Ambulance Department participates in disaster management training course.

ambulancedeptdisastermanagementtrainingcourse16092014GREAT BAY:--- In an effort to enhance the knowledge and skills in disaster management in general and specific as it relates to command and control; safety; communication; assessment; triage; treatment and transport the Ambulance Department recently concluded an operational training in disaster management.
"We must stay proactive and keep training, disasters can happen at any moment and we must be prepared and cannot afford to be complacent," said Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever.
The Ambulance Department plays a key role in the disaster management structure of Emergency Support Function 6 (ESF 6) for Medical Relief & Public Health and therefore this operational training will be able to equip the emergency workers with the skills in the execution of their task in emergency response activities in the event of any possible disasters.
This disaster training is in keeping with the Minister of Public Health of putting people first by enabling all members of the Ambulance Department the opportunity to get better acquainted with disaster management in general and with the needed techniques and skills to be able to execute their jobs even in a disaster situation in a professional manner.

This specialized training was done in cooperation with Adphidius from the Netherlands in collaboration with Regional Ambulance Institute & Disaster Management Organization of Brabant Middle-West-Nord Holland. This specialized training was made possible with funding from USONA in collaboration with University of St. Martin.