Candidate #11 on the National Alliance slate says "Thank You".

cedricpeterson16072014Candidate #11 on the National Alliance slate, Mr. Cedric Peterson would like to take this opportunity to express his sincerest gratitude to the people of St. Maarten. A statement from the first-time political candidate reads:
"I am truly grateful to my family, friends and supporters for their generous contributions of time, energy, money and effort to my campaign during the recent Parliamentary elections.
The people of St. Maarten can be very proud of the manner in which our elections were conducted last Friday and the 14,882 persons, who exercised their democratic right to determine the future of our nation, should be particularly proud of themselves.
To the leader of the National Alliance, the board and my fellow candidates on the slate, I also extend my sincerest appreciation for your guidance, words of encouragement and support throughout this journey.
To my mother and grandmother, my greatest inspirations and the rocks from which I derive my strength, my father, my children and members of my extended family both Dutch and French side, your unwavering support and belief in me is immeasurably appreciated.
I would like to thank the 4,022 citizens who voted for the National Alliance and I especially want to take this opportunity to thank the 152 people who placed their trust in me by honouring me with your vote. I am deeply moved by this expression of confidence.
It is my belief that an effective legislator must listen to his constituents and translate their concerns into workable solutions. This was an integral part of my campaign strategy. To all those who took the time from your schedules to have a conversation with me and share your ideas, concerns and hopes for our beautiful island, your willingness to engage in these discussions with me, provided me with valuable information and I am honoured to have met and interacted with you all.
My commitment to you, the people of St. Maarten, is one of service and as I continue to forge a new path to make a difference and give back to the island that has given me so much, I will continue to place my trust in you, the people of this great nation, to guide my steps forward.
Again, I say a heartfelt Thank You to everyone who supported me in one way or another.

Press Release from Cedric Peterson