Positive Foundation gives presentation at MLK --- School recognizes need for awareness.

positivefoundationatmlkjrschool11102012Philipsburg:--- The staff of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Primary School invited the Positive Foundation to give a special presentation in recognition of breast cancer awareness month. School manager Stuart Johnson stated, "Our invitation was quickly accepted and we deeply appreciate the factual information provided to the members of our school staff." President of the Positive Foundation, Shelly Alphonso also came with a breast cancer survivor to address the special gathering. Johnson said, "Every Friday for this month has been declared Pink Day at our school and everyone is encouraged to wear something pink." After a DVD presentation, Ms. Alphonso outlined special dates and events for this month of Breast Cancer Awareness. Everyone received handout booklets and other information sheets as well as got the opportunity to ask various questions. "We look forward to continuing fostering a healthy working relationship for the benefit of our students and staff," Johnson concluded.