Take the Marigot Revival plans back to the drawing-board – the Marigot People.

Dear Editor,


Seems like – once more – the role of outside investors in re-creating- and re-designing the very face of our country is becoming evident to many St. Martiners.
In addition – it seems that our St. Martin people are increasingly realizing that they may be left out of the picture....
Case in point – Marigot to be re-shaped, ‘de –St.Martinized’ - under the theme of ‘Revival’
Surprise, surprise...
Our grassroots movement is not one of those now expressing wonderment and surprise and shock...
How come ?
Well, it goes like this.
We did not wait until that reality smack in our faces....
We did not wait to re-act.....
We were pro-active in a timely fashion....
The record speaks for itself.
When many were complaining about the fact that Marigot was becoming a ‘ghost-town’- I called a meeting at my home in Friar’s-Bay for us to find ways to capitalize on that apparent crisis.
Instead of focusing on the ‘ghosts’ - we saw – REAL opportunities for St. Martiners willing to be pro-active, creative and bold...
Present during the meeting I called, were among others; Albert ‘Jesse’ Adams, X Rey, Freddy Richardson, Horace Whit, Jean Maccow, Louis Maccow, Miguel Arrindell, Etienne van Heyningen.....
Topic ?
Let us set up as association to come up with a project on how to revitalize Marigot, making sure to ‘re-brand’ it with our own, native St. Martin image.
After all – it was BECAUSE of the hospitable and friendly charact- and traditions of our native St. Martin people the island was BRANDED the ‘Friendly-island’ which then became a MAGNET for people of every hook and nook of the globe.
My motivation to those present to start taking initiatives at the time was the following.
The best time to invest in Marigot is NOW – when it seems abandoned and no-one seems interested.
I strongly cautioned, that if we waited only to RE-ACT – others would then have the upper hand and it would be much more difficult for us native St. Martiners to get a piece of the ‘Marigot pie’.
During one of those meetings, I shared some creative ideas in terms of us as natives making a proposal to the Collectivity for the overall revitalization plans of Marigot.
Because Mr. Horace Whit showed very strong ‘interest’ in presiding over the association to be set up – I had no problems giving him that opportunity.
And with that – we never saw what Mr. Whit ever achieved towards that goal of preparing a project on how to re-vitalize Marigot to be presented to those relevant authorities.
Below listed are some events with dates for the record.
??????, 2013 Our first meeting. (Must confirm exact date)

October 8, 2014 In email to Mr. Horace Whit by Leopold James, he was reminded ‘not to lose the opportunity to reclaim and revive Marigot’. (Others also received that email)
October 12, 2013 ; Grassroots meeting reminding group of the importance for presenting project to re-vitalize Marigot.
October 17, 2013; Letter sent by Leopold James to Mr. Alain Richardson (Former president COM-St. Martin) pertaining to our willingness- and readiness to participate in planning for the revival of Marigot. (Of course we never got any response)
On December 2, in a meeting with Vice-president Mr. Wendell Cocks, Mr. Albert ‘Jesse’ Adams and Leopold James presented him with a Draft position-paper on the basic concept for our input in the process of re-vitalizing Marigot.
Mr. Cocks promised to get back to us – we are still waiting.
In ending.
A people without a vision is lost.
Reacting based on entitlement only when faced with an imminent situation might not be the best way for people to survive in this our very competitive society and world.
Being pro-active and taking bold, consistent initiative on the other hand might prevent people from been caught ‘flat-footed’, or with their ‘pants down’.
On the other hand, we urge those in charge of this project and of the Collectivity in general NOT to proceed with any planning for Marigot WITHOUT consulting and INVOLVING ALL the St. Martin families, who have historically built Marigot.
Failing to do such is a HUGE risk not worth taking.
There is NO way under the sun, that there can be ANYTHING St. Martin without native, indigenous St. Martiners at the very core......
As far as our St. Martin Grassroots People Movement is concerned – we lend our support to people like Daniella Jeffry, Aline Choisie, Jules Charville and all others who are expressing the sentiments of the majority of the St. Martin people to go back to the drawing board and to make sure that it will be the St. Martiners whose voice will be the one counting most.
At the same time we once more implore on St. Martiners to stop using entitlement to progress.
Progress also requires developing a strong sense of personal responsibility, being pro-active as well as other qualities.
If we do not play our role – should we then blame others for the opportunities and chances they see us neglecting ?

One love,

Leopold James
President St. Martin Grassroots People Movement – the inclusive one.