have to work together, put the egos aside, be willing to admit what we know and what we do not know, figuring out how to combine our knowledge in a way that works. This is what St. Maarten needs at this moment.