A conversation with the people!

ospplogo22062014COLE BAY:--- The OSPP believes strongly that the people must have a say in determining the direction that this country is going. We don't believe in the politicians talking down to the people during those public meetings and not giving the people the opportunity to question their party programs or to even make suggestions.
It is on this back drop that the OSPP is inviting the residents of Cole Bay, Cay Bay, Well Road and the surrounding areas to their first town hall meeting on Thursday, July 31, 2014. It will be held at the Salvation Army Hall on Union Road #59, Cole Bay from 7:00pm until 10:00pm. Just follow the purple balloons straight to the town hall meeting.
The OSPP also wants to thank those persons who have purchased our t-shirts in the past in support of the party knowing that we have not and will not accept financial contributions from third parties, but realizing also that it takes money to run a campaign. Once in office we don't want to feel accountable to no one else but the people and certainly not to any special interest group or groups. Everything we have done thus far is based on sharing the cost amongst the candidates. We want to encourage our supporters, well-wishers and friends to continue to purchase our shirts as a support to the party. During this town hall meeting and all other meetings thereafter we will have our hats and shirts on sale.
We are inviting the residents to come and hear about the OSPP vision plan to rescue St. Maarten. How we are planning to reduce the cost of living; increase employment opportunities for our people; make St. Maarten a better place to live and to tackle the abuse of the short term contracts and much, much more. St. Maarten, let's get serious.

OSPP Press Release